In the story of the cactus wren who was trapped by the wren's trick?

1 Answer

Answer :

the snake

Related questions

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Last Answer : The first thought that I have is one of a female bird. As it is a woodsy type name a middle name should compliment it.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Never. They’re to be left their as a permanent memorial, along with the ship. Besides, after 77 years, there are likely only bones, not bodies. I’ve been there. The Pearl Harbor memorial is a moving site.

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Last Answer : Some children are just naturally quiet and enjoy sitting there watching the world go by. Unless you have actually followed the parents for hours, you can’t be sure the children aren’t let out occasionally. My grandsons loved their strollers for up to an hour or so, then insisted on getting out.

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Last Answer : Get a DVD of Groundhog Day and watch it every day.

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Last Answer : answer:Digimon? Honestly I’m so out of touch I have no idea… Is Sword Art Online good? Should I try it?

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Last Answer : Yes, I was as a child. How did I get out of it? My father died.

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Last Answer : Try to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Pull the trigger.

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Last Answer : answer:It was my own doings. When I was younger, making bad choices is all I knew how to do. I was in my early teens. I am on a better track now. Not easy, but better.

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Last Answer : No. I am trapped by desire, like a cookie without a glass of milk.

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Last Answer : Frankly, I’m amazed that they can be parodied – TITC is really fucking out there in the first place.

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Last Answer : answer:When heating, you're essentially increasing the pressure exerted by the air on the glass in which it's trapped. As the air has no means of escape if enough heat is added the increased pressure ... just putting in a single sheet and seeing if you get the same results without the air pressure.

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Last Answer : The grocery store, for the food and other supplies like bandages. Take a gatorade off the shelf and pop it open :D

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Last Answer : Charlie Sheen…at the first sign of an attack I would push him into the zombies’ arms and run like a bat out of hell. (And I would feel no guilt doing so…none whatsoever.)

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Last Answer : Shower! Then spend some time enjoying being with my family again.

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Last Answer : I have lost 2 customers I came to know to mine accidents and this rescue of the Chilean miners is short of overwhelming! Good for them….good for their families!!

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Last Answer : It probably won't surprise many of you that this ideology constantly had me thinking back to some of the ideas inherent in Inception. Particularly prominent was the image of those who could no longer ... world was a truer reality than our own. Perhaps Inception was written with this idea in mind?

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Last Answer : Maybe you could say something like, the type of graphic design you do is different from the type he needs and it just wouldn’t be a good fit?

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Last Answer : Books and a deck of cards. We have to have something to do.

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Last Answer : Well, if I had my cell phone, I’d obviously call someone…......if I didn’t, well, I’d probably lose my mind!

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Last Answer : get some financial advise. financial peace university. read that don't worry about the religious part or what ever. do it right away. do you read? find some peace and read some good ... don't despair. As long as you are reaching out, you are going to get help and be ok.

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Last Answer : Fantasy Island….need I explain?

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Last Answer : Get a job as a heavy equipment operator or a custodian with Raytheon Polar Services. Not only will you be making money, but you'll get to spend 6 - 12 months in Antarctica (ask me all about it, I' ... you get off the ice you can travel all around New Zealand and the South Pacific. Win win (win).

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Last Answer : answer yes i can play said solo . but there are more technical solo’s by metallica . if you want to learn it use guitar pro 5 and export the file to mp3 listen to the song slow the tempo down on GP5 and play it in segments as with any solo/riff

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Last Answer : With regard to despair, it is for the same reason that all traps work - the person trapped can't find a way out. It isn't always easy, and it can be very hard without support. There is no ... , but I am not in any way trapped I am simply reacting in a logical manner to observation and experience.

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Last Answer : id bring a boat.

Description : A girl gets trapped in a magical land. A genie grants her three wishes. But he tells her no wishing for more wishes. But she still managed to get more wishes. How? -Riddles

Last Answer : She wished that the gene would let her wish for more wishes then she wished for more wishes.

Description : We are little Verbal creatures. Each of us with different features. The first of us in glass is set. The second you can find in jet. The third is trapped in tin. The fourth is boxed within. Now the ... side. An adopted sibling we also have but, he only appears when pigs fly. What are we? -Riddles

Last Answer : The vowels A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y.

Description : You are trapped in a hallway and there are three rooms to help you get out. One toom is filled with water all the way to the top, another room is on fire, and the last room has a bunch of lions which haven't eaten in 1 month. Which room do you choose? -Riddles

Last Answer : The one with the lions because they haven't eaten in 1 month.

Description : You and a your friend are trapped in a room. There are two exists (a+b). a) One exist leads to a roaring Inferno with a thin bridge crossing to the other side, but there is a risk that it will ... will eat you and your friend on the spot. Which exist is the safest for you and your friend? -Riddles

Last Answer : B is the safest. Taking exist A might gurantee your saftey but not your friend as it will probaby fall under your weight. On the other hand the lion have been starved for two months which probably means they are dead.

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Last Answer : He waits until night time and then goes through the first door.

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Last Answer : Through the door way, there are no doors but a door way!

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Last Answer : Although photons have no mass, they do have energy, and the gravity of a black hole (or any other gravitating body) will attract them. According to Einstein's theory of gravity, it is energy, not mass, that feels the gravitational force. That's the short answer

Description : What is religious dogma, are you trapped in religious dogma?

Last Answer : Religious dogma are the principle or set of principles laid down by our ancestors. Different religions have set different principles. What is okay in one religion may not be so in another religion. ... . Regarding your second question, I would say that I am trapped but just obeying my forefathers.

Description : Maximum solar energy is trapped by

Last Answer : Maximum solar energy is trapped by A. direct heating B. thermoelectric conversion C. photovoltaic conversion D. all the above

Description : During oxidation energy released in a series of slow stepwise reaction controlled by (A)____ and is trapped as (B)____ in the form of (C)____

Last Answer : During oxidation energy released in a series of slow stepwise reaction controlled by (A)____ and is trapped as (B)____ in the form of (C)____

Description : During oxidation energy released in a series of slow stepwise reaction controlled by (A)____ and is trapped as (B)____ in the form of (C)____

Last Answer : During oxidation energy released in a series of slow stepwise reaction controlled by (A)____ and is trapped as (B)____ in the form of (C)____

Description : Total amount of energy trapped by green plants in food is called:-

Last Answer : Total amount of energy trapped by green plants in food is called:- A. Gross primary ... primary production C. Standing crop D. Standing state

Description : If 20 J of energy is trapped at producer level, then how much energy will be available to peacock as food in the following chain? Plant `rarr` Mice `r

Last Answer : If 20 J of energy is trapped at producer level, then how much energy will be available to peacock as food in the ... 0.002 J C. 0.2 J D. 0.0002 J