Has this car been in an accident?

1 Answer

Answer :

Has this car been in an accident?

Related questions

Description : Have you ever been in a car accident?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. No, it was not my fault. We were rear-ended. I did not go to the ER, but was forced to go to the doctor later.

Description : Have you or anybody been involved in a car "Accident"?

Last Answer : My car jumped a ditch and landed on a grassy knoll.I think it was trying to assassinate me!



Description : If there is an accident involving a car backing out of a parking space and a car driving past in a parking lot, is the driver backing always at fault?

Last Answer : I would say yes. The driver backing out was not practicing enough caution. The one main reason I always try to park facing out in a parking lot. But that isn’t saying that the other driver wasn’t practicing caution either. Too many people take too many chances! SO not worth it.

Description : The way technology is advancing, the computer driven car is becoming more of a reality.My question when an accident does happen, will we be able to blame the vehicle, and not the driver?

Last Answer : And accidents will happen, maybe far less, but they will happen, so who will be at fault if we take the human out of the picture?

Description : In a theoretical rear-end car accident, would it be better to brake or not?

Last Answer : answer:Not brake. The energy of the offending car is going to be expended somewhere. You want it pushing you along, rather than crumpling your car. Think of the extremes: 1) You accelerate and the car does not touch you. 2) You lock the brakes and get the full impact.

Description : Who is at fault in this car accident?

Last Answer : Oh my! all those rights, here we drive on the left so I’m confused.

Description : What do I do if I am unable to do my job after a car accident?

Last Answer : What country do you live in? Different governments have different rules on how this type of situation is to be handled.

Description : After a car accident that was settled on the spot, could the other driver take any kind of legal action against me?

Last Answer : Yes he can. Spot payment with no written agreement, you hit him.

Description : Does speaking on your mobile phone through a hands-free (preferably bluetooth) device place you at greater risk of an accident than speaking to a person in the car with you?

Last Answer : It’s safer than a regular phone, thats all the studies seem to care about, and what sort of wieless headset is there for a phone that uses something aside from bluetooth?

Description : Boring question #38: Your self-parking car causes and accident, who takes the blame?

Last Answer : answer:You just know this is going to happen eventually. Who takes the blame? Nobody. Who gets sued? That's easy. The party with the deepest pockets. Who benefits? The lawyers, obviously. I'll ... the papers, casework and research, like vultures on a desert rock, waiting for the inevitable slip-up.

Description : What happens when you're the defendant in a civil suit over a car accident?

Last Answer : answer:In short, the other person must sue you before insurance will pay. My mother had to sue my stepfather when he totalled her car in a single-vehicle accident. He didn't have to pay a penny ... the deductible)) but he had to be named as the defendant before the insurance would accept the claim.

Description : Have you ever seen a bad car accident happen or pass by a recent one?

Last Answer : answer:I drove up next to an accident once, I didn't see it happen, but immediately after. A motorcycle was down, and a man's legs were sticking out of the front wheel well of a car. It wasn't ... always try to maintain an exit route and safe distance, so I can avoid a sudden wreck in front of me.

Description : I have a sister who suffers from chronic (on a scale from 1-10 ..an 11) back, neck, and leg pain due to a car accident. It hurts for me to see her suffering. I feel helpless and sad. What can I do to help her?

Last Answer : answer:First and foremost your sister needs to see her doctor, and explain how much pain she is in. Then, she needs to sit down and talk in great depth to her husband, and explain exactly how she is ... him. Perhaps then he will understand better how she is feeling, and just how much pain she is in.

Description : If a minor is riding in a car without a seatbelt, and the driver is a minor and gets in an accident. Can the parents of the passenger sue the driver?

Last Answer : usually the parents of the driver get sued, rightfully.

Description : Do you know of anyone with drastic personality changes after a car accident?

Last Answer : Did she suffer a head injury in the accident? Whiplash or anything? If not, I’d suspect the college blues. Depression can cause all of the symptoms you describe.

Description : Does one face jail time of they have a car accident without active insurance?

Last Answer : It depends on the state and whether you have the cash to cover the costs. They still have plenty of time for long-term injuries or strains to develop as a result of the crash. Unfortunately, if you don’t pony up the cash right away, I would expect to be sued.

Description : Car accident liability? Help!

Last Answer : I found this Excerpt: In some situations both you and the car behind you will be stopped when a third car runs into the car behind you which pushes into the rear of your car. In that case it is the ... liability insurance you would file a claim. Sorry,tf. That is a bummer. I hope you weren't hurt.

Description : How much money do you think I could recieve due to a car accident? My doctor says I have to have neck surgery. And could i change attorneys?

Last Answer : Are you actually hurt, or did you find a doctor to say you are, and you aren’t?

Description : Who would be at fault in this car accident?

Last Answer : Traffic law is definitely not my forte, so other lawyer-types can feel free to correct me, but my sense is that this is a matter of "last chance" doctrine. If you could have avoided the accident ... always said that there's no case more complicated to try than what looks like a simple traffic case.)

Description : Advice for car accident claim?

Last Answer : answer:usually the only way you can get a new car out of an accident is if the car is considered totaled . If the car doesn't run because of the accident and the estimated repairs equal a high ... dealer, then you could get money from that company to pay the difference in what you owe on the car.

Description : If a co-worker is in a minor car accident & goes home for the afternoon, should you call to check on them that same day?

Last Answer : answer:I would. Hope your doing ok banjo.

Description : Theres a boy and his dad they got in a severe car accident. They were rushed to the hospital where they were separated into separate rooms. The Doctor went into the boys room and said I can not operate on him he is my son.How can this be? -Riddles

Last Answer : The Doctor was the son's mom.

