Where can I donate used phones?

1 Answer

Answer :

It depends on where you live. Many organizations will pick up your cell phone and donate it to those in need. Cell Phones for Soldiers is just one of the many organizations out there that you can donate your cell phones to.

Related questions

Description : We got an envelope in the mail to donate cell phones to the soldiers, but I lost it. the postage was free. We have 8 to send, where can I get the envelope?

Last Answer : the website is www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com

Description : Is there a place in Savannah, GA that I can donate old cell phones?

Last Answer : Domestic violence centers accept old cell phones. They give them to victims for calling 911. The Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation takes donations of old cell phones to help fund corrective eye surgery ... .718.7483 To learn how your company/organization can join in this fight against blindness!"

Description : If you win a prize to donate to charity do you get it as a tax write off?

Last Answer : It would be a tax write-off . . . of itself. So net zero effect on taxes. Though if you ever “itemize” deductions, then it might make a difference in some arcane way.

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Last Answer : Here’s a great article from CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/27/world/iyw-combat-india-coronavirus-crisis/index.html

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Last Answer : Sadly, that shit probably works well on Trump’s most devoted followers.

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Last Answer : Every single group in the area is criticized by one faction or another so I tend to go with convenience and how they are within my community. Sometimes it's Goodwill (yeah, yeah, but they have good ... , but whenever I have discussed such things I tend to hear why I shouldn't donate to anyone.

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Last Answer : I hadn’t heard that, and so far I haven’t seen it any reputable newspaper’s web site. Strategically, it’s a dumb idea. Let her win the case first, and then announce you are donating it.

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Last Answer : Sure. I have followed many of their campaigns over the years and they seem to have been doing good work for deserving people in dreadful conditions in good and effective ways, so yes. I’ve not seen anything to make me think they aren’t deserving.

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Last Answer : I did when my kids were in school, I do for the neighbors’ kids, I am an absolute supporter of these programs.

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Last Answer : answer:I stockpile for a emergency. Earthquakes are really my only concern. I keep a few weeks of dry and canned goods and water on hand. Once things get close to the expiration date I donate them. So I donate what I would normally eat which is name brand.

Description : Would you donate your organs after you're gone?

Last Answer : answer:I plan on using mine all up first. The old slide out sideways, body all used up, wine in one hand, chocolate in the other saying whee, whatta ride! lol Whatever is left and salvagable, ... I also have a rare blood type and have already been giving my blood, as a universal donor, O-.

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Last Answer : KSPS Click on Support KSPS

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Last Answer : I would, if I knew I would die shortly. After all I would die and there was nothing I could do. I’d say the maximum amount I would be willing to donate is a year – yeah, if I knew I would die in a year.

Description : What kinds of things do you donate to family reunion fundraisers?

Last Answer : I have never heard of an auction/fundraiser at a family reunion. Thanks for the story!

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Last Answer : Give to a Superpac. They don’t have to disclose shit.

Description : Is there a place to donate winter coats for children?

Last Answer : The Salvation Army might be a better place than Goodwill. I know here in Chicago Goodwill is more of a place where anyone shops for a deal. The Salvation Army tends to be people who are who more ... call the Salvation Army and explain your situation, they may be able to help in the way you wish.

Description : Would you donate your organs ?

Last Answer : I am an organ donor on my driver’s license. Take what you need when I can’t use it any more!

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Last Answer : Source?

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Last Answer : Using David Pokeman’s own words Is legal kinda jumped out at me.

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Last Answer : answer:Yeah, why not, I will be through with it. Except, I always held that This was the way I’d wanna go. Sooo I guess they can have whatever is left.

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Last Answer : I prefer to support local, non-profit organizations. Larger charities are often burdened by a huge bureaucracy and high salaries for the administrators. The idea of a for-profit charity seems like an oxymoron ... shareholders as much - if not more - than the need they are supposed to be addressing.

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Last Answer : Unfortunately, this site suggests that anyone with a history of cancer will not pass the donation screening.

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Last Answer : I did it. I use Wikipedia a lot and feel good about donating to it.

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Last Answer : Yes, I would have, but I didn’t hear much of that in my day.

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Last Answer : I am pretty sure you can’t. We had a Q a while back discussing just this, and I seem to remember you would be excluded from donating. If you google blood donation in your city you will probably come up with a place you can call and ask. I mean, where are you planning to donate your bood? Call there.

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Last Answer : LASPCA

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Last Answer : This is just a guess, but some churches may take donations and help you move it. If not, you could ask them who can.

Description : During my blood test can they continue drawing blood to donate it?

Last Answer : Typically you have to go to a blood bank to have blood donated. Most of the time when you are going to have a routine test done you are going to a lab where the orders for the tests are. If ... be a crossover between these two things you might be able to do it. But that is typically pretty unlikely.

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Last Answer : answer:Why not use the reliable and courteous LoL again? Variety is often not the spice of life. Good for you for the donation. How long is your hair?

