What kind of graduation gifts can I give besides cash?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are a multitude of gifts you can give besides case. Often, items for college such as computers, clothing and other supplies are given. Visit Bed Bath and Beyond's website www.bedbathandbeyond.com for dorm room essentials.

Related questions

Description : What is an appropriate amount of money to send for graduation gifts?

Last Answer : It depends on how well I know them and like them. If I barely know them, I’d send $35. If I know them and like them, anywhere from $50 to $100. That’s just me, and that’s based on what I can afford. If you can’t afford that, you have to work within your budget.

Description : Graduation gifts?

Last Answer : A pre-paid gas card?

Description : Graduation gifts?

Last Answer : one thousand dollars. Then ask her out.

Description : My niece is graduating soon, what are some ideas for graduation gifts for her?

Last Answer : Well it depends if she is graduating high school, university or college. For a high school, one of the best gifts you can get her is money, because it allows her to choose what she wants and ... . A great gift for graduating university or college would be money towards a house or a new car.

Description : What are popular high school graduation gifts?

Last Answer : The best gifts are those which he'll be able to use in his upcoming life. If going to college, consider buying them gift certificates for text books.

Description : What are some good gifts for graduation for a high school grad?

Last Answer : Gift Cards are a popular gift for graduates. The gift cards could include gas cards, restaurant gift cards and gift cards to stores such as Wal-Mart and Target.

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Last Answer : What about the Visa gift cards? They’re as good as cash. Why aren’t gift cards secure?

Description : Do you do the majority of your holiday shopping on-line, in the store, or do you do something else for gifts (like homemade, gift cards or cash)?

Last Answer : My niece and my sister are really easy to buy for. I head into the stores for those two. The menz in my family all get gift cards. My two nephews asked for gift cards this year, as well. One of the places that they wanted a gift card for was KFC, lol.

Description : Saina spent Rs. 44,668/- on her air tickets, Rs.56,732 on buying gifts to the family members and the remaining 22% of the total amount she had as cash with her. What was the total amount ? a) Rs. 1,25,800/- b) Rs. 1,30,000/- c) Rs. 1,10,500/- d) Rs. 1,68,300/- e) Rs. 1,50,000/- 

Last Answer : Saving = 22% Spent = a00 - 22) = 78% Spending money = 44668 + 56732 = 101400 78%- 101400 100% = 101400 100/78 = 130000 Answer: b)

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Last Answer : crop dress or long casual dress

Description : Will you help me put together a list of unique gifts for kids ages 2 to 13 the kind that can't be found at Walmart!?

Last Answer : answer:I'm a fan of supporting work-at-home parents. When I was cloth-diapering, I bought most of my supplies from HyenaCart. It looks like they've completely updated the website! Super cool. The link ... with cool stuff. There is a world of difference between four and six, as I'm sure you know.

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Last Answer : Blow jobs

Description : What kind of gifts should I buy my wife?

Last Answer : I think you can never go wrong with perfume, jewelry, flowers, anything thoughtful really. Besides, she will enjoy whatever you give her because it is from you, her husband and lover.

Description : What kind of gifts are healthy choices for diabetic people?

Last Answer : Diabetic people need to watch out for sugars and artificial sweeteners. A great gift idea is to give a gift basket because it has a variety of items the person can choose from and ... that has already prepared baskets specially made for diabetic people: http://www.wellbaskets.com/Diabetes.html

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Description : How can I continue to learn and stay engaged after graduation?

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Last Answer : As far as my graduation, I had already stopped attending high school mid year, and started attending college. Graduation only happened in June, so I did join everyone in my class for graduation. ... working part time, and that stayed the same for another year until I transferred to a university.

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Last Answer : Take summer school classes while they are cheap for being young, and raise your marks. You can also work as a cashier and save money for school/college /university.

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Last Answer : It depends on the person. If you feel close to him then yes, it is common to bring a food item. Another thing you could do is to buy an expensive bottle of wine or something like that. Doing this you ... must do what you feel you want to do, not what other people want you to do or what others do.

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Last Answer : I delivered pizzas for a while than I became a security guard.

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Last Answer : I think it looks great. Simple, traditional and classy!

