what is the diet plan for diabetics?

1 Answer

Answer :

The best diet plan for a diabetic would be to cut out fats and sugars. You can make your own plan as long as you know what foods you are and are not supposed to eat.

Related questions

Description : What's a good diet plan for diabetics?

Last Answer : A diet in low-sugar, low-salt, high fiber and protein is usually a good and healthy diet for diabetics. Also limiting your intake of carbs is beneficial.

Description : What is a good weight loss diet plan for diabetics?

Last Answer : I found a website on the internet that claims to help diabetics loose up to 10 pounds in 5 weeks. The link is: http://healthnews.ediets.com/Diabetes-meal-plan/. This website also provides you with sample meal plans and helpful information for diabetics wanting to loose weight.

Description : What should a diabetic's meal plan have?

Last Answer : A diabetics meal plan should have a great variety of foods in it and it should not focus on certain ones. It should avoid items extremely high in sugar. Veggies, fruits, grains and meats are just some of the items that should be included daily.

Description : exchange lists are beneficial to creating a diet for diabetics because they -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Exchange lists are beneficial to creating a diet for diabetics because they give diabetics freedom of choice in the foods they can eat.

Description : Will the glycemic index diet help diabetics?

Last Answer : Most diabetics eat low glycemic index foods, which are good for you. It not only helps control diabetics It can also help even out blood glucose levels.

Description : Is there an effective carb diet for diabetics?

Last Answer : There are effective carbohydrate diets for diabetics. These entail eating a lot of protein. You have to watch out for sugar and salt content though when you are doing this.

Description : What is a good cookbook for diabetics to keep thier diet and health stay good?

Last Answer : Here is a diabetic cookbook from Betty Crocker. It looks like a promising cookbook! http://www.Amazon.com/Betty-Crockers-Diabetes-Cookbook-Everyday/dp/0764567047

Description : What is a good low carb diet for diabetics?

Last Answer : Actually there are a lot of doctors that really discourage diabetics from going on a truly low-carb diet. Because your body already has issues with carbohydrates, going on a low-carb diet can really throw it out of balance.

Description : What is the diabetic exchange diet, and is it just for diabetics?

Last Answer : There are several diets that are safe for people with Diabetes to eat, and are also healthy for people who do not have diabetes as well. www.dlife.com/diabetes/diabetic-recipes

Description : What kind of diet is good for diabetics?

Last Answer : This will depend if you are a Type I or Type II diabetic, but there is some overlap as well. Generally avoiding sugary carbs will let you maintain proper insulin levels.

Description : What are some snacks for a diet for diabetics?

Last Answer : Sugar free snacks are some of the best options for a diabetic who needs something to snack on now and then. Fruits contain natural sugar, which is a healthy alternative, and taste great too. That's a solid starting point. Yogurt is also highly recommended.

Description : What foods are included in a pre diabetics diet ?

Last Answer : Foods that you can expect to see in a pre diabetic diet would include such things as green leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach. Broccoli is also a food you would see as well as carrots, cauliflower and green beans.

Description : Supplements for diabetics?

Last Answer : I find fenugreek helps a bit.

Description : Does anyone know of a delicious and easy dessert for diabetics.

Last Answer : Chocolate cake. Not quite simple, but not too difficult I hope.

Description : What are some good shelf-stable snacks for diabetics?

Last Answer : I was starting an answer, but I’m not diabetic, so it’s best if I share your question with my favorite MD.

Description : Why is it that every online website claiming to have help for diabetics that want to lose weight is always a paysite/subscription service?

Last Answer : There are a lot of scammers out the. Sad but true.

Description : What's the best insulin pump for type one diabetics?

Last Answer : This is something you need to discuss with your doctor.

Description : Why do diabetics get cracked heels?

Last Answer : I believe it's because they have poor circulation, which creates lots of problems in the lower extermities.

Description : Do Diabetics not eat sugar AT ALL or just reduced amounts of sugar in the foods they eat?

Last Answer : That all depends on the diabetic. It's not just sugar it'a ll things that go into the total carbohydrate column on the nutritional information list that effects blood sugars. The real question ... eat it. Type1 diabetics require insulin. Type 2 can be controlled through diet, exercise or medication.

Description : Diabetics of , what do you eat when you're sick?

Last Answer : It really depends on the situation, low or high blood sugar is very different.

Description : Diabetics or pre diabetics what’s the best way to avoid diabetes?

Last Answer : My sister and aunt have type 1, my advice is get better genes.

Description : Want to know how to survive from diabetics ?

Last Answer : Physical exertion and moderate balanced diet will keep you away from this disease .

Description : How healthy is it for diabetics to eat saccharin instead of sugar ?

Last Answer : Many diabetics eat saccharin in tea or coffee. But not many of us know how reasonable or healthy it is to eat. As the number of diabetics increases , so does the use of saccharin. But ... amount of sugar in the blood increases. So the amount of carbohydrates should also be taken into consideration.

Description : Does eating honey increase diabetics ?

Last Answer : : Yes , eating honey will increase diabetes. Because honey is a sweet food. So do not eat honey.

Description : Diet or other things?

Last Answer : I can only write by hearing, fortunately no one in my immediate environment suffers from this disease. so I know there are several phases of diabetes, one of which is not so severe. but food and glucose are said to be harmless if kept with them.

Description : Are black grapes healthy for diabetics?

Last Answer : Yes. Black Grapes are healthy for diabetics. Black Grapes have low glycemic Index (GI) Value Ranging from around 43 to 53, which promote better blood sugar balance. Consuming in small Quantities is good for health.

