Is McDonald's a good place to work?

1 Answer

Answer :

If you don't have any other options and you absolutely must get a job then it's OK, however if you're still a student and getting job is just for speding money you're better off mowing lawns or walking dogs aroud your neighborhood. If you dodecide you want to work there you'll be lucky if you get training.

Related questions

Description : What are positive reasons to work at McDonalds?

Last Answer : If you stick with it and move up, you will do well financially.

Description : In Ohio how old do you have to be to work at McDonald's?

Last Answer : i think 15, not sure.

Description : How old do you have to be to work at McDonald's in Kentucky?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Where can I find a mcdonalds application to work?

Last Answer : You can find a McDonald application either in any McDonald or you can find them on line, i would get one on line and print it off and take it to them.

Description : Do you need a high school diploma to work at McDonald's?

Last Answer : No, you don't need a High School Diploma or GED to work for McDonalds as a crew member, but you do need it if you want to qualify for advance posistions such general manager, etc.

Description : Can someone fact check the last McDonald's beef commercial?

Last Answer : I thought methane was the problem, not carbon dioxide. Do they poop less? Did they change their feed? BTW McDs doesn’t buy American beef because American beef excceeds their standard of fat to lean ratio. They buy from Australia and other countries where the cattle are range fed.

Description : Does Warren Buffett's daily breakfast of a McDonald's sausage and egg biscuit tell us anything about the claims of veganism and health?

Last Answer : No. He may be in his seventies, but he is not a paragon of health.

Description : What are the varieties of McDonalds supervisor positions?

Last Answer : You know, I have worked at McDs, and I don’t remember. It might vary with the location, due to some locations having a very busy flow, and so larger crews.

Description : Do you eat at McDonald's? Why or why not?

Last Answer : Not very often. I think it’s been about 3 years since I’ve been there although there is one about 5 minutes away from my house. I feel like I’m wasting calories on food I don’t find that tasty. I’d rather have a Dairy Queen blizzard.

Description : Can you go through a McDonald's drive thru in a taxi?

Last Answer : Sure.

Description : Can you make a burger better than McDonald's?

Last Answer : He failed me in the end.

Description : Can you eat a whole Quarter Pounder from McDonald's?

Last Answer : Yes. As long as their is no cheese or catsup. I prefer Double Big Mac’s and no fries and a small coke.

Description : Do you need a resume to apply at a McDonald's job fair?

Last Answer : You definitely need a resume to apply at McDonald’s @RedDeerGuy1. That serves as their basis and reference about you so make it as detailed as possible. Most people get hired because of their impressive resumes.

Description : Does Mcdonald's food make anyone else sick?

Last Answer : answer:I also don't usually eat fast food but if you ask me which fast food I would prefer I would say Mac D (what we call the place here), it has different (if not better) taste than ... etc. Until you can gather conclusive evidence I'm afraid it's impossible to blame Mac D for food poisoning.

Description : Is there anyone who thinks that they could actually win a lawsuit against McDonalds for "making" them obese?

Last Answer : I think it is unreasonable to expect McDonalds to be responsible for a person's obesity anymore than Nestle would be responsible for a person's obesity. We all need to make the right dietary ... will chose to eat alternatives to chocolate. And others can choose to eat alternatives to fast food.

Description : McDonald's with all-you-can-eat french fries, couches and an expansive play area for kids. Is that your idea of fast food heaven or hell?

Last Answer : Who the hell would want “all you can eat” pommes frites?! Maybe they should offer actual food instead.

Description : Is there any backlash to McDonald's going partially automated?

Last Answer : Looks like fun, but am worried that it was a way to avoid paying a suggested minimum wage of $15/hour.

Description : New sandwich combinations using McDonalds breakfast components?

Last Answer : answer:McDouble with added lettuce, tomato, and Mac Sauce. Poor man’s Big Mac. Also, nuggets dipped in a side of Mac sauce doesn’t suck.

Description : What's the goal behind this Burger King idea to make peace with McDonalds for one day only?

Last Answer : answer:Good intentions, interesting idea by BK. As to an actual McWhopper: two wrongs don’t make a right.

Description : Can you reconcile foodie France being McDonald's #2 customer country after the US?

Last Answer : they sell alcohol?

Description : I've applied to McDonald's part time, is there anything I should know?

Last Answer : You should know that the rest of us here are chomping at the bit to hear of your adventures! Please, please,please get back here soon & often so we can dish the dirt!

Description : What makes McDonalds potatoes so good?

Last Answer : answer:What I read a while back is you have to put the fresh slices of potato in some sort of sugar water. Then deep fry them. I think it was in vegetable shortening, but possibly that is against the law ... fries do have sugar in/on them. Hopefully, she will see this Q, I don't remember her name.

Description : If McDonalds and KFC are repacking old meat with new labels in China, do you think they have been doing that to us in the rest of the world for some time now?

Last Answer : answer:Well, to be clear it wasn't McDonalds or KFC, it was the company supplying them meat. I would not at all be surprised to find that happening by a US meat distributor ... trim down the overpopulation problem for which they themselves are responsible? Don't make suppositions without merit.

Description : What is computer engineering like when compared to working at McDonalds?

Last Answer : answer:McDonalds you just take shit from your boss, and from customers while working a shit wage. My buddy describes his engineering job like hanging out in the college library working out a problem. ... those who feel their skills makes them a better human being/deserving of a higher wage.

Description : How do I fill out the application form from McDonalds?

Last Answer : answer:I would suggest looking into what employment would do to your already issued government benefits. You might be in risk of losing them if you are employed. And if the job doesn’t work out it might be hard to get them back.

Description : Are the amount of chemicals in the food you eat (or don't eat) an issue to you (for example the McDonald's McRib Sandwich ingredient list, articles linked here)?

