Is Rose Wilder Lane married?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, Rose Wilder Lane married to Claire Gillette Lane in 1909

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Description : What is Rose Wilder Lane's middle name?

Last Answer : She didn't have one.Her middle name was Rose Martell Wilde Lane.

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Last Answer : Yes, Lane Frost married to Kellie Kyle Frost in 1984

Description : Join me in saying good bye to Gene Wilder - one of the best comedic actors ever.

Last Answer : I am heartbroken and my eyes have been leaking as I have watched some clips of him. However, he had Alzheimers and I am glad he passed on before it got bad. I loved his work and he seemed like a wonderful person.

Description : How can Gene Wilder be gone?

Last Answer : The short, horrible answer is that he was 83 & life is a bitch Thanks for the laughs funny man…“good day sir”

Description : What do you think of the name Sonata Wilder, an anagram of soil and water?

Last Answer : Clever in a smart ass kinda way but meaningless.

Description : I heard a saying in my younger, wilder drinking days that went, "Whiskey then beer have no fear but beer then whiskey is pretty risky." What is your take on this?

Last Answer : The real saying should be “Beer and Whiskey are both pretty risky”. or if you want a real answer… it’s been asked many times before. Here’s one

Description : How did Laura Ingalls Wilder make a difference in the world?

Last Answer : She made a difference because she inspired girls to do things

Description : What major accomplishments did Laura Ingalls Wilder have?

Last Answer : She had many accomplishments in her life like making a family and writing a series of childhood books

Description : Did Almanzo Wilder die?

Last Answer : He died at Rocky Ridge Farm in Mansfield, Missouri on October 23, 1949 at the age of 92, after suffering 2 heart attacks.

Description : Where does Laura Ingalls Wilder live?

Last Answer : Laura Ingalls Wilder passed away in 1957

Description : How many kids does Laura Ingalls Wilder have?

Last Answer : Laura Ingalls Wilder has 2 children

Description : Have you noticed errors or misjudgements with your car's lane keeping system?

Last Answer : I usually turn mine off. I’ve recently heard of some self driving accidents so I would say the lane detection systems are not perfect yet. Do you think it is some sort of update problem? Do those systems get software updates? It was working ok before and now there is a glitch?

Description : What is your opinion regarding the speed limit drivers should do in the left lane of a highway?

Last Answer : If you have three lanes, the right lane should be for people who want to drive UNDER the speed limit, or for people who are about to exit, or for those entering. The middle lane should be for ... speed you think you can get away with, but no tailgating and no blocking others, holding up traffic.

Description : What do you consider a 2 lane, vs a 4 lane?

Last Answer : I suggest your young friend watch “Two Lane Blacktop”: and then she can tell you how many lanes there are.

Description : Say goodbye to Lois Lane?

Last Answer : Back then I thought her the hottest Lois Lane I was likely to see. She still holds the title. May she rest in peace.

Description : Would you rather drive a four lane divided highway, or a two lane curvy highway?

Last Answer : If time isn’t an issue I would prefer the two lane curvy road though not so much at night.

Description : Why do people find it necessary to come to a stop, or near stop, before turning into the turn lane?

Last Answer : answer:My guess is that they are being safe. They don't know if opposing traffic from the right is making a left turn and might cut off part of the turn lane because of the angle of ... about being unsure of directions and decision making. Bottom line, there may be perfectly legit reasons. CHill.

Description : Why is it that bicyclists don't like to cycle in the bicycle lane?

Last Answer : Do you mean the so called bicycle lane? :-)

Description : When driving, when your lane is ending or merging, do you usually change lanes and get over as soon as possible or wait until the last minute?

Last Answer : I do both just depending on traffic patterns and how much time I have. Usually, I’m somewhere in the middle.

Description : What are the ethics of a fast food drive through lane?

Last Answer : answer:1. You order, you wait for it to be ready. 2. If you have waited and it is not ready when you get to the window, you can leave hungry. 3. The restaurant has to not take order add ... window. I think you should have waited for your order. It would have taken just as long if you were inside.

Description : The California human rights for animals thing is getting out of control. Soon will I be able to use the HOV lane with my dog riding shotgun?

Last Answer : No. There was some woman who got busted for almost the same thing except she use a store mannequin.

Description : If there is a lane closure up ahead, how far should you continue on in that lane before merging with the other?

Last Answer : Ughhh don’t be the douche who tries to sneak in at the last minute. The warning signs are there so you can merge at the next availability.

Description : Ok ,traveling down a two way highway and come upon all the vehicles in your lane stopped with their hazards on, and no one in the on coming lane, would you just automatically just try and pass all the vehicles, or maybe see why everyone was stopped?

Last Answer : I would wait for a bit to see if the traffic finally moved, all the while searching for a local traffic report. If possible, I would turn around and find an alternate route. But no, I wouldn’t try to zoom up to see what was happening. That person is a nitwit.

Description : Who debated William Lane Craig the best in your opinion?

Last Answer : Craig does not outwit his opponents. He covers his shit arguments in tons of pseudophilosophical babble to baffle the audience with bullshit. The one who should debate Craig is AronRa. He would go all out. Just look up how he completely eviscerated Ray Comfort.

Description : Why is the Christopher Lane shooting getting a distinctly different style of media coverage than, say the Trayvon Martin shooting?

Last Answer : It seems to me that the whole controversy of Trayvon Martin was that it could be potentially used to defend any white man who shot a black man who was merely approaching him because of stand ... school shooting sort of thing where some budding sociopaths just found a random guy to kill for sport.

Description : Is the left lane really the "fast lane"?

Last Answer : The speed limit is the same in every lane. I would definitely appeal a ticket for going too slow in the so-called fast lane.

Description : How do Oregonians pronounce North Beach (as in North Beach in Lane County, OR)?

