What are the types of internet addiction treatment?

1 Answer

Answer :

Well, I would recommend finding additional information on the different kinds of internet addition treatment from Net Addiction because they offer a variety of services. They also offer their services for a fee of no charge.

Related questions

Description : Where can I find information about Vicodin addiction treatment on the Internet?

Last Answer : The website www.inspirationsyouth.com/Vicodin has some information on the addiction, another resource would be www.rehabinfo.net/Vicodin-rehab/ as well as www.rehabinfo.net/Vicodin-addiction/.

Description : Are there any websites that give advice on internet addiction treatment?

Last Answer : Well, I would recommend finding additional information on internet addiction treatment from Net Addiction because they offer a variety of tips and services. They also offer their services for a fee of no charge.

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Last Answer : Well, I would recommend finding additional information about gambling addition treatment from Help Guide because they offer a variety of information. They also offer their services for a fee of no charge.

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Last Answer : “how long is treatment for heroin addiction'”

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Last Answer : The YMCA has a large alcohol treatment center in downtown Ames Iowa. They also offer drug counseling.

Description : Are public treatment centers just for drug addiction, or are there ones open for various medical conditions too?

Last Answer : Public treatment center treat a variety of medical conditions. Some specialize in drug addiction and may not be qualified to treat all medical conditions. So the best solution is to call and specifically check if they treat your current medical condition.

Description : Do you know of any good drug addiction treatment centers?

Last Answer : http://www.12steptreatmentcentres.com/ offers a comprehensive list of drug addiction treatment centers. They have information available for centers all over the United States.

Description : What treatment is best for an oxycodone addiction?

Last Answer : Oxycodone can be addictive both physically and psychologically. There are treatments available, but it is highly recommended that they are prescribed and monitored by a trusted detox clinic.

Description : Is methadone beneficial for addiction treatment?

Last Answer : Methadone is primarily used as a treatment for the cough or a heroin addiction, and not usually for the treatment of methamphetamine addiction. Also, side effects such as addiction, allergic reaction, ... . As such, methadone is not a logical or responsible way to treat a methamphetamine addiction.

Description : What's the best heroin addiction treatment?

Last Answer : The best heroin treatment is to use a replacement morphine to take off the high and then wean slowly off that to replace the need for substance abuse.

Description : Are people in an inpatient addiction treatment center allowed to have visitors?

Last Answer : Yes, people in inpatient addiction treatment centers are allowed to have visitors. The visiting hours vary from center to center and you should confirm with the treatment center before visiting.

Description : Does one need food addiction treatment centers for over weight people?

Last Answer : Your husband could try to control his ice cream eating and lose weight on his own. If he is not able to do that, you may consider a food addiction treatment center.

Description : The Goal and Purpose of Addiction Treatment?

Last Answer : Addiction treatment may include a program, medication, or clinic that is used in the recovery process. The psychological aspects of treatment are often focused on the most, while medication is ... treatment plan includes coming up with a positive coping strategy to avoid a possible relapse.

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Last Answer : Considering the difference between your actual question/s and the grammar of the sentence you added, I’d say this is a homework question. Why not think about it and come up with your own answers.

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Last Answer : I was thinking that you were a teenage couple until I saw the ages. Has he always been like this? Apart from this, is relationship good?

Description : Is it possible?

Last Answer : Yes. You can also be addicted to creaking doors ...: o

Description : Where can I find information about drug addiction rehab on the Internet?

Last Answer : Abovetheinfluence.com has endless amounts of information on drug addiction and where to find help. they have many free services you could use to help you quit.

Description : Causes of Internet Addiction Disorder are Unknown?

Last Answer : No one really knows what causes internet addiction disorder, although several factors have been noted by mental health professionals as contributors to this condition. One theory concerns the "rush" that some ... as a way to self-medicate in the same way substance abusers use drugs or alcohol.

Description : Different Types of Addiction Treatments?

Last Answer : If she’s in the US most Public Health Departments have a counselor for working with people with substance abuse problems. Probably through your county offices. It’s confidential too.

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Last Answer : This is a tasty question. I think it would be a rather expensive cure, but if it works real well, it might cost less than repeated relapses.

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Last Answer : There is no method found to be better than one addict talking to another. An addict in recovery can tell his or her story to an active user and carry the message that recovery is ... are an important part of recovery, and many suggest augmenting professional help with meeting with other addicts.

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Last Answer : We had a question about this recently, but it looks like the user who asked may have left the site.