Last Answer : No. And the photo is just what meat looks like when it's flash frozen. Any meat will look like that. The fact that it's been chopped and pressed into that shape isn't particularly appealing to ... we do it with hamburgers too. Past too. Wendy's presses their hamburger into squares or they used to.

Description : Is it plausible to make $5000 a month , $60,000 a year, working 12 hours a day 7 days a week at Mcdonalds?

Last Answer : answer:First, I would say, good luck getting them to allow you to work that much. That part isn’t plausible at all. After that, you’d need to make $13.69/hr (not counting overtime pay) to make that wage with that many hours. Do they pay that?

Description : Why is McDonalds the focus of so much hateful anti-fast food tirades?

Last Answer : McDonald’s is an icon. Everyone is a Johnny come lately. I haven’t heard of half the guys you mentioned.

Description : What are your thoughts on this article that mentions a lawsuit brought by "children" aganist McDonalds for "obesity related health problems"?

Last Answer : I don’t disagree with you. I do see a bit of their point, though,as McDonalds insidiously advertises to children to the point they become relentless in desiring McDonalds. And once the children are allowed to venture on their own, McDonalds is a siren calling them onto the rocks of obesity.

Description : Well, I have a boring question. Where can I go to get coupons for McDonalds?

Last Answer : answer:According to McDonald's main website, they aren't currently offering coupons. You can, however, get coupons in your mail and as inserts in newspapers for your local McDonald's. See what it says. I ... coupons by email from the Mickey D site though. Call the main number and ask: 1-800-244-6227

Description : How much fruits and vegatables are needed to cancel out McDonalds and KFC every day?

Last Answer : Just enough to ‘poop” out the bad stuff.

Description : Could a McDonald's Restaurant be automated ?

Last Answer : Mc Donalds will always need human workers to supply the spit. The synthetic stuff don’t taste the same.

Description : Now that McDonald's doesn't supersize anymore do the customers just eat less, or do they order an extra order of fries?

Last Answer : Although McDonald’s is big, I don’t think one franchise’s minor decision is going to stop people from overeating if they truly wish to.

Description : Why does McDonald's only have half and half as a standard with their coffee? Do you know if they are supposed to accomodate requests for regular milk with their coffee?

Last Answer : Where do you think you are dining? The Ritz? McDonald’s has no requirement to supply milk. They probably only have milk in small cartons. You could purchase one with your coffee.

Description : Is a burger from McDonalds really any more fattening or less healthy than one you'd make at home?

Last Answer : You have more control at home over the amount of fat content in the ground beef you buy, so the burger you make at home could be less fattening depending on the ground beef you buy, how you fix ... in. Canola oil should be a bit healthier than vegatable oil. Not sure what kind of oil McDonalds uses.

Description : Has anyone out there ever won, or heard of someone winning, a large cash or vacation prize off of the McDonalds Monopoly game?

Last Answer : I won £100.

Description : Is it true that the original owner of McDonalds restaurant was once homeless?

Last Answer : Not sure, but during WWI, he and Walt Disney were in ambulance training together.

Description : Do Wendy's and McDonald's use the same chicken meat suppliers?

Last Answer : Who knows. I doubt that Wendy’s or McDonald’s even uses real chicken. Or at least it’s not chicken by the time they get through with it.

Description : Can you help me determine approximately how much it would cost per day to eat every single meal at McDonald's?

Last Answer : answer:I wouldn't include beverages unless they're something you would normally drink. Like, I really only drink water, except maybe a pop every once in a while, and maybe a coffee every day or two. So I ... a day, or 5 for each of us, and there's no way eating out anywhere is cheaper than that.

Description : Who are these violin players in the McDonald's commercial?

Last Answer : BTW, I tried looking for the commercial on YouTube, but no luck):

Description : When you go to McDonald's and wants to order a hamburger but dry, meaning no sauces, no vegetables and no other extras. What's the exact phrase for that in English?

Last Answer : Naked.

Description : Do people on McDonald's remove their trash in other counties?

Last Answer : I have eaten at McDonald’s all over Europe and North America. Every one I have been to has a place for people to dump the wrappers. It is the norm to clean up your own mess. But some people are dicks and don’t.

Description : European McDonald's worker transfer to USA?

Last Answer : They won’t “transfer” you and pay for it. They may give you a job over here. I’m not sure where you want to come and live but a job at McDonald’s here won’t be much of a living wage unless you are in management. At 19, I doubt you can. You can move here and find better jobs than that.

Description : How to punctuate a "double possessive" (e.g., McDonald's' prices are...)?

Last Answer : naww. definitely not. why not just say, “the prices AT McDonald’s”?

Description : Is it safe to eat my McDonald's leftovers?

Last Answer : Personally, I think any food from McD’s is unsafe for human consumption. But I get the feeling that their food is designed to have a shelf life of three years, at least. You’re better off eating the wrappers.

Description : What do you think about toddlers being fed McDonalds or KFC?

Last Answer : I can understand the convenience of it,but if I had kids,they would be health nuts at an early age and probably hate their mother for it ;)

Description : How can someone go about sueing McDonalds for making them fat ... and win?

Last Answer : Since the Lord took Johnny Cochran home there is no way to win :(

Description : Why do people eat McDonalds?

Last Answer : ‘cuz it’s fast and cheap (dollar menu). If you’re in the right mood, it can be tasty.

Description : The McDonald's Fillet of Fish commercial with the singing mounted fish...Is it driving you crazy or what?

Last Answer : Hate it also. Want to smack the shit out of whoever came up with it.

Description : Will (or should) McDonalds ever serve breakfast all day?

Last Answer : omg Yes. They’d double their revenue from us potheads alone.