Pain in Breast: When to Call the Doctor?

1 Answer

Answer :

Breast pain is one of the most common complaints women talk to their doctors about. Pain in breasts, also known as mastalgia, is a common pain that can either be cyclical in nature or non-cyclical. It can range in severity from very mild to very painful. Some pains may be localized while other pain may encompass the entire breast and radiate outward to other areas like the armpit. While pain in breasts is common and usually harmless, there are certain times when you will want to contact your doctor for a thorough examination. Cyclical pain in breast tissue is among the most common types of pain in this region. This is pain that comes in monthly cycles according to a woman's menstrual cycle. Hormonal fluctuations cause this pain, and often it is accompanied by swelling and an overall feeling of fullness. Weight and stress do affect hormones, so some women may find that working to maintain a healthy weight and making efforts to reduce stress can help to ease at least some of the pain associated with monthly hormonal changes. There are other types of pain that may be felt in the breast tissue as well. Most often, these are caused by cysts, fibroadenomas, or fibroids. These may be localized in nature, and may affect one or both breasts. Sometimes a lump may be felt in the area of localized pain. You may find that the pain and tenderness with these causes is cyclical in nature, but this is not always the cause. Hormones can also affect the severity of this type of pain. In addition to promoting weight and stress management, other treatments like over-the-counter pain medication may help to relieve the pain. There are times when you will want to contact the doctor to discuss pain in your breasts. These include when pain is associated with bleeding or discharge from the nipples, if there is an area of warmth or redness on the breasts, or if the pain is unusual in nature and is not associated with your menstrual cycles. Many women immediately worry about the possibility of Breast cancer when they find a painful area or notice a painful lump. Most, but not all, breast pain is not breast cancer. However, your doctor may want to do a full exam and order tests such as a mammogram to rule out serious causes of your pain.

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