Starbucks Store?

1 Answer

Answer :

Starbucks VIA Rich flavorful coffee in an instant

Related questions

Description : What are the duties of a starbucks store supervisor?

Last Answer : Like any supervisor. Being responsible having to answer to the boss of several store supervisors.

Description : Why does the Walker's Shortbread made for Starbucks taste better than the Walker's you buy in the store?

Last Answer : I also love shortbread. Awhile back a friend gave me this recipe and I've used it now, several times. You must let it cool completely before you cut it (or your cookie crumbles). I've also added ... dish. Prick top with a fork. Bake until pale golden brown on the edges. Cool and cut into squares.

Description : Can you help me understand the appeal of Starbucks?

Last Answer : Guess you mean coffee when you say drinks?

Description : Why do you go to Starbucks?

Last Answer : Because I like coffee?

Description : Coffee drinkers of Reddit, would you consider Starbucks' coffee good? If so, what is the appeal to you?

Last Answer : It's decent but grossly overpriced for its quality. Edit: typo

Description : Why can't I find the login page for Starbucks and Panera wifi anymore?

Last Answer : Sounds like your computer’s networking has something configured wrong for those networks. Something that isn’t very visible. Did you try deleting those networks from your computer’s record of known networks, restarting the computer and then re-searching for new networks and re-adding them?

Description : What if Starbucks underplayed (the racism or "racism" case) and France (the Malian hero case) events?

Last Answer : I’m not referring to the blatantly racist people by the way, of course they would be critics.

Description : Does the coffee frappuccino from Starbucks have a high sugar content if it is ordered without cream?

Last Answer : Do you mean the whipped cream on top? I think this is the right link to help. There are frappuccinos with and without whipped cream, and you can compare. Just click on the drink for the ... It looks like the whipped cream adds 20-30 grams of sugar depending on the exact type of frappaccino.

Description : What's your take on the woman who is suing Starbucks for putting too much ice in her iced coffee?

Last Answer : answer: Starbucks is advertising the size of its Cold Drink cups on its menu rather than the amount of fluid a customer will receive when they purchase a Cold Drink Says it all to me. It's universal. You receive ... of the 24 hr. news cycle. (10 years is a hell of a learning curve to admit to!)

Description : What makes Starbucks the better choice for a coffee shop?

Last Answer : Their marketing team. Even in the Land of Coffee (Seattle) their product was not considered very good, but they were ubiquitous, and the marketing was outstanding.

Description : Have you seen any actual Christians on your facebook feed who have any thing to say about Starbuck's red cups?

Last Answer : Apart from being one degree of separation from the dipshit that started it all, I don’t know anyone that cares. Most people are willing to change the conversation to how bad Starbucks’ coffee tastes.

Description : Will you be going to Starbucks this week to have a meaningful dialog with your barista about race?

Last Answer : If the nearest one weren’t 25 miles away, I might (but it is unlikely since the last cup of regular coffee I drank was in 1984.)

Description : Why is there so much outrage over the President's "Starbucks salute". Would it have been better to just ignore the Marine Guard's salute since he had both hands full?

Last Answer : I’m pretty sure the U.S. should tap into its large emergency tissue reserve. I’m thinking that maybe 5–6 boxes per month per citizen might be able to mop up the offense-induced tears.

Description : Did you hear that Starbuck's is offering its employees free tuition to college?

Last Answer : Today’s NY Times had an article with the headline something about it not being all it’s cracked up to be, or that there were limitations or something. I didn’t read and it’s too late for me to search now. If someone wants to go on the NY Times site they may find it, or I will link it tomorrow.

Description : Boring question #59: How many of those wooden stir sticks does the average Starbucks Coffee place run through?

Last Answer : I never understood those sticks. When you pour half & half into your coffee, it doesn’t require stirring. And if you are adding sugar to your coffee, why not just walk across the street to Dunkin’ Donuts or 7–11?

Description : Do you go to Starbucks?

Last Answer : That's like asking me if i breathe! I have the same thing with my local Starbucks - they know my drink, know me by name and all that. I'm not as crazy as you are though when I travel. I don't ... Though I have the Starbucks app so i am never a click away from finding a store near me, wherever I am.

Description : Is using a wifi hotspot from Starbucks whilst waiting in their parking lot for someone a no-no?

Last Answer : I don’t know. There have been plenty of times I stayed at a hotel that didn’t have wifi, but I was able to use the wifi from a hotel across the street…

Description : I recently applied to Starbucks, should I call them and ask if my application had a chance to be reviewed?

Last Answer : answer:How recently? I would give them at least a week to respond. Was there a posted opening or did you just apply?

Description : Do you agree with Howard Schultz CEO of Starbucks suggestions to strengthen the American Economy?

Last Answer : answer:Holy smokes, I think he said a lot of good things. Unfortunately, as much as it has to change in the Whitehouse, it has to change in John Q's house. I think the whole way in which ... go get it if no one else does, because they might lose their cupcake while everyone else still has theirs.

Description : Has anyone ever tried the Orange Mango Smoothie at Starbucks?

Last Answer : Yes, it’s good. ( i’m really wondering, can you be working for Starbucks? Lol. )

Description : What are your favorite Starbucks special drinks?

Last Answer : I only set foot in Starbucks at airports. They make a passable cup of black coffee.

Description : What is a great drink to order at Starbucks on a date?

Last Answer : answer:You said you don't want to come off as girly and as confident and smooth instead. Therefore, I'm guessing you're a dude. In that case, I'd say you should order a large because only ... my name was Kermit. But you believed me for a second there, didn't you? And that's what counts.

Description : Why are the drinks in Starbucks and similar cafes so expensive?

