What is the most effective treatment for varicose vein that are due to pregnancy?

1 Answer

Answer :

Varicose Veins can be treated by using circulation enhancing socks, and magnets designed to improve blood flow. Also moving around, and not restricting blood flow area aslo simple tips to try and prevent veins and clots.

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Description : Varicose vein stripping?

Last Answer : DefinitionVein stripping is surgery to remove varicose veins in the legs.Alternative NamesVein stripping with ligation, avulsion, or ablation; Saphenous vein ligationDescriptionVaricose veins are swollen, ... either:General anesthesia and will be unconscious and unable to feel pain.Spinal anesthes

Description : Varicose vein?

Last Answer : Well, having green veins on legs and chest area is nothing to worry about. Green veins are more noticeable in people with pale skin. However, if those green veins make you self-conscious, then you can use ... , it is best to visit a vein doctor, tell them your concern and they will surely help you.

Description : Effective Treatment Options For Varicose Veins?

Last Answer : Phlebology is a field in medicine that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of impairments that originate from the veins.Varicose vein is one of the conditions under phlebology. This disorder is due ... vein can also cause discomfort, pain, swelling and leg cramps. This is why sufferers wi

Description : Is there anyone here who has never had varicose veins before but has suffered from it during pregnancy? What causes varicose veins and how can they be treated effectively? Could it be a complication?

Last Answer : Now this question has evoked bad memories in me. Unfortunately, I also suffered quite properly from varicose veins during all four of my pregnancies. I've mastered myself pretty well on this topic. Unsurprisingly, ... remedies, but I didn't dare try them. A home doctor can certainly help with this.

Description : Does pregnancy cause varicose veins?

Last Answer : According to Ehealth Md, varicose veins are caused by horomonal changes, enlarged uterus and a family history. Varicose veins may not occur until after pregnacy and might become prominent.

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Last Answer : C. Epsilon aminocaproic acid

Description : What is the best treatment for varicose veins?

Last Answer : The best treatment for varicose veins is known as sclerotherapy, which is a vein injection that causes the veins to stick together and seal shut. Compression stockings are also a very easy treatment for varicose veins if the problem is not too bad.

Description : The person who could not fast in Ramadan due to taking chemotherapy ; What should he do ? I am currently undergoing chemotherapy for liver cancer. The treatment is to take some tablets daily , injected ... Qiyamul Lail due to physical weakness ? Will I perform the qaya of this prayer the next day ?

Last Answer : One: We pray to God to heal you . Two: There is no difficulty in not fasting the month of Ramadan due to illness. Then, if you are able to fast, then make up the fast of this month. And if ... So that there is no beetir (odd), since there is no beetir prayer except at night. Allah is All-Knowing.

Description : How to Select and Know When You Need Vein Treatment?

Last Answer : Whether you suffer from varicose veins, spider veins, or otherkinds of vein problems, you will want to know about the kind ofvein treatment that will work for you. The first stop for thisinformation is your ... to stop the blood from flowing the way it is supposed toflow, and it begins to pool

Description : Is it possible to get bruising from laser vein treatment?

Last Answer : Bruising is not a very common side effect from laser vein treatment. This is normally apain free procedure,you may have some redness in the area. It is possible to get bruising from laser vein treatment. After the treatment, bruising, redness soreness and swelling can occur in the area.

Description : Does laser vein treatment get good results?

Last Answer : Most of the time, it does, but be aware that there are some risks, including bruising and bleeding at the surgery site.

Description : What are the risks associated with laser vein treatment?

Last Answer : There are small dangers in any procedure, but vein treatments are generally very safe. Talk to her doctor about the specific threats with her procedure.

Description : Endovenous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of varicose veins. Has anyone had this procedure done?

Last Answer : Even a close friend or family member, someone you know very well…?

Description : Are varicose veins hereditary?

Last Answer : Varicose veins tend to be inherited and become more prominent as the person ages.

Description : What kinds of varicose veins removal treatments are available in NYC?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know specifically what is available in NYC but the treatment you are looking for to treat actual varicose veins (as opposed to spider veins) is called Sclerotherapy. It ... varicose veins are severe enough some insurance will cover their treatment as it becomes a medical issue.

Description : Or is the disease hidden?

Last Answer : They are visible - look -https: //www.google.com/search? q = convulsions + ž % 20ly + foto & client = opera & hs = xtd & tbm = isch & tbo = u & source = univ & sa = X & ei = uV77U-iyHqOa0QWR44DQDg = # q = krecove + zily + foto & tbm = isch

Description : If so, how was your treatment?

Last Answer : Lioton 100,000, ice and elastic bandage, or calf stockings. Doctor's check for D-dimers, due to thrombosis.

Description : Does that mean you have cramps in your veins, or are they the protruding veins on your skin?

Last Answer : varicose veins - diseased dilation of superficial veins (usually on the legs). they have nothing to do with the word cramp. (tuxedo)

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Varicose veins?

Last Answer : DefinitionVaricose veins are swollen, twisted, and sometimes painful veins that have filled with an abnormal collection of blood.See also:Varicose vein strippingVaricose vein - ... birth (congenitally defective valves)PregnancyThrombophlebitisStanding for a long time and having increased pre

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Last Answer : http://www.varicoseveincures.com/ This website contains information to cure spider veins (varicose veins). It also includes cures and treatments. I hope this helps

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Last Answer : There are several causes for Varicose veins. The most common cause is seems to be a family history of Varicose veins. Then you have pregnancy, a possible blood clot and diet.

Description : Is there a non-surgical way to remove varicose veins?

Last Answer : Varicose veins can only be removed through surgery. However, there are non-surgical options to treat varicose veins, decreasing discomfort and/or deterioration. These options include weight ... wearing compression stockings. See http://www.doctorveins.com/varicose-veins/treatment-nonsurgical.shtml

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