Can varicose veins cause death?

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Description : Does pregnancy cause varicose veins?

Last Answer : According to Ehealth Md, varicose veins are caused by horomonal changes, enlarged uterus and a family history. Varicose veins may not occur until after pregnacy and might become prominent.

Description : Endovenous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of varicose veins. Has anyone had this procedure done?

Last Answer : Even a close friend or family member, someone you know very well…?

Description : Are varicose veins hereditary?

Last Answer : Varicose veins tend to be inherited and become more prominent as the person ages.

Description : What kinds of varicose veins removal treatments are available in NYC?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know specifically what is available in NYC but the treatment you are looking for to treat actual varicose veins (as opposed to spider veins) is called Sclerotherapy. It ... varicose veins are severe enough some insurance will cover their treatment as it becomes a medical issue.

Description : Is there anyone here who has never had varicose veins before but has suffered from it during pregnancy? What causes varicose veins and how can they be treated effectively? Could it be a complication?

Last Answer : Now this question has evoked bad memories in me. Unfortunately, I also suffered quite properly from varicose veins during all four of my pregnancies. I've mastered myself pretty well on this topic. Unsurprisingly, ... remedies, but I didn't dare try them. A home doctor can certainly help with this.

Description : Or is the disease hidden?

Last Answer : They are visible - look -https: // q = convulsions + ž % 20ly + foto & client = opera & hs = xtd & tbm = isch & tbo = u & source = univ & sa = X & ei = uV77U-iyHqOa0QWR44DQDg = # q = krecove + zily + foto & tbm = isch

Description : If so, how was your treatment?

Last Answer : Lioton 100,000, ice and elastic bandage, or calf stockings. Doctor's check for D-dimers, due to thrombosis.

Description : Does that mean you have cramps in your veins, or are they the protruding veins on your skin?

Last Answer : varicose veins - diseased dilation of superficial veins (usually on the legs). they have nothing to do with the word cramp. (tuxedo)

Description : Varicose veins?

Last Answer : DefinitionVaricose veins are swollen, twisted, and sometimes painful veins that have filled with an abnormal collection of blood.See also:Varicose vein strippingVaricose vein - ... birth (congenitally defective valves)PregnancyThrombophlebitisStanding for a long time and having increased pre

Description : Are there any websites that can help me find varicose veins?

Last Answer : This website contains information to cure spider veins (varicose veins). It also includes cures and treatments. I hope this helps

Description : What is the causes of varicose veins?

Last Answer : There are several causes for Varicose veins. The most common cause is seems to be a family history of Varicose veins. Then you have pregnancy, a possible blood clot and diet.

Description : What is the best treatment for varicose veins?

Last Answer : The best treatment for varicose veins is known as sclerotherapy, which is a vein injection that causes the veins to stick together and seal shut. Compression stockings are also a very easy treatment for varicose veins if the problem is not too bad.

Description : Is there a non-surgical way to remove varicose veins?

Last Answer : Varicose veins can only be removed through surgery. However, there are non-surgical options to treat varicose veins, decreasing discomfort and/or deterioration. These options include weight ... wearing compression stockings. See

Description : Effective Treatment Options For Varicose Veins?

Last Answer : Phlebology is a field in medicine that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of impairments that originate from the veins.Varicose vein is one of the conditions under phlebology. This disorder is due ... vein can also cause discomfort, pain, swelling and leg cramps. This is why sufferers wi

Description : Varicose vein stripping?

Last Answer : DefinitionVein stripping is surgery to remove varicose veins in the legs.Alternative NamesVein stripping with ligation, avulsion, or ablation; Saphenous vein ligationDescriptionVaricose veins are swollen, ... either:General anesthesia and will be unconscious and unable to feel pain.Spinal anesthes

Description : What is the most effective treatment for varicose vein that are due to pregnancy?

Last Answer : Varicose Veins can be treated by using circulation enhancing socks, and magnets designed to improve blood flow. Also moving around, and not restricting blood flow area aslo simple tips to try and prevent veins and clots.

Description : Varicose vein?

Last Answer : Well, having green veins on legs and chest area is nothing to worry about. Green veins are more noticeable in people with pale skin. However, if those green veins make you self-conscious, then you can use ... , it is best to visit a vein doctor, tell them your concern and they will surely help you.

Description : Do you know anything about veins that cause pain and bruises?

Last Answer : All I know is that bruises are formed by broken blood vessels. I hope that helps.

Description : Why do I see my veins?

Last Answer : answer:Skin is easily penetrated by light, especially ultraviolet. That’s why my beard is still visible even right after shaving.

Description : Does frequent blood/platelet donation harm your veins?

Last Answer : answer:No, because you're not putting anything other than blood and saline back in. From what I understand, it's pushing something into your vein that is not normally full strength in the blood ... her vein. That's because of the strength of the cocktail interacting with the walls of the vein.

Description : Why can I see blue veins under my skin?

Last Answer : The warmth of the shower will make the blood vessels near the surface of your skin dilate. When your hot your body moves blood closer to the surface to try and keep you cool. This makes the veins more obvious.

Description : Why can I see all the veins in my chest?

Last Answer : answer:Have you recently lost a bit of weight @deni? Do you smoke? You’ve most likely noticed your veins due to pale winter skin. Yes, I can see mine too. My skin is also pale, and thin, so I can really see veins in winter.

Description : Stabbing pains in leg veins?

Last Answer : No idea what could be happening, but any pain or clots in the legs should be examined immediately. Blood has to travel through the legs down to the feet and then back up to the heart so leg veins are all so important.

Description : How many (minor) spider veins can 3ml of sclerotherapy treat?

Last Answer : What type of sclerosant are they using? Be sure you're going with a reputable practitioner because there is a chance you could have long term staining from the procedure (as I understand it, it's ... ). With mild spiders, usually one session is enough, but may need repeat sessions down the road.