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Last Answer : answer:Wow, never thought of that. I usually consider myself lucky when I can just recycle electronics. (I have a few operational but similarly obsolete cameras in a drawer. I saved them mostly ... have been there for a while, though.) Would the Goodwill/SalvationArmy take a donation like that?

Description : Should I donate money to Wikipedia?

Last Answer : answer:Here is their 2011-2012 financial plan (opens pdf) and an FAQ. The 2010-11 plan called for us to increase revenue 28% from 2009- 10, to $20.4 million, and to increase spending 124% from ... -year total of $19.5 million which represents 8.3 months of reserves at the 2011- 12 spending level.

Description : Can cancer survivors donate blood?

Last Answer : answer:It varies and depends on the organization. (Prior to July 21, 2003, the Red Cross's guidelines prohibited blood donations from any cancer patients treated with chemotherapy, hormone therapy or ... cancer survivors, no matter how many years have passed since the end of treatment. Some info

Description : Can I sell and/or donate my unused prescription medications?

Last Answer : answer:Sorry, but the best place for these drugs is the toilet. Each state has a law forbidding unqualified people from practicing medicene, without a license. If you donated these drugs and they resulted in ... another, you would be liable to be sued in civil court. Be smart and flush them away.

Description : Donate to your favorite charity with a twist...

Last Answer : sorry to those that already aswered when this was in general. Moderators requested it be moved to social.

Description : Do you believe you donate a lot of money to charity?

Last Answer : I give money to various animal charities and odd charities that my friends or family are doing sponsored events for. It's not a lot, I don't have a lot to live on myself but there are two charities ... or less than my family and friends though, I dont think that is important as it's all relative.

Description : Why can't we just ask the parents of the school children to donate what they can?

Last Answer : answer:Generally that’s what a school levy is, except it asks for the money from the entire local populace. Its unpopular and levy’s often fail, because it is seen as simply another tax. Senator Brownback is a moron.

Description : Is it safe to donate money through Red Cross?

Last Answer : Yes. I was just watching a news report on Japan relief donation scams. They said that anything red cross was fine and trustworthy. I can’t find the link to it, but I didn’t really look that hard so you’ll probably find it if you want it.

Description : Where are some places I can donate or volunteer?

Last Answer : Secret Santa collects toys for kids that wouldn’t get any otherwise. You can volunteer for them to do things like wrapping the donated toys, delivering the toys, etc.

Description : What are some items I can donate to a family in need?

Last Answer : Extra towels, blankets, sheets. Canned products, old appliances in working order. Warm outerwear for the children. Dish soap, people soap, clothes soap. Toothbrushes, curtains, dishes. I always throw in one luxury item like chocolate or a scented candle too.

Description : What charity would you donate to if you had extra money?

Last Answer : Pet rescue groups.

Description : About The Giving Pledge (www.givingpledge.org), when are they actually going to donate the money?

Last Answer : Do you feel like they scammed you?

Description : Where can I donate old college text books?

Last Answer : Look up “Books for a Better World” online. It is an organization my library donates many of their discards to; the books go to developing countries. Maybe there is a library in your area that collects for them so you don’t have to ship them. Otherwise, you could try a local prison library.

Description : How and to whom do I donate hard drives?

Last Answer : You could probably donate them to a school which is short on funds, most would appreciate any help they can get.

Description : If you could focus all of the money and effort that people donate to advance causes to a single end, what would you pick?

Last Answer : Reproductive rights/control. Birth control and full access to all the available options to all. Could help with- Slowing the spread of AIDS, poverty, hunger, environmental impact of over population, education, abuse…

Description : If I donate bone marrow to someone I know, who pays for my expenses?

Last Answer : I would think the insurance company of the person who receives the bone marrow.

Description : A New York state Senator wants to pass legislation that would force people to donate their organs. Do you think such a bill would endanger our civil liberties?

Last Answer : answer:They can have my organs. when they pry them from my cold, dead uhh.. hands! Seriously though, this is a stupid law. It sets a precedent for state ownership of your body and it's a ... with it? also, we aren't a democracy. We are a constitutional representative republic just a minor note

Description : Is it true homosexual men can't donate blood?

Last Answer : False, your blood would be tested just like everyone else

Description : Why are people so eager to jump on the opportunity to donate to Haiti, when before this disasterous event barely any money was going into other charities?

Last Answer : There is a lot of need all the time. I think that's the problem - people are so very used to the idea that there's need all the time that it becomes like static, or background ... to tsunami victims or Katrina victims or even those poor Amish families whose daughters were murdered? Highly unlikely.)

Description : Does anyone else feel absolutely impotent in the face of the Haiti disaster? You want to help and so you donate money, yes that's simple, but after that, what more can an individual do?

Last Answer : You can always pray.

Description : Who would be the best organization to donate money too for the people of Haiti?

Last Answer : Any of these would be a good choice- http://www.interaction.org/crisis-list/earthquake-haiti You can always check on a (non-religious) charity at CharityNavigator.org to see how much of your money goes to ... to help people. I've chosen Madre for myself. http://www.madre.org/index.php?s=3&b=10