What baseball hero emerged during the 1920s?

1 Answer

Answer :

Babe Ruth of the NY Yankees.

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Last Answer : Fiord Coast

Description : Can anyone suggest some good jazz tunes from the 1920s?

Last Answer : Have you tried Django Reinhardt and the Hot Club of France? It may be a bit later than the 20s but it’s very different and good.

Description : What's with that 1920s American accent in movies and TV?

Last Answer : Do you know who James Cagney was?

Description : Economics in the 1920s script?

Last Answer : answer:Use your history research to think of some issue that might have been the cause of conflict at the time-political, social, economic, whatever. Any of those areas would have an ... your script. Include information in their dialogue that shows you know something about the historical context.

Description : Who are your favorite authors of the 1920’s, which books, and why?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll have to go with H.P. Lovecraft. Cool Air, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, The Cats of Ulthar, the Doom that Came to Sarnath, The Rats in the Walls, the entire Elder Gods mythos…

Description : What were the driving laws of the 1920's in America?

Last Answer : During that period, most states based their traffic laws on the recommendations of one of the pioneers of traffic management, William P. Eno. He published this treatise on highway traffic control from 1899–1939. It should give you the information you’re looking for, and then some.

Description : 1920's perception of American dream vs. present day?

Last Answer : Well, what we think of as the American dream of today came from after WWII when the GIs returned and a lot of cheap housing was built.