Last Answer : It’s a spondee.

Description : What's the best HOV lane in the US?

Last Answer : Seattle’s HOV lane is free, and often a joke. Sure, you can get ticketed for violating it, but many use it as a fourth regular lane anyways. There are times where it may shave 10 minutes off your ride, but often the time savings is 1–2 minutes on a 30-minute commute.

Description : How is it decided if something is a street, drive, lane, etc.?

Last Answer : Whoever builds the development generally gets to name the streets, within the constraints of the local zoning laws.

Description : A collision on a two-lane road, who is to blame? (Details inside. )

Last Answer : Don’t even need Johnpennington for this one! The vehicle that crossed the dividing line is at fault! Next case!

Description : When exiting the highway, or when the lanes converge due to bottleneck, are you a driver that gets in line ASAP, or do you stay in your lane as long as possible to cut in and get close to front?

Last Answer : I move as soon as possible, especially for emergency vehicles. I used to work with an ambulance service and I know they appreciate it. Not to mention that now it is a law in my state that if you don’t get over you can get fined up to $500.

Description : Is this a one or two lane road?

Last Answer : seems pretty simple to me. One lane for bicycles, one lane for motorized vehicles. Maybe I’m confused as to what the question is.

Description : Why is there always at least one broken down self-checkout lane at the grocery store?

Last Answer : No, it’s not just you – it’s a conspiracy to drive us crazy.

Description : If carpool lanes are reserved to encourage people to commute together and as a result have fewer drivers on the road, shouldn't the number of people needed for the carpool lane include licensed drivers only?

Last Answer : How are you going to determine if everyone in a car is a legal driver, even if they are all of age? Stopping every car to check IDs would defeat one purpose of the lanes which is to reduce ... to work. Not to mention it would probably not be legal to check every ID without probable cause anyway.

Description : Does having a deceased person in your vehicle count as a passenger in the carpool lane?

Last Answer : Nope. deceased people and blowup dummies do not count. they have to be breathing.

Description : Why do people walk on a bike path when a pedestrian lane is clearly labeled next to it?

Last Answer : I agree, niki. I think that’s just crazy. A horn or a bell? Would that help? Because I know from many sad experiences that asking strangers politely to do anything reasonable in America is just asking for trouble. Because! this is the Land of the Free! And the Stupid.

Description : I have never driven a car in countries outside the USA that use the left side lane and steering wheel on right side of the car. Is it difficult to adjust to the left side of the road and opposite side steering wheel (in Ireland)?

Last Answer : Your question will most certainly have subjective answers. Personally, I have driven in Japan where they have right-hand side steering wheels and driving on the left side of the road. The ... look for similar driving patterns, like staying within the lines, and being cognizant of the environment.

Description : Why do some people get in the Carpool lane, then proceed to drive at a speed lower than the speed of the lanes of the regular freeway?

Last Answer : Because they’re American.

Description : Why do some drivers in the carpool lane driver slower than the traffic in the regular lanes?

Last Answer : Passive agression?

Description : #1 lane on California freeways: passing only or driving?

Last Answer : I checked out the Driver's handbook on the California DMV website and I found this: If you can choose among three lanes, pick the middle lane for the smoothest driving. To drive faster, pass, or turn left, use ... or enter or turn off the road, use the right lane. Do I get some of that $1,000?

Description : Is the HOV/Car Pool lane legal for a pregnant lady in your state?

Last Answer : Then what about people with multiple personality disorder if you’re going to get technical.

Description : Is it legal to pass a car in the right lane on a four lane highway

Last Answer : Sure. As long as you don’t go off on the shoulder, it’s allowed. I’ve done it 100 times. If the person next to you or in front of you on your left is going too slow, pass them.

Description : Would it be possible for Superman to knock up Lois Lane?

Last Answer : Isn’t it lovely how quickly we’ve moved on from the angst of politics to the more important things in life? I would have to think that, Superman, ever the paragon of self-control, would use every precaution at his disposal to mitigate any damage to the lovely Lois.

Description : How come Lois Lane doesn't know that Clark is Superman when all that is different is that he wears glasses?

Last Answer : Because it’s a comic book. The fact that it features an alien who was sent to this planet, where a yellow sun makes him able to fly and see through walls and shoot laser beams from his eyes doesn’t bother him, but a dimwitted reporter not seeing through a terrible disguise does?

Description : Do you ever go through the express lane at the grocery store and have more than the 10 item limit?

Last Answer : NEVAR.

Description : If you were driving down the freeway at nighttime during construction work and spotted several Highway Patrol officers near the construction area with their lights on would you a: speed up b: slow down c: ... this is a multi-lane freeway and you are able to go at or above typical freeway speeds)

Last Answer : I always slow down for construction sites. Those “My Daddy Works Here!” signs got me.

Description : Has anyone stayed at the Hilton Park Lane in London? I'll be in the UK in a few months and was booked there - wanted to see if anyone had any experiences to share?

Last Answer : I’ve gone on the bus past it before – it’s massive, expensive and looks very plush! Get you! ;)

Description : People who continue driving in the passing lane, even when other cars are passing YOU on the right, why don't you move over?

Last Answer : All of them think that by going slightly over the speed limit gives them the right to “cruise” on the left lane. They should’ve failed the driving test for not understanding the concept of passing lane.

Description : Why, in Califonia,is t he fine $341.00 for driving in the Car Pool lane without two people?

Last Answer : I believe it is $371.

Description : What's the difference between Street, Avenue, Boulevard, Way, Lane, Port, Circle, Highway, Expressway, Freeway, Road, Thruway, Beltway, Court, Frontage, Drive, Bay, Square, Route, Culdesac and Interstate?

Last Answer : Hey. You forgot Trail and Parkway.