what products are good if you have a mice problem?

1 Answer

Answer :

The best way to get rid of mice are usually the simplest. They include, but are not limited to, rat poison, mouse traps, and fumigation. If you go with fumigation, it is best to call your local exterminator.

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Last Answer : yes, it’s weird science and getting weirder every day.

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Last Answer : Not that I am aware of nor have I ever seen anything that looks like a computer mouse.

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Last Answer : Couldn’t find one you could purchase in a retail store. But did find an instructables for one.

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Last Answer : Mice are the first step that shows us whether there's any promise whatsoever, which would allow us to move towards human trials. We can't conclude anything until we've tested on humans. ... they pay attention to the early stages of drug development even though they might not ultimately pan out.

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Last Answer : No, not all homes that are old have mice.

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Last Answer : answer:I lived in a rural duplex for a while not long ago and we ended up having a couple of mice at one point. We tried lots of stuff but the thing that worked the best was the D-Con no touch ... pest control. Here's the trap I'm talking about: http://www.d-conproducts.com/no-view-no-touch.php

Description : Keeping mice out of our house...

Last Answer : You’re going to get some good responses soon. Trust me, I’ve asked. My only advice… Wage an all out war, take no prisoners, show no mercy. Fuck em all!

Description : What do you do with the mice that get caught in a humane mouse trap?

Last Answer : Give them to someone that live feeds snakes or other predatory lizards.

Description : How do you catch mice?

Last Answer : answer:Crafty little guys they are. Glue traps are pretty evil, maybe just go for the regular snap traps. I set a havaheart on my stove last summer and I caught a tree frog. lol Frog poo and mouse ... rattlers, let nature do the job. Just release a rattlesnake in your car and kitchen for a week. lol

Description : What is the most humane way to kill mice ?

Last Answer : Get a cat

Description : How do you deal with mice problems?

Last Answer : I have always found that having cats around has effectively eliminated the mouse problem. Mice just aren’t interested in my area if there are cats.

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Last Answer : Um… I say, “one computer mouse, two computer mice.”

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Last Answer : Bigamy.

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Last Answer : Give it a cookie.

Description : Are wireless mice reliable?

Last Answer : The Apple Magic Mouse is grand, but the key there is Apple.

Description : Would leaving garage lights on 24 hours per day (1) invite, (2) deter, or (3) have no effect on mice?

Last Answer : It might deter them at first, as they are nocturnal, but I think they would become accustomed to it & ignore the lights after awhile.

Description : Why are rats and mice associated with cheese?

Last Answer : I was told by a pest control professional that they do not even like cheese. But they do love peanut butter They also like food with high sugar content.

Description : One of my little mice has died. Does the remaining mouse need a new friend?

Last Answer : It’s hard to understand the psychology of mice. It may get lonely.

Description : Is a rat zapper likely the least painful way to exterminate mice?

Last Answer : You are a mouse lover? Kinky! (And you ask about exterminating them. Did one cheat on you?) Not knowing what a Rat Zapper is makes it hard to answer with any authority, but I am unaware of any ... them using a humane trap and then release them in a remote area. (Often my Mother-in-Law's yard.)

Description : How to get rid of mice/rats in my house?

Last Answer : Mouse traps. This will work at first but they'll wise up to it if they see you put one down. In my opinion snap traps are more humane where as the sticky traps don't kill them . then you ... at least they won't be showing their faces, just leaving you little presents all over the place. Good luck!

Description : Are there any bluetooth wireless mice that will work directly with my MacBook Pro other than the Mighty Mouse?

Last Answer : Yeah, I’m gonna go with no. There isn’t. Everyone I know with a Mac has a Mighty Mouse. :-/ I think.

Description : How can i keep snake and mice out of my house....its very clean, but i live deep in the woods?

Last Answer : Thats kind of hard, theres no real guarantee that you will never see a snake or mouse or whatever else in your home because I don’t think they are animals attracted to filth anyway? but idk you live in the woods so it is possible, Just be careful and cautious I guess

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Last Answer : Let the cats provide daily exercise units for them. A brief chase through the living room or up and down stairs?

Description : Are elephants really scared of mice?

Last Answer : Mythbusters looked into this.

Description : Will putting birdseed in my backyard also attract mice?

Last Answer : Yes, YES and YES. I practically had a car destroyed because a condominium of mice moved in and stuffed the heating and AC ducts with sunflower seeds. All rodents love sunflower seeds, which is ... keep feeders, but do let the wild thistle, milkweed and flowering shrubs that attract birds grow.

