Does tea contain nicotine?

1 Answer

Answer :

Tea contains absolutely no nicotine but it contains 'Tannin' Which gives it its distinct color .... also it contains caffeine....caffeine is a mood enhancer / alleviator hence it is some times medically suggested to people who feel depressed or pregnant women ... Caffeine increases the metabolic rate .... and heart beat.Strong Tea or Coffee is not advisable for Patients with Heart diseases and High blood pressure.Interestingly, both tannin and caffeine are listed as carcinogens by the IARC, part of the World Health Organisation. Yet there are no health warnings on the packaging of tea and coffee. Both work on the brain chemicals in a similar manner to nicotine. Yet they are not considered as "addictive".Traces of nicotine may be present in some samples of tea, particularly from organic tea

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Last Answer : Ans:(c)

Description : Does coffee contain nicotine?

Last Answer : no. coffee contains another drug called caffeine. caffeine is much less addictive than nicotine and has far fewer negative side affects. Caffeine can cause addictions though. If a person ... symptoms if they suddenly stopped. those symptoms include headaches, nausea, irritability and sluggishness.

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Last Answer : Tea leaves contain vitamin B complex.

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Last Answer : The reasoning is dumb but the action is true. We are just addicted to smoking.

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Last Answer : LOL. You really shouldn’t have put this in Social.

Description : Do people get a nicotine rush/ high with their first cigarette?

Last Answer : Yes, sometimes to the point of getting sick. It’s called a “buzz” and it’s very fleeting.

Description : Has anyone had success in quitting smoking with the nicotine patch?

Last Answer : The patch may work for others, but the way I quit smoking many years ago was cold turkey. I had a good medical reason to stop which caused me to start thinking about stopping. But the real ... been a smoker for years, I found cold turkey easier than I thought it would be-and immensely gratifying.

Description : Do you have a love/hate relationship with nicotine?

Last Answer : No. I have a hate/hate relationship with nicotine.

Description : SSRIs +/- nicotine: Has anyone on SSRIs quit smoking?

Last Answer : answer:I have never quit. In fact, I kind of want to quit, but I've been in a terrible emotional place for a while now, and I have read that quitting smoking can trigger or exacerbate depression ... or find an alternative that would be beneficial to you. Hope that you feel more like yourself, asap.

Description : Is it safe to smoke cigarettes while using a nicotine patch?

Last Answer : Only an idiot would do this and too much nicotine will kill you.

Description : Do employers test for nicotine?

Last Answer : I have never heard of anyone testing for nicotine. It is not illegal so I doubt it. Sorry, I cannot be more specific. I am a smoker and have never been tested for nicotine.

Description : How long does nicotine stay in your blood stream after a cigarette?

Last Answer : You might find this article helpful.

Description : Do people who quit smoking become angry because of nicotine withdrawl, or where they always angry only ciggarettes helped them put a lid on it?

Last Answer : My daughter’s nerves are always ajangle when she tries to quit smoking. It’s because of the withdrawl, not her normal character.

Description : Will a pregnant smokers baby be born addicted to nicotine?

Last Answer : answer:Well, my mother did not smoke when pregnant with me, and I smoke. I remember quite clearly it was a conscious decision i made at age 16, to start smoking cannabis, then about a year later i ... that only happens with nasty crack cocain and what have you. but im no doctor, i could be wrong.

Description : Why Do Tobacco Plants Make Nicotine?

Last Answer : Actually, tobacco plants get attacked by just as many pests as any other plant.

Description : Ran out of medical tape. How can I secure this transdermal nicotine patch in place?

Last Answer : You could lightly wrap gauze around. A rubber band (or two) if it's on the inside of the wrist. Place it on the inside of your waistline so the elastic of your underwear can help hold it in place for ... was my upper arm, and even then only for about two hours. The gum works a lot better for me.

Description : Does using nicotine (tobacco/ ciggarettes, etc) enhance similar feelings or offer any benefits outside feeding an addiction (or the physical enjoyment of smoking as an action unrelated to substance)?

Last Answer : longest.question.ever. I’d say the biggest benefit of cigarettes is that it tells you what person not to date. or how they’ll taste when you kiss them.

Description : Do you think that "cold turkey" is the best way to quit cigarettes? Without nicotine replacements!

Last Answer : I’ve heard it varies by person.

Description : Does the nicotine patch/gum really work?

Last Answer : I’ve tried the patch. It’s great as a nic replacement, but it does nothing for the habit part- the actual process of getting a cigarette lit, blowing out smoke, having something in your fingers, etc.

Description : Is 21 mg of nicotine in a patch too much for me to start with?

Last Answer : The patch website should be able to help you. I’m not gonna research for you, but you should follow the guidelines and start with what the company suggests. And congrats on quitting!!!

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Last Answer : The media’s bastardization of drugs and the fact that drugs, unlike most foods, don’t kill brain cells.

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Last Answer : Caffeine no longer has any effect at all on me. (Noticeably anyway) .. so I don’t know why people compare it to drugs other than that perhaps it actually works for others.. and that little kick they get is like a “high”.

Description : Do you have experience with quitting smoking or nicotine replacement therapy?

Last Answer : It takes about 48 hours for the nicotine to leave your system. Longer if you're very overweight. So the PHYSIOLOGICAL cravings should be gone in 2 days or so. But then there is the PSYCHOLOGICAL habit ... day you'd wake up and have cancer. Or heart problems. Or any of the other related diseases.

Description : Which is better: Nicotine path or gum?

