What kind of pillow should I buy?

1 Answer

Answer :

A firm pillow whether it be down or foam is best for people who sleep on their sides. A molded pillow is best for those who sleep on their backs. Less firm works for people who sleep on their stomachs.

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Last Answer : Generally speaking, from my research, I understand there should be nothing in the crib with an infant..so with both of my children I didn't put anything in the crib when my oldest turned 3, I ... a curled up blanket ball that he manages to make by rolling around a lot right before falling asleep

Description : What's the best kind of travel neck pillow?

Last Answer : If you're going international and it's 5 hours, don't bother with cheap. You will find it useless. Memory foam is your best choice. Your second best (and a lot cheaper) is the bean bag one ... your money on anything with feathers in it. It'll flatten out and not provide your neck with any support.

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Last Answer : Try walmart

Description : I have had a blanket and a pillow for 20 years. I'm thinking I'd buy new ones. How often do you change? A blanket and a pillow?

Last Answer : Probably like you. Even though they wash everything. Even feather stucco from IKEA, they recommend washing and drying three tennis shoes in the dryer. I have this blanket washed in water in a dry cleaner's. (blush) I've also thought about pillows, even though I'm about 10 years old.

Description : How to Buy a Boyfriend Pillow?

Last Answer : Buying a Boyfriend PillowFor the ultimate comforting and supportive boyfriend, forget the actual man and purchase a boyfriend pillow instead. These boyfriend pillows, also called husbands, are so called because they ... pillow that you truly enjoy, and will be able to use for years to come.

Description : Where online can one buy a pillow for neck pain?

Last Answer : Yes. Sharper Image and Brookstone have specialized pillows. Also, tempurpedic pillows will help your hudband. If his pain isn't helped, take him to a chiropracter.

Description : What is your pillow recommendation?

Last Answer : very firm foamy

Description : How often do you wash pillow cases?

Last Answer : Once every 6 months. I am waiting for new pillowcases from Amazon. Should arrive by March 7th. My favorite hugging pillow doesn’t have a pillowcase.

Description : Does buying a cheap pillow case counter the quality of a good pillow?

Last Answer : Looking for comfortable side, back, stomach, sleeping pillow/cases under $100 cnd.

Description : Is an expensive pillow worth the price?

Last Answer : I think I got a deal on a My Pillow when I bought my mattress some years ago. (This was before the politics came into it.) I will say that it has held up much longer than the $19.99 ones I ... that weren't on a special sale which makes me wonder if people ever pay the full listed price for them.

Description : Can you please help me find a cooling pillow that actually works?

Last Answer : You may be in luck here. I moved from Montana (cold) to southern Utah. (waay hot) I found a product called a Chillow which was a God send so to speak and it made sleep possible on hot hot nites. ... It is a device you add water to and put it on my regular pillow and for me it's been wonderful.

Description : Could you tell me a little or a lot about your pillow?

Last Answer : Mine are stuffed with shredded memory foam. Nice and firm, can be fluffed up as much as i like, and they never go flat.

Description : You gave in and bought a "My Pillow." Was it worth the price?

Last Answer : I got one as a gift. You still need to flip every five minites to cool down. Its still my favorate pillow. It’s nice and fluffy.

Description : Are you permitted bring a pillow to the emergency room when you expect a five hour wait?

Last Answer : Yup

Description : Have you ever literally fallen asleep before your head hit the pillow?

Last Answer : Cool story! BRAVO

Description : Would dog fur make a good stuffing for a pillow?

Last Answer : With or without the dog attached? ‘Cause one way would be kinda lumpy and smelly after a while.

Description : Have you found a good pillow?

Last Answer : answer:www.mypillow.com Comes in varying degrees of firmness. Prior to finding this, for years I would make certain to get a latex foam where the two halves were an egg crate or waffle type ... they claim to be. They're crap. Miles Kimball currently carries a good one with the waffle design.

Description : Do you share your pillow with others?

Last Answer : I have a pillow I made especially for me. When I accidentally left it at a hotel once, I waited for over an hour until they found it and returned it to me. It does not look special, so they thought I was nuts.

Description : My bird humps every pillow he sees. Should I let him be?

Last Answer : answer:Bird masturbation is fairly normal. That said, if you are not pleased with him using your pillows, you may want to provide him with a soft toy to be used just for this behavior. A ... As with any behavior you're not fond of, remember to reward positive behavior and ignore the negative.

Description : Which "fun fighting" have you enjoyed most, water/pillow/snowball or any other?

Last Answer : Pillow fights, not ones I’ve been involved in, but one’s I’ve watched ;)

Description : Pillow talk. Do couples still talk to each other in bed?

Last Answer : answer:love this question! We still do occasionally, even just for a few minutes. It’s nice to cuddle after some alone time and talk about the day or some other silly stuff. Sometimes it’s the only quiet time we get with each other.

Description : Where can I find a meditation pillow in Long Island, New York?

Last Answer : Amazon has fast shipping. And if you don’t have a zabuton, they have those too.

Description : My cat spitefully peed on my pillow. What to do?

Last Answer : Ewww! Get a new pillow.

Description : What is a design for a pillow?

Last Answer : Very sweet idea! (: I think a masculine while modern design could incorporate shapes and patterns, like squares, stripes, rectangles, anything really! Try mimicking pillow designs you've seen before while ... to transfer an image of you and your boyfriend onto the pillow. Just a suggestion. ;D

Description : What is the true story about Nathan Bedford Forrest and Fort Pillow?

Last Answer : The letter written by a Confederate Soldier acknowledges there was unjustified killing of surrendering soldiers. It seems clear from the Wiki page that there was a massacre. If Forrest tried to stop it, he still tried to cover it up, which still makes him guilty.

