How can I clean my basement windows?

1 Answer

Answer :

You can take some Windex or preferred cleaning product, spray them and then wipe them clean. If there is any streaking repeat, but also clean both inside and outside.

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Last Answer : Before you clean the mold off the books, you must kill the mold. Wrap each yearbook securely in a trash bag and put it in the freezer for a couple of days. Remove them one by one as you are prepared ... hot sunny day and let them air out. Set them out with the pages open to give them a good airing.

Description : How To Clean Up a Flooded Basement?

Last Answer : If your basement becomes flooded, it is essential to remove as much water as you can fast. Purchase a wet/dry shop vac to remove the water quickly. Many shop vacs now come with an ... many of these items or choose to hire a company that specializes in cleanup and restoration from flooding.

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Last Answer : answer:Sounds awesome to me. When I was really little, the basement of our house was basically my playroom. I’ve always loved the basement. I’d ask my kid what he thinks, but he’s never seen a basement and thus has no basis for comparison.

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Last Answer : answer:I lived in my sisters basement for a few years and it was cinder block and cold and damp. I got a lot of cardboard and painted it white and hung it up on the walls with some tile caulking I ... a warning. Don't leave the cardboard on the walls for long. I found out about mold the hard way.

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Last Answer : My mother had a bat get into her house at night. She wasn’t sure if it bit her, so she had to get the full course of rabies shots. They hurt. Kill it if you need to with a tennis racket.

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Last Answer : Battleship Gray.

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Last Answer : answer:As a child - fear yes. When I was seven - there was this enormous bug that was at the bottom of the stairs that slowly died over a period of what feels like years now. I don't ... true, old-school basements unnerving at times - solely because there could be bugs and other stuff down there.

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Last Answer : answer:Great picture and welcome to fluther. Could it be a drugstore beetle (another link) Also found this beetle identifier although several of the links are dead, it helped narrow things down.

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Last Answer : put all your books in a bag with some baking soda for a few weeks.

Description : I found a crack in my basement wall behind the insulation that the builder originally installed. Is it ok to finish the basement without tearing down all of the insulation to inspect?

Last Answer : Is the house new? If so the builder might still be responsible for repairs. And yes, if there is moisture around the crack you need to have that looked at. You do not want to finish out ... french drains outside to deal with the water / moisture issue that started the cracking in the first place.

Description : Do you have a bathroom in your basement?

Last Answer : Yes. And it is an unfinished basement and I hate having to go down there. There are ucky centipedes down there. It’s the stuff of nightmares. (It is nice to have a second bathroom, though. Something to consider…)

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Last Answer : My pets (all six of them).

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Last Answer : A bleach solution will kill the mold. Check on how to safely rinse it off and mix it (strength) to make it safe.

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Last Answer : maybe it’s André?

Description : If you had a 16ft x 18ft finished basement in your house. How would you utilize it?

Last Answer : Sound studio.

Description : can I hookup a remote monitor to see what the kids are looking at on their computer in the basement? If so, how.

Last Answer : answer:There are a lot of ways you can monitor their activity, either in real time (as you're asking), or just by going back and looking at browser histories, cookies, etc. One free way to do ... a VNC client on yours. Then, you could connect to their VNC server and see whatever they're seeing.

Description : How big a deal is cracked basement wall?

Last Answer : I would getit definietly checked because if you get a leak you could well destry alot of stuff

Description : the roots from a large evergreen shrub that are growing towards and destroying my house foundation and basement be cut

Last Answer : Your house is #1..............can that plantmust be moved...or cut have to protect your foundation or it will cost a lot of money to fix the is the time to move it..................and fill the whole in to protect your foundation for more damage.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Troll farms + r/politics

Description : We have something like sand in the cellar. I want to make a concrete floor there. How tall should she be? Will 10 cm be enough? Thank you Malek

Last Answer : Almost nothing can be deduced from this information ... It depends on the subsoil, no / insulation of the building, the quality of the soil around ... And - why do you really want - probably a decent ... The best thing to do is invite an architect / designer and he will be able to see the cellar.

Description : flushing 2nd floor toilet causes basement toilet to gurgle and splash onto seat and floor

Last Answer : Are you on town sewer or septic system? For town sewer, there is a clog somewhere in the drain pipes causing air to get trapped (this is the gurgling). If septic, your tank outside needs to be emptied.

Description : The diffusion membrane is made up of: (A) Thick columnar epithelium of alveoli (B) Endothelium of alveolar capillaries (C) Basement substances in betw

Last Answer : The diffusion membrane is made up of: (A) Thick columnar epithelium of alveoli (B) ... (C) Basement substances in between capillaries and alveoli

Description : The diffusion membrane is made up of: (A) Thick columnar epithelium of alveoli (B) Endothelium of alveolar capillaries (C) Basement substances in betw

Last Answer : The diffusion membrane is made up of: (A) Thick columnar epithelium of alveoli (B) ... (C) Basement substances in between capillaries and alveoli

Description : Assertion`:-` Cells of epithelium tissues rest on a thin basement membrane. Reason`:-` Basement membrane has both fibrous and basal lamina secreted by

Last Answer : Assertion`:-` Cells of epithelium tissues rest on a thin basement membrane. Reason`:-` Basement membrane ... D. If both Assertion & Reason are false.

Description : Basement membrane is formed by

Last Answer : Basement membrane is formed by A. Epidermal cells B. Endodermal cells C. Both 1 and 2 D. None of the above present below epitehelial cells .

Description : Basement membrane of epithelium tissue is composed of :-

Last Answer : Basement membrane of epithelium tissue is composed of :- A. Lypoprotein B. Polypeptide C. Mucopolysaccharide D. Mucopolysaccharide and glycoprotein

Description : Basement membrane can not be sent in :

Last Answer : Basement membrane can not be sent in : A. Strached Transitional Epithelium B. Sq. ... C. Columner Epithelium D. Unstreched transitional epithelium

Description : Basement membrane is composed of : -

Last Answer : Basement membrane is composed of : - A. Hyaluronic Acid + glycomproteins B. Only mucopolysachaides C. Endodermis cell D. Epidermal calls