Last Answer : Supply and demand. If people are willing to pay more for a product or service that they perceive to be better, someone will provide it.

Description : What are your impressions of a regular customer who visits Starbucks just to get refills?

Last Answer : A very thrifty customer! Knows how to stretch a dollar. And a nice one to boot.

Description : If you had to work at a cafe, would you rather work at a small local cafe or a franchise like Starbucks?

Last Answer : I would want to work at a small local cafe somewhere really big like NY or Boston because if the chains ever go down, I won’t be out of a job, and I like the small little places that not many people know about, except locals. I’ve always wanted to own a cafe.

Description : Flirting with Starbucks baristas?

Last Answer : What could possibly be wrong with flirting with a cute and nice barista? Just take it slow and be careful to let things develop, if they do, naturally.

Description : How clean is your Starbucks?

Last Answer : I don’t buy coffee there because it tastes like dirt.Now I know

Description : How would the image of Starbucks be affected if they did advertising?

Last Answer : answer:Not if they do it like this: so snobbish

Description : Starbucks announces new 128fl oz size cup. Outrageous?

Last Answer : It’s April, fools.

Description : Is there a better place to go to discuss something with someone, or console them, other than a coffee bean or starbucks?

Last Answer : I think a recreational park would be a great place to meet.

Description : What do you think of the tip jars at places like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts?

Last Answer : Maybe its like a bonus for the employs to give better service.

Description : How much does a Starbucks scone cost (in, say, San Francisco)?

Last Answer : Between 3 and 5 dollars. Why?

Description : What do you think about the VIA Challenge? Did you go to Starbucks to participate?

Last Answer : I don’t buy coffee at Starbucks. It strikes me as an obscene waste of money when I can make a cup of coffee by myself for a fraction of the cost.

Description : What is the most complicated coffee drink you've ordered at Starbucks?

Last Answer : Cafe Americano, accept no other

Description : I'm looking for the largest Starbucks in NYC - know where it is?

Last Answer : Astor Place. it’s also 24hrs. take the 6 train to Astor Place, it’s right there when you come up from the subway.

Description : Whats worse for your body a starbuck's caramel latte or diet mt dew?

Last Answer : Just look at the nutritional information for the drinks. While one can argue that the aspartame in diet drinks is bad, I believe the calorie contents are more important here. Hands down, without having read their nutritional infos, Starbucks will be worse for you than a diet drink.

Description : Do the Starbucks naming conventions bug you?

Last Answer : It doesn’t bother me, they make sense. :) At least, Venti does. I don’t pay attention to it, you learn the language of whatever restaurant you’re at. If I wanted a Gordita at Taco Bell I wouldn’t order a fluffy soft taco, fried, with chicken.

Description : Starbucks alternatives in the US? (Other chains, I mean.)

Last Answer : Coffee Bean maybe?

Description : Why no egg nog latte at Starbucks this Christmas?

Last Answer : If I had to guess, I would say that it's because eggnog is VERY expensive. In order to cut back on costs some places cut eggnog with a lot of milk. The evil empire hasn't been doing very well ... made by an artisan not a chump that knows how to press a button to make some instant coffee drink.

Description : How much money do you think Starbucks lost yesterday?

Last Answer : The real question is… “How much money is Starbuck’s losing because of the studies that show America now prefers Dunkin Donuts and McDonald’s coffee?”

Description : Is Starbucks ethical?

Last Answer : Yes and no. If you can reach the promised land of being full time, they give positively amazing benefits. However, they keep the majority of their baristas just below the full time ... press for not being fair trade certified, but their program is better than most coffee roasters attempt.

Description : Why do women in the line at my Starbucks outnumber men six to one?

Last Answer : I prefer coffee black.. strong.. no crazy flavors.. too sweet for me. Maybe women have an affinity for the sweets? xD

Description : If Starbucks sold french fries, how many annoying variations on an order might they offer?

Last Answer : there’d only be one type of fry but they’d be covered in milk and cost $8. and they wouldn’t taste like french fries.

Description : If you could add something to starbucks what would it be?

Last Answer : FREE PRICES!

Description : How much does a small starbucks breve cost?

Last Answer : I usually get mine with a double shot, and it is just under $3.00 Single shot would be less.

Description : Do you believe that, as time goes on, there are less business/entrepreneurial opportunities out there? In other words, does this generation have less biz ideas available than the last generation and the generation before that? Do ideas as grand as Starbucks still exist?

Last Answer : answer:I think there are still limitless opportunities and new ideas. Many of them will focus on new technology, for example, the two guys who started Google or the YouTube or our own Ask- ... revolution? All you need is imagination and drive. Not giving up is the key to entrepreneurial success.

Description : Starbucks or Tim Hortons?

Last Answer : Tim Horton’s! I’m not big on extremely strong coffee, so I like Tim’s better. Plus I grew up near Buffalo, so I know real Tim Horton’s coffee and doughnuts.

Description : Is Starbucks in Pakistan?

Last Answer : Nope not yet just recently came back from Pakistan althoughPakistan has mcdonalds,Burger King,and hardees but not Starbucks itcosts alot of money. As far as for right now Pakistan's economy isnot ... itself Starbucks. But i'msure once Pakistan's economy starts booming they'll build one inPakistan:)

Description : What type of beans does Starbucks use in their coffee?

Last Answer : In general Starbucks and other premium coffees are made of Arabica beans. However they sell all types of coffees and some of these are made of different beans. Most premium coffee is either Arabica or Robusta.

Description : How many Starbucks coffee shops are in the US?

Last Answer : At last count there were 16,635 franchises in the United States. Starbucks has some thoughts of some day surpassing McDonalds in franchise numbers.