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Last Answer : Graduations are extremely boring, I didnt go to mine, and i cant say that i have ever regretted it.

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Last Answer : Well, sure if students spend all their lives in one school (as we did in Russia, for example) but since a kid may go to a different kindergarten from their elementary school and then to a ... then they'll celebrate. Reminding them along the way that we support them and their education is great.

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Last Answer : I did attend my High School graduation, but I did not attend any prom whatsoever. I don’t regret either decision.

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Last Answer : I don’t think I would be averse to buying a used Honda as my SIL has a driveway full of Hondas and a couple are well over 100,000 miles and runs like new.

Description : How did you feel about graduation?

Last Answer : Not good. That is because my parents deemed it more important to chop firewood instead of attending the ceremony. On the other hand, they would probably have embarassed me if they attended. I guess everything has a positive side :D.

Description : Should I start to plan ahead to my graduation party to save money?

Last Answer : What kind of party are you expecting to have? The best way to save money on a party is to have a simple backyard barbecue.

Description : What are some graduation gift ideas for a future teacher?

Last Answer : A classic lunch box! Or a fancy pencil case.

Description : What to wear to a military graduation?

Last Answer : If you can’t find something that strikes your fancy in here, then you are in trouble!

Description : Hi Jellies! Could you help me with a graduation gift idea for two family members?

Last Answer : What are their interests/hobbies?

Description : Did you do anything the night of your high school graduation that your parents would not be proud of?

Last Answer : No. I went to a party with a group of girls but still had to be home by curfew which was 11PM.

Description : Would you be in favor of your country enforcing a compulsory national service period after graduation?

Last Answer : Fine with me, just as long as there’s no military draft. Not many things worse than the guy next to you on the front line wanting to be ANYWHERE else but here!

Description : Can graduation robes be ironed?

Last Answer : Take it to a cleaners. Most are to delicate, I wouldn’t chance it.

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Last Answer : I really no nothig about that topic. Suggestion: how has science fiction movie or shows shown the realities of the topic or butchered it?

Description : What was your High School graduation song?

Last Answer : Hi! Welcome to the community! My grad class didn’t pick an official song or anything. We were boring that way. Actually, I recently posted something similar about it here.

Description : Does anyone know of an inexpensive website that sells quality graduation announcements?

Last Answer : VistaPrint.com

Description : Is anyone brave enough to share their high school graduation picture with the collective?

Last Answer : I am curious. What’s the locket?

Description : What's a nice graduation gift for an 18 yr old male?

Last Answer : An eighteen year old female? As for the books, if he really wanted them, he would probably have them by now. I’d look for something else.

Description : I have an acer laptop that I just got for graduation. Anyhow, I was wondering how I would go about hooking it up to my tv. I was wanting to watch videos, but it is rather straining doing so on the screen.

Last Answer : What sort of TV do you have?

Description : What was your high school graduation like (read more)?

Last Answer : Congratulations on your achievement. This is a special time in you life. Treasure it! Most people don't peak in high school though. My own senior year in high school was a lot of fun. Sadly, I only ... class. The ceremony itself was pretty boring to me. By that point, I was ready to move on.

Description : Is a Montegrappa ... or whatever fancy pen an appropriate graduation gift?

Last Answer : I would have loved a pen as graduation gift. Sadly, despite the hints, I didn’t get one. preferably a Meisterstuck 149

Description : Why are graduation ceremonies so long when NOBODY enjoys them?

Last Answer : Well, the number of students, the reputation of the school, the selfishness level of the school, marketing for neighbours of families, etc.

Description : Does anyone have any suggestions for my graduation speech?

Last Answer : This does need some editing and some more precise language, but you are on the right track. Smart and intelligent do cover all the non-academic skills that I previously mentioned. So you ... if you were the listener and someone else was giving this speech Good start; consider this draft #1.

Description : Graduation gift?

Last Answer : What does he like? How much money do you want to spend? Without knowing those things, here are some random ideas: Pocket knife Ferrari iPod iPhone Tickets to a show or concert Tools Wall art—framed Ansel Adams print, or whatever he likes $$$$—always a popular graduation gift