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Last Answer : Everybody needs B-12 but it will not cure Diabetes if that iswhat you are asking.

Description : What kind of bread can diabetics eat?

Last Answer : A patient of Diabetes can eat bread made up of whole wheatflour. It is highly recommended that you eat the pulses also. Ascereals are rich in carbohydrates. Only cereals diet is bad foryour health in general and in case of diabetes in particular.

Description : Where can I find a reputable food list for diabetics And who links to vendors who sell these allowed foods?

Last Answer : The best food list for diabetics can be found at diet.lovetoknow.com. This website also links to some of the largest whole sellers.

Description : Do they let Diabetics do any part of the Marine Corps?

Last Answer : No, with a medical condition like Diabetes you cannot enter the military. If you were in combat and suffered from a health situation it might put you and your fellow soldiers at risk.

Description : Is the Restwarmer Electric Mattress Pad safe for diabetics?

Last Answer : Electric blankets or pads should not be used by people with Diabetes

Description : Does Pepperidge Farm make cookies and cakes that are safe for diabetics?

Last Answer : Yes, they make a few cookies and cakes that are sugar free and safe for diabetics.

Description : Are there sugar free gift baskets for diabetics?

Last Answer : Yes There are several places that carry sugar free gift baskets.

Description : Can diabetics use this product?

Last Answer : I am a diabetic and this product is a very good sugar substitute that is safe for us diabetics.

Description : Is there a list of foods for type 2 diabetics?

Last Answer : Type 2 Diabetes Food List like list of foods for type 2 diabetics. find type 2 diabetes and you doctor gave me a list of food to only use in moderation.

Description : What is a good chili recipe for diabetics?

Last Answer : Allrecipes.com has great recipes for diabetics. Chicken Chili (allrecipes.com/recipe/chicken-chili-soup) and Insanely Easy Vegetarian Chili (allrecipes.com/recipe/insanely-easy-vegetarian-chili) are two of the best.

Description : Are there any good recipes for tasty food that is healthy for diabetics?

Last Answer : Many diabetic recipes are available online. The best thing that a diabetic can eat is salads and baked food. For recipes you can visit http://www.diabetescare.net/?gclid=CKDq4_mw3bACFcjwzAodF0nn0g and http://www.diabeticlivingonline.com/diabetic-recipes/

Description : What is a list of good foods for diabetics?

Last Answer : There is a list of foods that are good for diabetics at Diabetes.org. You can also check out Diabetesfoodlist.com.

Description : Where can I print a food list for diabetics?

Last Answer : You can print a diabetic food list from Diabeticfoodlist.org. You can also print one from Diabetesfoodlist.com, if you would like.

Description : Where online can I find a food list for diabetics?

Last Answer : There's a great website with recipes and diets for diabetics called www.diabeticdietfordiabetes.com, I'm sure you'll be able to find everything you need there.

Description : What desserts are out there for diabetics?

Last Answer : There are many deserts out there for diabetics. The ingredients used in the deserts is what the difference is be. Some deserts diabetics can eat include cakes, cookies, pies, and so on.

Description : Are the foods good for type 1 diabetics also good for the type 2's?

Last Answer : No. Type 2 Diabetes is more severe, and many of the type 1 diabetics' food do not work for type 2 diabetics. However, foods good for type 2 diabetics will be interexchange able with type 1 diabetics.

Description : Can I see a list of foods that are safe for diabetics?

Last Answer : http://Diabetes.webmd.com/diabetic-food-list-best-worst-foods There you go! This tells what you can eat, AND what you should avoid! It should be sufficient to maintain a healthy diabetic lifestyle.

Description : What effective diets are there for diabetics?

Last Answer : There are effective diets for diabetics! Nutrisystem D is a diet plan that is specifically designed for people with Diabetes, so it is most likely a better option for people on a diet.

Description : Healthy Eating For Diabetics?

Last Answer : Living with Diabetes doesn't mean having to give up all of the delicious foods one has enjoyed. It simply means managing the dietary intake, keeping blood sugar levels under control and avoiding foods that ... that are baked instead of fried in fat are much more healthy as a food for diabetics.

Description : Diets for Diabetics?

Last Answer : Pay attention to your selection of rice. Many diabetics assume that they should avoid all carbs, but this is not true. Diabetics instead need to pay close attention to the glycemic loads of the ... White rice has a higher glycemic load, while heavily-processed sticky rice has a very high load.

Description : Meal Planning For Diabetics?

Last Answer : When you have Diabetes, meal planning is one of the most important factors in keeping it under control and your blood sugar levels steady. Overeating and eating the wrong types of foods can send your ... the day. Remember to stay away from sugary snacks and pair proteins with carbs for best results.

Description : What are the top recommended nutrients for diabetics?

Last Answer : Key nutrients for diabetics are fiber and protein. The body needs both to function properly and both are healthy, especially fiber. Fibers are in the form of fruits and vegetables, they provide a lot of ... energy, and up-keeping of nails and hair. Though too much protein will do the body harm.

Description : What is the best cereal for diabetics?

Last Answer : The best cereal for a diabetic is one that is rich in fiber and low in sugar. Examples of the best cereal choices for diabetics include Kashi Golean Crunch and Kellogg s Raisin Bran.

Description : What are some cereal available for diabetics?

Last Answer : Diabetics can eat many types of cold cereals, including those based in oats, wheat, corn, and rice. For more information, visit http://www.livestrong.com/article/316000-which-cold-cereals-can-diabetics-eat/ for specifics.