To dance gracefully requires talent?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes! Dance requires a lot of hard work and talent.

Related questions

Description : To dance gracefully requires talent?

Last Answer : Yes! Dance requires a lot of hard work and talent.

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Last Answer : answer:I look pretty good for a 24-year-old, I think. Seriously though, most people think I look 16. I’m told I’ll be grateful for that around 40.

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Last Answer : considering how old Tom Petty is, he’s not looking too bad… though I’m well aware that a lot of people would disagree with me. Paul McCartney looks great for his age too. Not exactly classic, but let me tell you… I would not kick James Hetfield out of my bed for eating crackers!

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Last Answer : You and your husband should invite people that you really want to be there. This is a celebration of your wedding with close friends and relatives. Be honest with him and just tell him you only want close friends and family that you are still in touch with.

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Last Answer : This is a very easy task to achieve ,if one is rightly guided primarily by God then your ability to discover how you wish to look at certain age in life especially the old ages of 60 ... other classes of food. More of exercise will always makes you active and younger so excersice is also important

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Last Answer : masturbating and cumming within 30 seconds

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Last Answer : Today? The ability to make enough money to provide a living for yourself In a few years? The ability to protect the crops and clean water from the raiders looking gasoline and ammunition

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Last Answer : Anxiety

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Last Answer : I have almost completely mastered the art of being a cat; it took me a few lockdowns but now I sleep around 16 hours per day. Almost as much as my cat. My other hobby, photography, is going downhill. I’ve noticed that if one doesn’t keep shooting, one loses some knowledge. One = I.

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Last Answer : Yes. A proclivity for mischief is also a proclivity for dishonesty.

Description : Does imitating noises in field x take more talent than imitating noises in all other fileds?

Last Answer : I expect you meant to write “field” in the OP? I would think gastroenterology related noises would take some talent. On the other hand, orchestral related noises could be difficult too.

Description : A question for artists - how do you react when someone says that you have “god given talent”?

Last Answer : I was about to compliment the first dog but then you wouldn't like that :P I don't have the same problem, but I have imposter syndrome . I often think I don't deserve the praise and I ... everyone can do the same thing you can? Drawing, like many other things, actually take a little of aptitude.

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Last Answer : Remembering people’s birthdays.

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Last Answer : I can pick things up with my toes. Is there a career for this?

Description : Is anybody else watching AGT (America's Got Talent) this season? Who's your favorite?

Last Answer : answer:I find the very essence of such shows repulsive. “Hey monkey, dance for us!” “Throw some poop, oh you are so talented!” They are modern day freak shows, nothing more.

Description : Do you have a talent for whispering?

Last Answer : I once told a hornet to go away and (s)he left. Then I felt bad.

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Last Answer : My friend Aaron. Amazing at drawing and painting and comics. That doesn’t pay the bills unless you are really lucky. Now he works in a retirement center wiping butts all day. He is content with this. He makes 30K a year and has time to pursue his artistic side.

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Last Answer : Writing stupid questions and crazy answers.

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Last Answer : It’s all about profitability and marketability. They expect them to produce a commodity that can be sold at high volumes.

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Last Answer : I would look in to a program at the Musicians Institute. They have a music business degree available and they have all sorts of contacts. You will be able to intern in the industry and meet the people you need to know and learn how the business works.

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Last Answer : I can draw some, paint some, sculpt some, write well, but I can’t SING worth a damn. I;d love to be able to sing really well!

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Description : Thoughts of talent shows?

Last Answer : I can’t imagine how many hours went into training those guys. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dog hop on two legs over hurdles. Wow.

Description : What is your talent?

Last Answer : I’m good a small talk. Practice with my mom while swimming.

Description : Is this true talent or easy for the average person to accomplish?

Last Answer : answer:I know a few people with a DSLR that have yet to take a photo I enjoy. Some people seem to have an eye for composition, as well as a technical understanding of the basics of photography ( ... my eyes. It forced me to see, and when you truly see, beauty can be found just about anywhere.

Description : If you win the Bill Riley Talent Search, do you get a trophy?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t live in Iowa, but here is a pdf link, It says that the local sponsoring group is expected to provide prizes that may include ribbons or trophies. Also there is a suggested range of prizes. Check it out! :)

Description : Is the gift of imagination more important than any one talent?

Last Answer : I tend to agree, but, like anything, without application imagination, like knowledge, is useless. To imagine is to create, but the creative process must leave the imaginative state and manifest in something tangible for it to be of true value.

Description : Have you ever known someone personally with this kind of talent?