Description : How many sclerotherapy sessions do you think it would take to treat a 22 year old with mild to moderate spider veins?

Last Answer : Before you do anything to them, make sure that they aren't compensating for poor circulation elsewhere. A family member recently learned that her unsightly veinage was her body's response to a birth defect that ... the doctor said. This way, you can't get deep-vein thrombosis! She was not amused.

Description : How can I lighten the veins close to the surface on my arm?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther. It’s not dark veins that will make it look like you’ve been shooting drugs, it’s needle tracks. If you don’t have those, then you’re cool.

Description : Why do my veins look purple?

Last Answer : You’re ok, blood is like that you know. When it hits oxygen it turns red, but when it hits our bodies it’s blue or purpleish. Especially the blood that’s on the way to the heart because it contains less oxygen, I think.

Description : Why can't we see our bones (like we can our veins) when a flashlight is held against a hand?

Last Answer : Bones are less definitive, meaning, we could just see their outline. That and veins are closer to the surface, I think it has to do with density, to see bones you have to go through more skin. Why do you want to see bones so bad, I’ll show you a bone.

Description : Is it possible to donate blood if you have bad veins?

Last Answer : Yep, they just might have to dig a bit.

Description : Sales of "Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent" soar to the top of the list after Hugo Chavez publicly hands a copy of it to Barack Obama. Are you going to read it?

Last Answer : I might. I don’t know as much about Latin American history as I should.

Description : Does putting a laptop on your lap give you vericose veins?

Last Answer : No way

Description : Does anyne know why I can see my veins so well?

Last Answer : Don’t know but next time you ask a question you might want to get acquainted with the “details” section. Just some friendly advice.

Description : veins on small fig tree turning brown

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Something is eating my petunias and leaving only the veins of the leaves. . . .what do I treat them for?

Last Answer : After the sun passes over, mix up 2 tablespoons Dawn & 1 qt water & spray.........get under the leaves..............spray again if you see them or after it rains.

Description : I hava green leafy plant with red veins, what is iT?

Last Answer : It might be rhubarb..............looks like thick celery but red with big leaves..........takes 3 years before you can take any.

Description : my rhubarb leaves are turning pale, leaves are pea green with darker veins

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Name two minerals which are obtained from veins and lodes. -Geography

Last Answer : Minerals occur under a variety of circumstances. It is important to understand their occurrence as the type of formation in which they occur determines the relative ease and cost of extraction of said ... are called lodes. Major metallic minerals like tin and copper occur in nature in this manner.

Description : My veins of green may go unseen, Til on the ground I lay around. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Leaves' - Reasoning: Leaves contain veins to transport water through the leaf, and as people would need to be up close to see them. Hence, these veins go unseen as they spend most of their time up in trees attached to branches. You only really get to see them when they fall to the ground.

Description : What are veins and lodes? -SST 10th

Last Answer : In igneous and metamorphic rocks minerals may occur in the cracks, crevices,faults or joints. The smaller occurrences are called veins and the larger are cabled lodes.

Description : Name the major metallic minerals which are obtained from veins and lodes. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Tin, copper, zinc and lead.

Description : What types of minerals are mainly obtained from veins and lodes? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Major metallic minerals like tin, copper, zinc and lead, etc., are obtained from veins and lodes.

Description : (a) Draw a sectional view of the human heart and label on it – Aorta, Right ventricle and Pulmonary veins. (b) State the functions of the following components of transport system: (i) Blood (ii) Lymph -Biology

Last Answer : Answer.(a) (b) The functions of blood and lymph are as follows: (i) BloodOxygen is transported by the blood to the tissues of the body for the breakdown of digested food.Carbon dioxide is ... without which nothing will diffuse. (iii) A thin surface across which gases diffuse. (iv) Warm conditions.

Description : (a) Draw a schematic representation of transport and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide during transportation of blood in human beings and label on it: Lung capillaries, Pulmonary artery to ... the advantage of separate channels in mammals and birds for oxygenated and deoxygenated blood? -Biology

Last Answer : (a) A schematic representation of transportation and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide during transportation of blood in human beings (b) It is necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated ... . The separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood provides high oxygen supply to the organs.

Description : State two differences between arteries and veins. -Biology

Last Answer : ArteriesArteries carry oxygenated blood, away from the heart except pulmonary artery.These are thick-walled, highly muscular except arteries of cranium and vertebral column.Valves are absent. Blood in ... which provide unidirectional flow of blood. Blood in veins moves under very low pressure.

Description : List in tabular form three differences between arteries and veins. -Biology

Last Answer : This is your Answer.

Description : Why valves are needed in the veins? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : How to gain weight without side effects ? I am 21 years old . I am very thin. The veins of my hands and feet can be seen clearly. Many people make fun of me for being thin , then I feel very ... by taking any medicine ( name of the medicine available in West Bengal, India ). Please tell me a way.

Last Answer : Move properly. If you have bad habits, quit. Exercise regularly. Get enough sleep. Eat more protein , calcium , vitamins. According to the doctor's advice, take Square Company's multivitamin tablet ... If you have problems with gas, you can take gas tablets or Carmina syrup from Hamdard company.

Description : Occasionally there is a burning sensation inside me from the wrists to the fingers. It seems that current is going through the veins of the hand. Why is this ?

Last Answer : It happens for various reasons. For example, if there is high blood pressure in the hand, if there is anemia , if there is any problem in the nerve , there is tension in the tendon or ligament of the ... Like eggs , milk , bananas and apples. Eat more water. Do not carry heavy things in your hands.

Description : Will the veins return to normal after radio frequency ablation ?

Last Answer : : Yes , there is a possibility of recovery.