How can I stop myself from taking cocaine?

1 Answer

Answer :

Cocaine addiction is a difficult addiction to beat, and would be best done with the help of a professional. As with any addiction, when you stop using you will go through a withdrawal period which is likely why you are becoming aggressive. Please seek medical assistance to beat this addiction before it is too late.

Related questions

Description : Is it true that once you try crack cocaine you can never stop ?

Last Answer : No, you can stop with difficulty, but it is highly addictive.

Description : How do i stop the craving from cocaine iam 42years of age and doing four to five grams a week for the past seventen years i work dont call in sick and am responsible .How do i quit?

Last Answer : I would highly suggest trying an outpatient addiction program. If you are able to work and don't call in sick, it sounds like you can maintain your job and attempt intervention with an outpatient program. If ... hard to quit, but once you do, the weight of the world will be taken off your shoulders.

Description : How does cocaine make you feel the day after?

Last Answer : If you stayed up late, had any alcohol, or any other drugs like weed..well all of that would make you feel strung out a bit the next day. Watch out for the coke kiddo, from she who dropped the habit way ... the late 70's. The more you do it the less fun it becomes, such is the nature of the beast.

Description : Is cocaine use ever just recreational?

Last Answer : Sounds like a problem. Like he likes it a bit too much. Addiction is complicated and for some people it’s like playing with fire in a dynamite factory.

Description : If the Secret Service were aware of (or observed) Trump using cocaine, could they / would they arrest him?

Last Answer : answer:Interesting question. Could they? I think they could or at least hold him until local law enforcement was notified and arrived. Would they? Probably not, executive privilege and all that.

Description : If your job requires drug testing, have you heard about this new test for cocaine use?

Last Answer : People going to be drug testing other people’s key boards!

Description : What does ' I do enjoy the regular cocaine mean'?

Last Answer : Maybe you should text him and ask him what he meant? Just a suggestion.

Description : What do actors snort, when acting a scene in which they snort a line of cocaine?

Last Answer : Smarties? I know from middle school you can crush and “smoke” them.

Description : Is it doping if your girlfriend uses a cocaine based vaginal cream?

Last Answer : I call shananigans. I think that’s bs, but if he is telling the truth no I don’t think that’s “doping”

Description : What amount of cocaine is legal to possess?

Last Answer : Zero

Description : Is crack really worse than cocaine?

Last Answer : It is more addictive, at least, because of the route of administration. It reaches the brain more quickly and suddenly, giving more of a “rush”, which is craved.

Description : Would cocaine be a good solution to motivation problems?

Last Answer : It will motivate you to want to keep doing cocaine. Then you have another issue. Don’t do it!

Description : While driving a rental car, you are directed to pull over at a routine sobriety check point. The police dog barks at the trunk of the car. When the trunk is opened, a kilo of cocaine is inside that you knew nothing about. How do you explain your way out of this?

Last Answer : Silence. Talking to the police isn't going to help one bit. Let the lawyer talk

Description : how much cocaine united states consumes

Last Answer : this might not be scientific but, i’m almost positive that at one point in time Dwight Gooden was the main purchaser of 20% of all cocaine in the U.S.

Description : Did you know, you might have cocaine in your pocket?

Last Answer : Absolutely this seems true. Just last week I got a dollar back from a restaurant that had small dark stains spaced out along the top edge of the bill. This would be consistent with a nosebleed from doing ... and didn't want to pay for anything with it, lest someone think that I was the cocaine user.

Description : Why couldn't they get anyone other then Peewee Herman to talk about crack cocaine?

Last Answer : It's a bit of a jarring tonal shift

Description : Hello, to sum it all up, as it turns out, I'm a regular cocaine user. I have a lot of hard work, both mentally and physically, so I'm fine-tuning my mood. Although I have a very hard job, ... probably show that the body does not burn fat, so the whole workout is first? Thank you for all the answers.

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do you collect cocaine at a crime scene?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What happens when you mix cocaine Viagra and Valium?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Cocaine intoxication?

Last Answer : DefinitionCocaine is a powerful central nervous systemstimulant with potent cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) side effects. Signs of intoxication typically begin with enlarged pupils, a feeling of ... result of crack cocaine smoking.Those who are thought to have swallowed poorly packaged coca

Description : can drug abuse such as vicodin, methodone, cocaine cause or contribute to gastritis?

Last Answer : can drug use such as vicodin, methodone, or cocaine cause or contribute to gastritis?

Description : How do they do drug testing for cocaine?

Last Answer : They can take samples of your follicles and even give you a cotton swap test. Cocaine can be detected by a urine sample drug test. Interestingly, cocaine can only be detected for a few hours right after being used.

Description : How long does a person need to stay at a rehab center for cocaine abuse in Alaska?

Last Answer : A stay of 6-12 months is recomened. For voluntary rehab you can stay shorter if you like.

Description : i took a urine test at work, came back positive for cocaine what medication, perscription and overcountercould have caused this positive?

Last Answer : There is detailed infprmation on all the drugs it could be here

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Last Answer : no, nothing will

Description : can trazodone test positive as cocaine in hair follicle test?

Last Answer : No Trazodone would not appear as cocaine in a hair follicle test.

Description : Will i pass my hair test if i havent done cocaine in 110 days?

Last Answer : No, drugs stay in the hair. That's why they use hair for the test. Napoleon was given poison in his food and over a 100 years later his hair was tested and the poison found.

