What are the earliest symptoms of pregnancy?

1 Answer

Answer :

Earliest signs of pregnancy include frequent nausea and low back pain as well as missed periods, tender or swollen breasts, and fatigue. Go to you doctor for a pregnancy test ot be sure.

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Description : Questions about pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks?

Last Answer : answer:Congrats! There's more to worry about than ever so it's natural for you to think about everything that could go wrong. Probably best to just start documenting all the things you notice and ... . You being relaxed is good for you and good for the baby. Again, congratulations, exciting stuff.

Description : Early pregnancy symptoms?

Last Answer : answer:I mean it could be pregnancy, but it very well could just be your period and a host of other things too. Try not to stress out about it, there's nothing you can do at the moment anyways. In fact ... the future wrap it up or get on BC of some kind, so you don't have to worry about this)

Description : Pregnancy Symptoms, Irregular Period, NuvaRing?

Last Answer : Call your doctor. Since you said you had a positive pregnancy test, you really need to call your doctor and see what they say. They may want you to come in for blood work to be sure since you also had 2 negative tests.

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Last Answer : Pneumonia is very serious (inflammation of one or both lungs) and should never be taken lightly. Why not go immediately to your Ob/gyn tomorrow, have him listen to your lungs and do some blood work? ... immune system strong; any illness that a pregnant woman may harbor is a Bad thing for the fetus.

Description : How long does it take to start getting symptoms of pregnancy?

Last Answer : It would take less time to pee on a stick than type this question. Symptoms are different for all women. There is no set timeline.

Description : What are the dangerous symptoms of pregnancy ?

Last Answer : Dangerous symptoms during pregnancy: - If the eyelids , tongue , gums , palms of the hands become pale. Feeling tired all the time and breathing frequently or shortness of breath. - Any ... the health center or hospital. Consult a registered physician in case of taking and using the medicine

Description : Symptoms of Early Pregnancy?

Last Answer : One of the most apprehensive times in a woman's life can be during the period in which she is unsure whether or not she is pregnant. A number of reasons exist for why a woman may feel ... all. The most effective way to confirm a pregnancy is by a pregnancy test confirmed by a medical professional.

Description : What are common pregnancy symptoms?

Last Answer : A missed period, implantation bleeding, morning sickness and cramping are all common pregnancy symptoms. Many women also experience back pains, sore breasts and fatigue. Morning sickness, or feeling nauseous, is often one of the first symptoms a woman will experience.

Description : Are these pregnancy symptoms?

Last Answer : There are many symptoms that could indicate pregnancy. Swollen and tender breasts are one symptom. Weight gain, nausea, and exhaustion are some other more common symptoms. Some or all could be indications that you are pregnant but all could also be symptoms of something else.

Description : What are some symptoms of pregnancy?

Last Answer : Symptoms of pregnancy are vomiting, food cravings, missed monthly periods,weight gain, face breakouts, and a fat abdomen. Some women even have swollen hands and feet, along with being sleepy all the time.

Description : What are signs and symptoms of pregnancy?

Last Answer : In addition to a missed period, the earliest symptoms of pregnancy might include nausea with or without vomiting, increased urination, and food aversions or cravings.

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Last Answer : 'This answer was deleted by our moderators...

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Last Answer : Ans: Vishnu, Shiva, and Durga.