Does solar power generation work in the woods?

1 Answer

Answer :

As long as you have an open area where a solar panel would receive plenty of sunshine you can set it up anywhere. You may want to hire a professional to advise you where to place it for maximum exposure and soaking up the sun's rays.

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Description : Are solar panels the best form of solar power generation?

Last Answer : The best form of solar power generation is through much more advanced and dangerous technology. For your home though, solar panels are a great form of solar power generation, and although not totally reliable, very good for environment and saves costs.

Description : How feasible is solar power generation?

Last Answer : Solar power generation is hard to get with a preexisting home for a low cost. Solar panels are possible, but they are expensive. A passive solar home uses the sun's energy both in winter and summer to heat or cool the house.

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Last Answer : (2) thermal Explanation: Thermal power is the largest source of power in India. There are different types of Thermal power plants based on the fuel used to generate the steam such ... and several other state level power generating companies are engaged in operating coal based Thermal Power Plants.

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Last Answer : 1. Hydro power generation This is traditional method of producing cheap electricity but involve some problems I. The people living in these areas where the dams to be constructed are shifted to some ... I. Very high installation cost II. Not applicable for night III. Number of batteries required

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Last Answer : (2) Rajasthan Explanation: According to data released by the Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy on June 4, 2015, Rajasthan has become number one state in the country in terms of total installed capacity ... : 1000 MW; Madhya Pradesh : 563 MW; Maharashtra : 363 MW; Andhra Pradesh : 247 MW.

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Last Answer : Energy substitution

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Last Answer : Not so much living in the woods, but camping in the woods for two or three days, yeah. Maybe near a small stream where I could get some good fishing in.

Description : Is Trump using Woods and his Presidency for personal business?

Last Answer : Remember that Woods and Trump were business partners, developing a golf course together. This is about giving an award to a business partner. Not a golf game. Remember, too, that Woods screwed around on his ... kids, and was caught driving around on drugs. He is just the kind of guy Trump admires.

Description : What ages / grades constitute Middle School in your neck of the woods?

Last Answer : Around here (California/Nevada), middle school is Grades 6-8, ages 11-14. (Elementary K-5, ages 5-11, High School grades 9-12, ages 14-18). School starts in August, gets out in June. My mom ... middle school was grades 7-9 in her particular town and it was common for an elementary school to be K-6.

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Last Answer : He has been a person of interest off and on since her death. I see no reason for them to keep reopening the case.

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Last Answer : Woods for sure. I actually live about 60 minutes between the beach and a sweet spot on a old logging road with a nice creek. The woods every single time. I hate sand when camping. It gets all over ... more firewood if needed. I am so bad at estimating the amount of wood needed to keep a fire going.

Description : What kind of butterflies are in your neck of the woods?

Last Answer : Only the ones in my stomach when looking for work.

Description : How is the weather in your neck of the woods today?

Last Answer : It’s a beautiful winter wonderland out here in Chicagoland. Temps in the low 30s with light snow. In my neck of the woods we’ve gotten about 3 to 4 inches so far. A bit more is expected.

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Last Answer : Working in the dairy section of the grocery store.

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Last Answer : Congrats!

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Last Answer : Ugh. I’m surprised he didn’t offer watermelon, too. People are idiots. :/

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Last Answer : Too early. Between 4 and 5. Incredibly annoying, and that is with closed windows. Damned dinosaurs.

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Last Answer : I live in NZ but have never heard of this product, mind you I only ever use the microwave for reheating food so not surprising I guess, sorry I can’t be of any help.

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Last Answer : Check this web page Canadian Space Agency. It show the multiple orbits and the three lines and shows that they are not one on top of the other. So those three time in one night are are when the orbits ... head. The other times it goes over may be during daylight or is on the other side of the Earth.

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Last Answer : answer:What condition is it in, what kind of amenities are there and do they meet your expectations? How much money have you to spend. How big is the family and is it a dictatorship or a democracy? ... hanging-out porch is a wonderful luxury. This is a very broad question. Can you be more specific?

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Last Answer : Two days ago it was weird hot, very hot winds blowing all day. That night we had some storms and the temperature dropped like rock. Today it is mostly calm, overcast, and in the mid 60's. The temperature ... gradually all week, getting up into the 80's a couple days from now. I'm near Memphis, TN.

Description : A month of serenity; out in the woods, in a cottage all by yourself; are you down?

Last Answer : I would just need a female and a lot of viagra.

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Last Answer : “She has such a beautiful face.” “What a lovely outgoing personality.”

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Last Answer : When I was in high school (1994–99), making duct tape wallets was pretty popular among my guy friends. That’s about all I’ve ever seen.

