What is Another word for a violent storm?

1 Answer

Answer :

Maelstrom or tempest.

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Last Answer : Tempest

Description : What is a violent storm called?

Last Answer : Tempest

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Description : El Nino is – (1) a warm ocean current (2) sea storm (3) tropical disturbance (4) another name of typhoon

Last Answer : (1) a warm ocean current Explanation: El Nino (Spanish name for the male child), initially referred to a weak, warm current appearing annually around Christmas time along the coast of ... an El Nino event may last for many months, having significant economic and atmospheric consequences worldwide.

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Last Answer : a warm ocean current

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Last Answer : Can you point to what examples you are citing of violent socialist legacies?

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Last Answer : The Harry Potter spell “Accio”, which is a summoning spell. Accio car keys! That would save me a lot of time when I misplace things.

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Last Answer : Minecraft. That green snot looking dude literally trespasses into your house and bombs the shit out of you

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Last Answer : I haven’t looked any further, but I heard much of it is due to policies the US has there. But I don’t know.

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Last Answer : - Force fed durian. – Watching Caillou on repeat. – Trapped inside a vat of crumbled styrofoam.

Description : According to you, is the world violent because there are 7,5 billion people?

Last Answer : You seem to be making a supposition that the world is violent (first), and then that the cause of that violence is the increasing human population of the planet. In the first place, that ... generally does, and it's certainly not perfect, either! - to support the populations of the planet.

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Last Answer : “In humans, a dose of 500 mg/kg/day repeated over multiple days caused nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.” From Wikpedia page on natamycin https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natamycin It also says some people are allergic to it. Check it with a doctor. It may as well be unrelated to cheese.

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Last Answer : Because there are people that hate gays?

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Last Answer : Attraction to violence was always there. It has increased with such shows / games played by kids these days. It is also being reflected in real life sadly.

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Last Answer : Some may think so, but in reality nope.

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Last Answer : We can’t even keep track of how many people cops kill. Pretty sure we don’t care about the statistics for women.

Description : What is that reflex that causes some people to be violent in the first second after they're awakened unexpectedly?

Last Answer : I think it is normal to react when somebody wakes you up unexpectedly. In nature you should protect yourself from somebody who wanted to attack you and this is the way you are protecting yourself when you are not conscious. Does that happen when the alarm clock is ringing?

Description : Is there any way to block violent images on my Macbook Pro?

Last Answer : answer:http://support.apple.com/kb/PH11354 This may help you But it's really hard to have such controls. I'm sure you can set up a code that makes your browser able to block all things with the term, Violent ... How it's done I'm not sure. You'll have to look that code up. But you've got a lead!

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Last Answer : I’ve never seen the movie, so I couldn’t say.

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Last Answer : I was trying to get my head around this as I drove to work today. Why is it so prevalent here, although we do seem to be spreading it around a bit. The insistence of the NRA and others on the huge ... . I don't have a good reason it occurs here so much. I'll watch your other responses with interest.

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Last Answer : answer:There have been studies done, but to my knowledge they are inconclusive at best. I've played my share of violent video games in my life, and I've never really had any violent ... becoming violent. Parenting and a litany of other influences will also effect, and have much greater effects.

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Last Answer : I’d devour him.

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Last Answer : I always loved racing games, the popular ones are Project Gotham and Gran Turismo.

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Last Answer : Link to the source please.

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Last Answer : I’ll say 2 as I am pretty even tempered and I dislike confrontation. Unsolicited sales calls annoy me and I can sometimes be a bit nippy when I get them.

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Last Answer : answer:I think that what is shown in those photos is not overt sexuality but a manufactured form of sexuality which I would not want for my children. However, I do not think there is anything ... . That having been said, I would rather have an overtly sexual child than an overtly violent child.

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Last Answer : I’m pretty sure this wouldn’t happen, for the reason you stated. Of course the parents aren’t going to take responsibility; judging another’s parenting is taboo.

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Last Answer : I totally agree. Hello comrade. And now the right will call us anti-business.

Description : Does violent media really cause violence, or is it at least not good for children?

Last Answer : answer:I think there is a small subset that is affected by it. But they are unstable to start with. Watching a cat get hit by a car would probably set them off too. Tens of millions play games ... just didn't have a 24 news cycle desperate for something to talk about so you never heard about it.

Description : Can I join the U.S. Military even though I have a non-violent felony?

Last Answer : It is possible. It won’t be easy, and you may have to get your record expunged first, but it is possible.

Description : Help me figuring out which violent comic this is?

Last Answer : answer:Nothing from DC or Marvel, as far as I know. Is the comic American or Japanese?

Description : Should the death penalty be extended to violent rapists, pedophiles, and/or those who torture?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. EDIT: Oh snap, didn’t see the “explain yourself” bit in the details. I believe the most violent offenders can’t be “fixed”, and, well, to be honest, I believe in that whole an eye for an eye thing.

Description : Does is seem like random acts of blind violent rage are on the rise?

Last Answer : What makes you think it’s random?

Description : Do you think violent games and movies influence the youth?

Last Answer : Everything effects the youth. The effect of violent games and movies is very low, imho, almost negligible.. yet still present. It may only truly effect someone predisposed to violence genetically or otherwise ... , they need to understand what is cinematic and what is real. Garbage in, garbage out.

Description : When was the last time you were violent?

Last Answer : I haven’t been violent…in…I can’t remember when. But there’s one little SOB that if I could get my hands around his neck, he’d be DEAD.

Description : Does playing violent video games make a child more likely to act out violently?

Last Answer : Only if the parents use the TV/video games as a babysitter for the child. Bad parenting is to blame if a child plays violent video games and thus reacts violently to things in reality.

Description : Find a person on probation violent offender in kitsap county WA?

Last Answer : Clarify, please.

Description : Is violent action in defense of the environment, justifiable?

Last Answer : Violent action in defense of anything but your family is never justifiable.

Description : How would one go about filing a complaint against a coworker who has been physically violent towards and is now harassing him or her?

Last Answer : Call the police and get a restraining order?

Description : Got any violent book-related puns?

Last Answer : I’ve heard someone use the phrase “you’ve really got the rubber band around your nuts now” as a reference to being in a perilous position. That’s a reference from the book Fight Club.

Description : Violent media desensitizes people to violence. Does this make people more tolerant of real life violence?

Last Answer : One cannot build upon a sandy foundation. [Violent media desensitizes people to violence.] – conjecture, proven by some studies, disproven by others. [Does this make people more tolerant of real life violence?] – conjecture inferred from a conjecture. nothing to stand on.

Description : What are the best strategies against violent islamist extremism?

Last Answer : Worldwide orgy.

Description : What would be the most effective way to reduce violent crime?

Last Answer : Guilianator.