Last Answer : That’s hysterical.

Description : Can just anybody try-out for America's Got Talent?

Last Answer : Landau Eugene Murphy was from a very small town in my state that was in his 40's and had a wife and kids and washed cars for a living. At one point I believe he was even homeless. He won season 6 of ... him at a food bank we were both helping out with.) Yes, if you have talent, you can try out.

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Last Answer : answer:I just looked at the website. It can go die in a fire. It looks like it's trying to be LinkedIn, but with a graphic designer that seems to like GIFs from the 90s. Frankly, given how ... domain to be, like, cool and on trend can just fuck off and die. But that's just .me

Description : Did you ever notice that when a person of great talent creates within a limited medium it is phenomenal?

Last Answer : answer:Given Picasso's enormous ego, I can't imagine he would stay inside the lines. However, he was able to evoke complicated images with just a few strokes of the charcoal. It is called talent. ... artwork of a neighbor of mine, Ellsworth Kelly This painting of his priced at 4 -6 million dollars.

Description : Voice-Over talent hourly rates?

Last Answer : It’s difficult to say. It depends on whether you are union or non-union, what type of voice over it is and where you live.

Description : What's with Justin Bieber and the talent of today?

Last Answer : I’m unimpressed with what sounds to me like video game music and auto-tuned vocals. Had I grown up with that kind of sound though and that kind of environment, I might listen to the radio, watch videos and actually pay money to upload some of these “talent” offerings.

Description : What is a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you?

Last Answer : I'm friendly and smile at people whether I know them or not. This isn't something I'm proud of, but something I like about myself. It reflects my philosophy that we're all in this world together ... eye contact I get back. Oh, and welcome to Fluther! (said with a toothy, slightly loony expression)

Description : What's a good song to perform at my school talent show?

Last Answer : answer:I would do anyone of these Or this one

Description : What is "hiding" inside you? A child that never grew up, a talent/skill waiting to burst out? An unfulfilled dream?

Last Answer : Motivation and a desire to work so I can make some monies!

Description : What is this older song I heard on Britain's Got Talent?

Last Answer : It sounds like a sample from The Macarena, which I think was released in 1996, at about the same time as the Olympic Summer Games.

Description : What's a talent you wish you had?

Last Answer : Oil painting artist I would like to paint realistic landscapes, but mine look more like abstract art.

Description : Do you have a talent you've kept secret from Fluther or only shared privately with a few other jellies?

Last Answer : Although most of my inciteful questions and comments give me almost troll status I do in person have pretty awesome diplomatic skills, put me in the middle of any battle/argument and there are usually doves flying with olive branches shortly after,lol. Can you give long distance readings Jake?

Description : Is artistic talent hereditary?

Last Answer : answer:It can be hereditary, and it can be random. I think if one is exposed to the arts one has a fairer chance of drumming up some talent, rather than just hoping on the baby of two people ... Nature, or is it nurture? I personally think that skill can be learned, whereas finesse must be innate.

Description : In the talent realm aren’t dancers getting short changed?

Last Answer : I believe that dancers are extremely underrated! The talent that they have is amazing. I do agree that some of the singers are overrated, but there are some that take A LOT of skill. Such as opera ... to perfect. I think it is amazing that some actors/actresses are stepping out to do this though.

Description : How do you know whether or not you have talent as far as art goes (drawing, sculpting, painting)

Last Answer : Well, other people can tell you that you have talent, but I guess that’s not the same as knowing it for yourself.

Description : Do you think Prince Poppycock should have won America's Got Talent?

Last Answer : answer:Prince Poppycock, interesting but over rated. Fighting Gravity, Vegas quality. But, was disappointed with the whole dancing on the ceiling thing. Seems after their first performance (which was awesome) they went down hill.

Description : Who won america's got talent?

Last Answer : answer:Michael Grimm (the singer with the hat) won over the young opera singer. I liked Prince Poppycock or Fighting Gravity as far as being viable Vegas acts but AGT is really annoying to watch. It ... the first few auditions and then the results shows On Demand so I can skip most of the nonsense.

Description : Care to play a round of: Unlikely Things To Hear On A TV Talent Show?

Last Answer : “I bet she would just be a terrific lay.”

Description : What kind of talent did you have growing up?

Last Answer : Drawing and painting:)

Description : Which is the best online talent hunt website/company which is user friendly, fast and genuine ?

Last Answer : Youtube. Depressing, yet true.

Description : If there were to be a talent contest in your area, how would you impress the locals, or indeed perhaps repel?

Last Answer : Hello ello ello llo lo?