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Last Answer : One person sort of. I went to school with him, and haven't talked to him since high school. A Facebook friend of mine from high school had stayed in touch with him, and she told me how ... drugs, possibly some of the drugs are similar to heroin? I don't know enough about the pharmacology.

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Last Answer : Please have some

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Last Answer : answer:Interesting. Here's my take for what it is worth. The addict starts out with no addiction. Then, they become addicted by one means or another, and enter the realm of the disabled (I wish the ... enabler . One follows the other. In fact, why aren't they called encouragers or reinforcers .

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Last Answer : answer:Self control. Mind over matter. Knowing your own self and telling yourself NO. It won’t be easy, but if you want to end it, whatever it is, then you have to make the determination in your mind to do so. This isn’t rocket science. it is all self control.

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Last Answer : Been there, done that. Best thing to do is occupy your time with real people and real activities (or ask-public if they are not available).

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Last Answer : ......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................... ... ..................................................................................................

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Last Answer : answer:Yes. Anything that makes you it's bitch is a disease. You don't control compulsions and this alone should put any whole person ill at ease. This includes substances, any innocuous ... of it requires will power, among other things, depending upon the individual and the pathological source.

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Last Answer : I think it is more of a habit, although I have heard that the formulas for the burgers and sauces are designed to promote cravings.

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Last Answer : answer:Boy I don't know. My time with Vicodin was rewarded with severe depression, to the point of constant crying. I'm glad to be away from that. But I've had pain severe enough to cause the same ... of questioning whether I wanted to go on. I just don't know. I hope things get better for you.

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Last Answer : I’d say the more likely scenario is that your addictions listed here are rather a symptom of some other underlying mental illness.

Description : Smokers ONLY, lavish indulgence or joyless addiction?

Last Answer : answer:Lavish indulgence for me. I quit all the time, then eventually get stressed and start again. I drink very rarely and don’t indulge in any other crutches, except some chocolate on occasion.

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Last Answer : Sounds like you are craving spice or salt. Try low fat cream cheese with cayenne pepper, maybe even your horse radish, and green onion and put on a low fat cracker.

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Last Answer : answer:you may find yourself addicted to fluther also. Welcome to the Fluther family.

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Last Answer : answer:I (unfortunately) have insight on this matter from two different perspectives. As a 4th year pharmacy student, I can tell you how incredibly addictive these opiate analgesics (anything with ... this profession, how the medical professionals hand this out like candy, and hook innocent people.

Description : Is there an evolutionary explanation for addiction?

Last Answer : answer:What evolution accounts for is the brain's reward system. This is the feel-good mechanism that encourages us to do things that are beneficial to our survival, like eating, drinking ... a release. So evolution simply put the mechanism in place. The chemical addiction exploits that mechanism.

Description : Addiction: drugs, alcohol, social media, cell phones, dangerous relationship...Do you have an addiction?

Last Answer : Food. I am starting to realize that it is an addiction and I need to get it under control. I was at my doctor yesterday and I mentioned to him that I am ready to get a hold of this and get ... have my appointment set up with him to discuss a plan. I feel good and hopeful for what the future holds!

Description : Is addiction genetic?

Last Answer : Yes and no. There is a genetic component, where those who have the alcoholism gene are 4x more likely to become alcoholics. But it's a likelihood, not an absolute, and it's not like people with ... to control their drinking and be healthy about booze than it is for people who don't have the gene.

Description : What do you qualify as video game addiction?

Last Answer : answer:She knows better and tells better than I can say in my words :P Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

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Last Answer : It comes down to disposable income doesn’t it? For the rich it’s an addiction where the money is secondary, wheras with the poor, the prospect of a big win in terms of cash fuels their chase.

Description : Do you think graphic images on cigarette packages will actually help fight addiction?

Last Answer : I hope so, I’ve lost enough family to smoking to hope any changes will stop new smokers and make the older one’s quit.

Description : What can I do about my addiction to fear?

Last Answer : Please don’t suggest me to a therapist I just want someone to help me not pawn me off on someone else.

Description : How is Video Game/Blackberry T.V. addiction treated in Canada?

Last Answer : answer:More tokens and free bus trips to Chuck E. Cheese. Okay – - – Is video addiction a treatable malady?

Description : What is your non-addictive addiction?

Last Answer : Lip balm. I must wear “Burt’s Bees” from the tin tub every night.

Description : Can taking medication for an illness be considered an addiction?

Last Answer : answer:No, but he/she will return to the symptomatic state that they were in before they started medication. Moat drugs are not addictive in nature.