How can I get rid of body fat?

1 Answer

Answer :

It is hard to get rid of belly fat but the best way to do it is to go on a low fat and sugar diet. You will have to lose weight on your whole body to lose it on your belly, its pretty much impossible to just target belly fat.

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Last Answer : diet is 90% of the battle, I am started out in your same boat at 5'4 and 147lbs. I am on a diet plan where 50% of my calories comes from protein, 35% carbs, and 15% fats and I eat approx 1600 calories a ... 7min or so but work your way up to 15 min (no more than that) and fat will shed off you :)

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Last Answer : Losing belly fat seems to pop up on everyone's list when it comes time to make New Year's resolutions. Unfortunately, many people simply do not know the right way to lose this fat. This guide ... just cutting back on eating and remembering that a weight-loss journey is a marathon and not a sprint.

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Last Answer : You can get rid of excess belly fat by workout out. Walking or running is a great way to get leaner. Also, doing abdominal exercises like crunches are a great way of getting definition in the belly region.