Description : A father and son were in a car accident where the father was killed. The ambulance brought the son to the hospital. He needed immediate surgery. In the operating room, a doctor came in and looked at the little boy and said I can't operate on him he is my son.Who is the doctor? -Riddles

Last Answer : The Mother

Description : Two cars were involved in an accident in the center of town. The man who was driving a little green car, had overtaken a big black car. The driver had misjudged the distance between him and the on ... . However, the driver of the green car was not charged with manslaughter, why was this so? -Riddles

Last Answer : The black car was a hearse and was on its way to a funeral.

Last Answer : Ensure treatment of injured person , transfer to nearest hospital if necessary and report accident to nearest police station within 24 hours.

Description : Possibly more serious injury?

Last Answer : There was no injury, just a stutter.

Description : I would like to ask if an accident with a company car (I was the culprit) can have any effect on me as a private person operating his vehicle? Possibly. Malus on the compulsory liability of a ... that I am a "risky" driver and therefore will have more expensive insurance. Thanks for the response.

Last Answer : No, it doesn't.

Last Answer : Yes you can. But the question is whether someone will talk to him.

Description : Hello, I had a car accident about a month ago. I turned orange at the crossroads and collided, or a car crashed into me, which passed through the crossroads on the left side of the side road, where there ... that will not be enough. I don't know how to deal with this anxiety and uncertainty .....

Last Answer : Wait for the police to resolve the accident. With personal problems, it would be advisable to visit a psychologist.

Description : Hello, I was injured in a car accident two weeks ago. From the first medical examination, I allegedly had a wrist on my right hand. However, now they have recently discovered, thanks to constant complaints of ... you what should I do if you can advise me what and how to follow. thank you very much

Last Answer : Well, it's a difficult decision .... first of all, it is clear whether the "boy" did it out of his negligence or whether it was a really great coincidence .... and the boy came to it as blind to the violin ... ... We don't know how the accident happened then it's hard to judge ... ☢ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☢

Description : When should you suspect head neck or back injury Fall from height Car or motorcycle accident Electrocution All of the above?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Can i get in trouble for almost causing a car accident?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What happened to the car that got in the accident in gatsby?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Car Accident?

Last Answer : Car Accident Victim? What You Should KnowCar accident victims may be unaware of the various negative repercussions that often arise as a result of their accident. This is especially true for ... and DamagesA significant number of car accidents are the result of driver negligence. Distracted driving

Description : What information is used to determine by the insurance companies whether or not a car should be junked or repaired after an accident?

Last Answer : Car insurance companies will first look to see what the NADA price for the vehicle is. Once an adjuster prices the physical damage to a car, if the damage is more expensive than the worth of the car, it's totaled and sold to a junk yard.

Description : What is the average amount of money that someone gets in car accident?

Last Answer : I am sorry there really is no correct answer to that question. The amount of money that one would be "awarded" would be based on the extent of injury and property damage. Judges are becoming very annoyed with frivolous cases that are brought to court simply for profit.

Description : How does the car accident most affect the resolution of the plot the white umbrella?

Last Answer : it affects how they should appreciate who they are and what they have.

Description : Car Insurance Accident Prone Driver?

Last Answer : There are many programs out there suited for accident prone drivers. Try progressive.

Description : Car Accident Lawyer?

Last Answer : form_title=Hire a Car Accident Lawyer form_header=If you've been a victim in a car accident, contact a lawyer to Do you have all your required legal documents prepared?= () Yes () No Describe the accident: =_ What services do you need?=_

Description : What is the accident rate of skydiving compared to car accident rates?

Last Answer : Each year about 30 people die in skydiving accidents. However, about 40,000 people die in traffic accidents each year. More information about skydiving safety can be found at http://adventure.howstuffworks.com/skydiving8.htm

Description : An accident has taken place at out station and main line is blocked and relief train is to be turned out without medical car. The hooter shall be: a. 3 long b. 4 long* c. 4 long, 1 short d. 3 long, and 1 short

Last Answer : b. 4 long

Description : Prepare accident investigation report for a car.

Last Answer : Whenever an accident occurs all particulars have to be collected and ascertained below: A) General Details: 1) Date ,time and location 2) Registration No. of vehicle involved in an accident ... . E) Negotiate with the insured regarding disposal of salvage F) Prepare detail survey and submit

Description : Would this accident have been my fault?

Last Answer : It is a bit difficult to picture just what you are describing, but from what I could tell, it would not have been your fault. Even if you had been wrong for trying to leave your parking space, ... someone hit you to collect insurance, I am sure that would bring your parents down on you pretty hard.

Description : Has your life ever been thrown around by an accident?

Last Answer : First, I have to say that this is the first I've heard of someone hitting a dog with a bike. I wouldn't have been worrying about it either, so you really shouldn't feel stupid or ... let an accident like that happen again. They are probably, at this very moment, worrying about getting sued.

Description : Have you ever been in a motorcycle accident?

Last Answer : I got hit by a guy on a motorcycle. I was stopped at a red light. He was racing another bike and hit me going about 70 mph. What happened to him was not pretty. He flew off the motorcycle and way down ... on-coming car. He was a kid who had skipped school and took his dad's bike out for a race.

Description : Have you ever been involved in an accident?

Last Answer : I really can't remember exactly, but I was been into many accidents before. When I was young, while strolling down the streets, I found myself bleeding. My sister brought me home shaking, my ... we need to do when that happens. Being aware save lives and remember accidents happens all the time.

Description : has it ever been in an accident?

Last Answer : has it ever been in an accident

Description : A person with unknown blood group under ABO system, has suffered much blood loss in an accident and needs immediate blood transfusion. His friend who has valid certificate of his own blood type, offers for blood donation ... of the donor friend? (a) Type B (b) Type AB (c) Type O (d) Type A

Last Answer : (d) Type A