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Last Answer : In my experience, havaharts and other live traps don't work. I would definitely suggest getting a professional in, if you haven't already. I've never dealt with larger rodents, but this ... -Ready-Package/dp/B000QD3IBO/ref=sr_1_42/105-2323055-0425215?ie=UTF8&s;=home-garden&qid;=1181508595&sr;=8-42

Description : Remember the mice-in-Subaru issue?

Last Answer : Use mouse poison. It makes them really thirsty, so they leave to find water. They’ll die outside of the car.

Description : Remember that question about mice in my Subaru Forester?

Last Answer : answer:Ugh! I--ing hate mice. Hate, hate, hate them. I really could go and have gone on for 30 minutes or more spewing expletives to illustrate my feelings about those bastards. In college, I worked at a pool snack bar ... soaking your car in poison and setting it on fire. ----------------------ers!

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Last Answer : I believe that they want the fat content.

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Last Answer : Cause way back when mice would roam the brick streets cheese was something new to come to town most rats would die from dairy and milk and cheese.but thecheese that scientists use has booze in it to distract the ... is drunk and the liquer in the chees got rid of a lot of the dairy in the cheese.

Description : Every so often we see a mouse in our house. How do they get it?

Last Answer : Mice are very persistent creatures. They appear larger than they really are because of their fur. They can squeeze their bodies through extremely small openings. If they can't squeeze through they will chew ... from coming into your house, you can stuff some materiel under the door to bar their way.

Description : I have a pet mouse and he got out of his cage the other day. We found him in the next room. The door was closed the whole time, so me must have squeezed under the door. There a tiny bit of space there, but it's smaller than the height of our mouse. How did he do it?

Last Answer : Mice are persistent creatures. They appear larger than they really are because of their fur. They can squeeze their bodies through extremely small openings. If they can't squeeze through, they'll try ... skulls and flexible bodies that allow them to squeeze through holes as small as 5mm, in size.

Description : My ball python refuses to eat, even when the mouse is fresh and alive....why is he starving himself to death?

Last Answer : This is not an unusual occurrence. Some ball pythons stop eating during the winter months. It is called "winter anorexia" . If your snake shows any signs of respiratory distress such as breathing open- ... to feed live animals while he's in this condition as he can be vulnerable to their bites.

Description : What should I put around my apple trees so the mice donot eat the bark under the snow this winter.

Last Answer : Keep all the mulch from around the tree in the winter and carefully shovel all the snow away and let the ground freeze.

Description : do mice eat tomatoes?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : When is the worst weather for rats and mice? -Riddles

Last Answer : When it rains cats and dogs.

Description : What do you call it when two mice almost collide? -Riddles

Last Answer : A narrow squeak.

Description : What do cats call mice on a skateboard? -Riddles

Last Answer : Meals on wheels!

Description : If 5 cats catch 5 mice in 5 minutes, how long will it take one cat to catch a mouse? -Riddles

Last Answer : Five minutes.

Description : If three cats catch three mice in three minutes, how many cats would be needed to catch 100 mice in 100 minutes? -Riddles

Last Answer : The same three cats would do. Since these three cats are averaging one mouse per minute, given 100 minutes, the cats could catch 100 mice.

Description : why might the shrews and mice die if the flats are built?

Last Answer : Y

Description : I need some work that is similar to this work.

Last Answer : It depends on the angle of view. As for the status of blacks, unemployment, social oppression still Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath. Or by W. Faulkner Absolone, Absolone!

Description : I want to ask if anyone has experience with mouse death. About a month ago, I bought a group of five mice at a pet center. I find one dead almost every week. They were always ... in the drinker every two days, fresh fruits and vegetables and special granules for mice. Please advise. Thanks

Last Answer : See a vet.

Description : What are you doing with it?

Last Answer : Nothing ... I have paths from rodents (I used to) on the lawn ice after the winter, when they traveled under the snow - they disappeared after the first mowing of the grass. :O

Description : I put polystyrene there but it didn't help. These are holes in a wooden hut.

Last Answer : It doesn't help to make money because they are tried elsewhere. They need to be wiped out. Especially in the fall, when they start moving from gardens and fields to cottages.

Description : Or does it matter? I need something on the mouse.

Last Answer : A cat is better, a cat is a tramp ...

Description : I'm considering buying it in a barracks. Isn't it just a superstition? Thank you for any response

Last Answer : It really catches. In their youth, older, older males sometimes do not catch.

Description : If 20 J of energy is trapped at producer level, then how much energy will be available to peacock as food in the following chain? Plant `rarr` Mice `r

Last Answer : If 20 J of energy is trapped at producer level, then how much energy will be available to peacock as food in the ... 0.002 J C. 0.2 J D. 0.0002 J