Last Answer : patch with regular gum or cold turkey like me if you remember to not change any other habits ( break times or locations ) you have the greatest chance of success also get yourself something to ... hands ( twisty ties and paperclips and rubberbands ) so you have a replacement for those idle hands

Description : Any luck with the nicotine patch?

Last Answer : answer:According to studies the initial success rate is 23% and 15% after one year. Some resources:

Description : Smoking "while" using nicotine lozenges?

Last Answer : answer:I think if you are gonna do both, just smoke for now. I am waiting until the holiday break myself. The “cut back” thing really doesn’t work (I’ve tried), I don’t think it matters if you smoke while one is in your mouth or not; either way it isn’t good to get too much nicotine .

Description : Smokers/vapers - how does it feel to get a nicotine hit after you’ve been “craving” it for a while?

Last Answer : I get a feeling of relief

Description : Which of the following bidis and cigarettes contains more nicotine ?

Last Answer : Usually the amount of nicotine depends on the amount and type of tobacco. Proportionately, bidis contain high levels of nicotine. Because cigarettes use a filter that reduces the amount of nicotine. However, cigarettes that are made without filters ; Those cigarettes and cigarettes are different.

Description : What is toxic nicotine ?

Last Answer : Tobacco contains toxic nicotine.

Description : What is Nicotine ? What is nicotine ?

Last Answer : Nicotine is a type of neurotoxin that acts on a type of acetylcholine receptor (cholinergic acetylcholine receptor). It is mainly found in plants of the genus Solanaceae.

Description : So nicotine-free liquid is just as harmful as the nicotine kind?

Last Answer : I think so. It could be even more harmful. Because instead you have to use some substance and who knows what that substance causes in the body.

Description : Hello, would it be possible to clean the yellowed nicotine stain from the outside above the window?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Nicotine and its metabolite cotinine have just been shown to contribute to CYP enzyme activation (Cytochrome P450). This means helping the cells to get rid of the carcinogen from the smoke more effectively ... damage. In short, this means that light women's cigarettes are the worse choice. (tuxedo)

Last Answer : nothing new. (tuxedo)

Description : What does nicotine do?

Last Answer : Nicotine is a dangerous and highly addictive chemical. It can cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, flow of blood to the heart and a narrowing of the arteries which are vessels that carry ... contribute to the hardening of the aterial walls, which in turn, may lead to a heart attack.

Description : Is nicotine-free vaping safe?

Last Answer : Modern medicine and science is uncertain at this time as to the harm of electronic cigarettes (with or without nicotine) as it is an emerging delivery mechanism (influx in the last 10-15 years) only time will tell at this time.

Description : Do tobacco leaves have nicotine?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is the nicotine content of Belmont cigarettes?

Last Answer : A brand of Canadian cigarette prod. by B&H. Popular among Canadian smokers age 16-29. Popularized by raver kids in the '90s. Often closely associated w/recreational drug use, ie. is most popular among young Canadian ... 0.057-0.14 mg, Hydrogen cyanide 0.10-0.22 mg, Benzene 0.028-0.067 mg.

Description : What causes changes in a smokers brain that makes his or her body feel like it must have nicotine in order to survive?

Last Answer : addiction

Description : Can smoking black and mild cause you to fail a nicotine test in urine?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What is Peter Jackson gold nicotine content?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Nicotine poisoning?

Last Answer : DefinitionNicotine is a bitter-tasting compound that naturally occurs in large amounts in the leaves of tobacco plants.Nicotine poisoning results from too much nicotine. Acute nicotine ... : This list may not be all-inclusive.SymptomsAbdominal crampsAgitation, restlessness, or excitementMuscula

Description : Which nicotine patch lasts the longest?

Last Answer : The intake of "Nicotine patch " depends upon the intensity of smoking habit we have. Basings on the quantity of cigars person smokes, the dose of nicotine patch depends. So, there is no nicotine patch that ever lasts

Description : Can you use Nicorette coupons for the nicotine gum?

Last Answer : The coupons will say what they can be used for. It's possible to to use Nicorette coupons for the nicotine gum.

Description : Is a sore arm where a nicotine patch was, dangerous?

Last Answer : The packaging recommends that you not place the patch in the same place each time. Switch arms and locations with each new patch. It should specify what body parts are acceptable.

Description : What are the pros and cons of nicotine patches?

Last Answer : The pros are that it can decrease your urges to smoke. The cons of it are appetite loss, or gain. Depression and changes in your bowels is also an effect. The most serious is thoughts of suicide, but is very rare.

Description : Are nicotine patches effective?

Last Answer : No patches do not too many are tempted to smoke while wearing a patch and that is in fact dangerous. Chantix does not work either as it is an anti depressant Id recommend one of those E-cigarettes as they are much safer and more effective.

Description : Where can I find nicotine gum?

Last Answer : Nicotine gum can be found in many places. It is available most major stores such as Wal-Mart, CVS, Kmart, Walgreens, and many others. In order to purchase this gum you have to be at least 18 years old and provide a valid driver's license.

Description : Nicotine Patches Are Safe?

Last Answer : The nicotine patch is possibly not safe for long-term use, but it is safe and approved for short-term use. The nicotine patch has far less risks than smoking, but it is not entirely risk free. The nicotine ... pressure. Nicotine can do a lot of damage, even if it is not in the form of a cigarette.

Description : Nicotine replacement therapy?

Last Answer : Alternative NamesSmoking cessation - nicotine replacement; Tobacco - nicotine replacement therapyInformationNicotine replacement therapy involves the use of products that provide low doses of nicotine but do not ... smokes, the higher the dose of nicotine replacement that patient may need at