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Last Answer : It would be nice to live away from the city, but just drive to it regularly. But I don’t think I would want to create a life separate from the city. I’m not a rural person.

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Last Answer : I may suggest the Wilson Falls. Otherwise, I’d point your ass outa my sorry town and over to Montréal lol.

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Last Answer : Gun Knife Tent Compass World’s most advanced comm device.

Description : Here it is mid=July. How's the weather in Your neck of the woods?

Last Answer : answer:We're having a pretty mild summer to date. Only about 3 days of 100 so far. The 4th of July was about 95, then a few days of 97, 98 and 100. Now, this last week and through tomorrow it is ... it, but we're not done with the heat, it'll be back, sooner or later, cherishing the moments. haha

Description : So. What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

Last Answer : My location is too bloody unpredictable. One minute the sun was shining with no chance of rain, some moments later it’s pouring. Sky’s clear now, about 18 degrees celcius.

Description : Regarding Tiger Woods' new girlfriend. Is this significant?

Last Answer : Like Charlie Sheen, he is yesterday’s news. Who the fuck cares?

Description : How cold is it in your "neck of the woods?"?

Last Answer : It is now a balmy 21 F ;)

Description : How would I make a fort in the woods?

Last Answer : Get a seven-year-old boy to help, and just feed him. That is, feed him stories to keep his interest up in the endeavor: protection from wild animals, marauding tribes of natives, zombies and werewolves, and snacks at least hourly.

Description : Would you rather live ona farm,in the city, or in the woods?

Last Answer : In a penthouse apartment with a lush garden and pool.

Description : What do the locals call it in your state or neck of the woods?

Last Answer : Instant teller

Description : Is it a "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" and wonderful day in your neck of the woods?

Last Answer : answer:I drove home to visit my parents today, so I’d say my entire week is actually off to a pretty wonderful start. :) The 5 hour drive also wasn’t so unbearable because this awesome person talked to me on the phone practically the whole time. Glad you’re in no pain, BoBo. :)

Description : Nike's new Tiger Woods ad: tasteful or tasteless?

Last Answer : I think that his dad would be more than happy to help him. Even from beyond the grave. It is just a continuation of what he did for him when he was alive.

Description : What reception do you think Tiger Woods will receive at the upcoming Masters?

Last Answer : It’s the Masters. The reception will be quiet and polite or they will be kicked out.

Description : Will Tiger Woods ever make a comeback?

Last Answer : Absolutely. You heard it here first. In a year or two it will be headline news “Tiger is back!” with vapid articles on how he has put his past behind him and is now a family man.

Description : What did you think of Tiger Woods public apology today?

Last Answer :

Description : Tiger Woods has talked to the media, good or bad idea?

Last Answer : Good

Description : Who said: "rocks and rills, the woods and templed hills"?

Last Answer : My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From every mountainside, Let freedom ring! My native country, thee, Land of ... might, Great God, our King. Samuel F. Smith 1832

Description : Do celebrities like David Duchovny and Tiger Woods, use rehab to excuse their devient behavior?

Last Answer : Follow some sense of morality! COMMON TIGER YOU KNOW THIS CRAP WAS GONNA HAPPEN!!! I don't understand these super stars. They can fall just like the rest of us, except the difference is its ... . But they act all surprised when they are caught up in these scandals! I think its just funny.

Description : How do ya'll give/get directions in your neck of the woods?

Last Answer : I live in CO. Everything is directional. Turn west on Main St. Head north on Blah Ave. Coming from CA, I had never had to know north from east when driving. The secret here is that the ... but now I always know which way a direction is, even inside sometimes. It's just become second nature.

Description : Should Tiger Woods have just received two awards?

Last Answer : Tiger got them for golfer of the decade,not husband of the decade.

Description : How does "tiger woods adultery sale" bring you a dictionary page?

Last Answer : I googled it and got this: How does tiger woods adultery sale bring you a dictionary page? I just clicked away from a fluther page only to realize a second later that an ad on that page ... bring you a dictionary page? - 1 hour ago__

Description : What impact will Tiger Woods indefinite break from the sport have on golf?

Last Answer : Not much. I read somewhere that most senior citizens who enjoy golf and compose a significant portion of the sport’s fanbase don’t even know who he is.

Description : Do you think that charles barkely and michael jordan were a bad influence on tiger woods?

Last Answer : Oh please. Tiger is an Adult. He can make his own decisions. And they were bad decisions. He can not blame others for his transgressions.

Description : Oh no, you're lost in the woods! What do you do?

Last Answer : I would probably head towards the humming sound and light source, simply because those things probably lead towards other human beings and possible reference points for finding out where I am. ... surroundings, one travels toward the most likely spot where they will encounter other human beings.