Description : How do you wash a pillow without it losing its shape?

Last Answer : you punch them, and fluff them.

Description : Have you ever tried an "oxygen pillow"?

Last Answer : It’s another snake oil product. The claims on the page make no medical sense. I’ll go through them one by one for you if you like.

Description : Have you ever practiced kissing on a pillow? Did it help?

Last Answer : I did.. I’ll admit. I have a good imagination. That is when I never kissed a boy before. Now I am a expert.

Description : What is the best type of pillow for head and neck support?

Last Answer : I use a head and neck I bought (for way too much money) at the Back Store. It has a soft but firm ridge that supports the neck, and memory foam that cradles my head. I use it in conjunction ... black so I don't have to see myself sleeping with two funny-looking pillows. That supports my ego. ;-)

Description : If you have ever had the pleasure of such a thing, which was more fun, a food or a pillow fight?

Last Answer : They are both great! You can really clean someone’s clock with a feather pillow :) I did get knocked off a log with a bag of hay at a renaissance festival…that works too… As for food fights,anything can be launched,but I got the best results by pouring a beer down someone’s shorts :)

Description : What is the history of putting chocolate on your pillow in a hotel?

Last Answer : Sweets for the sweet?

Description : What would you make of someone who sleeps with a knife under her pillow?

Last Answer : what strikes me right away is the likelihood of thrashing in the middle of the night and ending up with a knife in your face. i know with the way i sleep, there is no way i would put anything dangerous even ... be dead by morning. and then, why can't she just keep it on the bedside table? or floor?

Description : American Airlines is now charging $8.00 if you want to use a pillow during the flight. I understand cutting costs, but isn't this a little too far?

Last Answer : I’m more concerned about charging for a single checked bag, particularly when you can’t pack liquids or a pocket knife in your carry on. Who uses pillows anyway? I don’t see how anything can make an airplane seat comfortable enough to sleep in.

Description : For those who know Spanish, what is this song about? Is it pillow talk?

Last Answer : ’‘i suspect.. you leave, i dont want you to leave’’ was what i heard on the sample. sounds like a please dont brake up with me song.

Description : If one has to sleep on their back, is a lumbar pillow the best way to go for the lower back?

Last Answer : Having a pillow, or maybe a rolled up blanket, under the knees will take a lot of strain off the lower back. Experiment to see what feels the best.

Description : Have you ever attended (or participated in) the "World Pillow Fighting Championships" in Kenwood CA?

Last Answer : I never hoida such a thing!!!

Description : Hugging a pillow or stuffed animal during childhood development through adulthood; does it potentially show the individuals personality or trait that might affect their livelihood day-to-day basis?

Last Answer : I feel that as with all things in psychology, it must be taken with a grain of salt. Some people just like stuffed animals, think they're cute, what have you, and some people just like ... for comfort. But in context to this question, yes, how a person sleeps speaks volumes about their personality.

Description : What's it like to use a "contoured" or "cervical" pillow?

Last Answer : I have one (a Tempur one) and I find it really uncomfortable.

Description : What are pillow cases for?

Last Answer : 1. For covering your pillow so that when you drool in your sleep or an eyelash falls off from time to time you can simply remove the pillow case and wash it instead of washing the whole pillow 2. For placing many bars of soap into for a “towel party”.

Description : Putting pyjamas under/behind the pillow?

Last Answer : I put my pajamas under my cat when I’m not wearing them.

Description : Does anyone here use a Mediflow Waterbase Pillow?

Last Answer : I was looking into it for my boyfriend. Is your sleeper usually a side,back, or stomach? It could make a difference when buying a pillow.

Description : Have you heard of a pillow called "Chiroflow"?

Last Answer : I've never heard of it before, but I looked at the link for the clinical study done by John Hopkins University. They compared regular pillows, roll pillows and the Chiroflow pillow. In each study the Chiroflow ... consider trying it. It may or may not work, but you can always try it out. Good luck.

Description : is there a good pillow for back/shoulder pain??

Last Answer : i've seen those fancy pillows with the big u-shaped dip in them and people swear by them. i don't think down is the best necessarily cuz it will flatten throughout the night. i need a new pillow too now that you mention it! maybe we can get a two for one special : )

Description : Pillow-top or no pillow top?

Last Answer : Pillowtop is so ubiquitous that when we got a new mattress we kind of accepted it. And it's delicious. The downside, from the housewifely point of view, is that it's harder to clean. You have to ... want another pillowy something; but not for years. But you've already thought of all this, I'm sure,

Description : Is it time to take whatever money you have left and stick it under your pillow?

Last Answer : answer:Mutual funds, yes, hedge funds, yes, insurance companies, yes, regional banks, hell yes, pension funds-yes. Today, 9/14/2008 will live in infamy. Today is the day that Credit as ... reading The Long Emergency by James Kunstler for a mind opening read. Frugality is now offically fashionable.

Description : You sit on me but I'm not a chair, I'm soft but I'm not a pillow and I'm always there for you when you need me. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Your bum.

Description : They can trickle down, They can tickle too. Or make you sneeze, Or comfort you. Their rustling sound, you've rarely heard, Unless you're a pillow or a bird! What are they? -Riddles

Last Answer : They are feathers.

Description : why cant i cum i rub my thing i ram it into my pillow i jerk i need tips on how to cum so i can release my pain?

Last Answer : Do you do it for long time AND enjoy it..

Description : Kiss hand 5 times then look under your pillow?

Last Answer : commandF4CV

Description : How and where can I get a pillow and a memory foam mattress?

Last Answer : I bought my best latex mattress here:yazing .com/deals/dreamcloudsleep/anna_rexi_ya(just remove the space! yes, this is a referral link, but you will receive a coupon)