Description : What are some grants to help people with cocaine addition?

Last Answer : I am not sure. And I don't why tax payers should pay for drug addicts. Drug addicts should be places in jails till they become clean. Tax dollars should be used to help the poor.

Description : Is meth more addictive than cocaine?

Last Answer : Some people believe that meth is more addictive then cocaine. I think that doctors could be right on this idea that meth is more addictive and more harmful then cocaine.

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Last Answer : Vinegar lowers the PH of the urine, which tricks the drug test into testing negative for drugs.

Description : The poisonous alkaloid present in the oil of hemlock is (A) Cocaine (B) Nicotine (C) Quinine (D) Morphine

Last Answer : Answer : A

Description : Histamine is involved as a mediator in the following pathological conditon (a) Cocaine (b) Dibucaine (c) Lidocaine (d) Procaine

Last Answer : Ans: B

Description : Study the following statements: 1. Tea plants thrive best in alkaline soils with rainfall above 150 cm and temperature between 20 - 30°C 2. The most important stimulant both in tea and coffee is caffeine 3. Wine, a popular alcoholic drink ... true? (a) 1, 3, and 4 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 1 and 4 (d) Only 2

Last Answer : Ans:(a)

Description : Excessive/chronic use of which of the following drugs is the root cause of lung cancer, cough bronchitis, emphysema, hypertension and cardiovascular symptoms? (a) Caffeine (b) Nicotine: cigarettes and chewing tobacco (c) Cocaine (d) Methadrine

Last Answer : Ans:(b)

Description : Which of the following drugs cause d elusions involving people's feelings more than their senses, and people feel that others are trying to injure them? (a) Cocaine (b) Marijuana (c) Nicotine (d) Opium

Last Answer : Ans:(b)

Description : The alkoloid naturally found in coffee, cocoa and cola nut is – (1) Cocaine (2) Morphine (3) Tannin (4) Caffeine

Last Answer : (4) Caffeine Explanation: Caffeine (C8H10N4O2) is a bitter alkaloid found especially in coffee, tea, cacao, and kola nuts. It is used medicinally as a stimulant and diuretic.

Description : Name the sources of any five of the following biological products. a) Musk b) Codeine c) Cocaine d) Quinine e) Colchicines f) Digilain

Last Answer : Answer: a) Abdominal gland of male musk deer b) From opium c) Cocaine d) Bark of cinchona e) From colchicum f) Leaves from the purple foxglove; a plant

Description : Which one of the following is correct match? (a) Reserpine – tranquilliser (b) Cocaine – opiatic narcotic (c) Morphine – hallucinogenic (d) Bhang – analgesic

Last Answer : (a) Reserpine – tranquilliser

Description : Select the correct statement from the ones given below. (a) Barbiturates, when given to criminals, make them tell the truth. (b) Morphine is often given to persons, who have undergone surgery, ... pressure and heart rate. (d) Cocaine is given to patients after surgery as it stimulates recovery.

Last Answer : (b) Morphine is often given to persons, who have undergone surgery, as a pain killer.

Description : Identify the molecules (A) and (B) shown below and select the right option giving their source and use. (a) (A) Cocaine Erythroxylum Accelerates coca the transport of dopamine (b ... - Atropa Produces noid belladonna hallucinations (d) (A) Morphine Papaver Sedative and somniferum pain killer

Last Answer : (d) (A) Morphine Papaver Sedative and somniferum pain killer

Description : Cirrhosis of liver is caused by the chronic intake of (a) opium (b) alcohol (c) tobacco (chewing) (d) cocaine

Last Answer : b) alcohol

Description : The release of acetylcholine is blocked by: a. hemicholinum b. venom of black widow spider c. cocaine d. botulinum toxins

Last Answer : botulinum toxins

Description : Pupil dilatation occurs with: a. neostigmine b. cocaine c. atenolol d. codeine

Last Answer : cocaine

Description : The following drugs are miotics: a. carbachol b. cocaine c. scopolamine d. isofluorosphosphate

Last Answer : carbachol

Description : At the adrenergic synapse, the concentration of adrenaline in synaptic cleft: a. increased by cocaine which inhibit reuptake of adrenaline b. decreased by MAO (monoamine oxidase) - inhibitors c. controlled chiefly by the activity of the enzyme COMT d. increased by noradrenaline receptor blockers

Last Answer : increased by cocaine which inhibit reuptake of adrenaline

Description : Which of the following insults or abnormalities most commonly causes ischemic stroke? a) Cocaine use Cocaine is a potent vasoconstrictor and may result in a life-threatening reaction ... strokes. d) Intracerebral aneurysm rupture Intracerebral aneurysm rupture is associated with hemorrhagic strokes.

Last Answer : a) Cocaine use Cocaine is a potent vasoconstrictor and may result in a life-threatening reaction, even with the individual’s first unprescribed use of the drug.

Description : The following local anaesthetic raises BP instead of tending to cause a fall: A. Cocaine B. Dibucaine C. Lignocaine D. Procaine

Last Answer : A. Cocaine

Description : Cirrhosis of liver is caused by the chronic intake of (1) Cocaine (2) Opium (3) Alcohol (4) Tobacco (Chewing)

Last Answer : (3) Alcohol

Description : Adverse consequences may follow sudden discontinuation of the following drug after chronic intake: A. Cocaine B. Cannabis C. Clonidine D. All of the above

Last Answer : C. Clonidine