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Answer :

DefinitionA nightmare is a dream that occurs during sleep that brings out strong feelings of fear, terror, distress, or anxiety. Nightmares usually happen in the second part of the night and wake up the sleeper, who is able to remember the content of the dream.See also:Generalized anxiety disorderNight terrorPost-traumatic stress disorderSleep disordersAlternative NamesDreams - bad; Bad dreamsConsiderationsNightmares tend to be more common among children and become less frequent toward adulthood. About 50% of adults have occasional nightmares, women more often than men.Common CausesAnxiety and stress are the most common causes of nightmares. A major life event occurs before the nightmare in some cases.Other causes of nightmares include:Abrupt alcohol withdrawalBreathing disorder in sleep (

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Description : Dear Reddit users who’ve had reoccurring nightmares at some point in your life, what was yours about?

Last Answer : Im stuck in a bathroom with a bunch of stalls in a bunch of configurations of where the toilet is , and i cant find my way out and all the toilets are dirty

Description : Is there a correlation between a lack of wisdom and nightmares?

Last Answer : If anything my nightmares have only grown worse as I’ve aged and gained in knowledge, experience and wisdom.

Description : Why don't I get nightmares anymore?

Last Answer : Do you still remember your more pleasant night dreams? If no, it could be that you continue to have nightmares, but that you forget them along with everything else.

Description : Can one get nightmares or to be afraid of the dark when sleeping during the day?

Last Answer : H U H !

Description : Not dreams, but nightmares?

Last Answer : Obviously, something in your waking life has triggered these memories, which have translated themselves into nightmares. My advice-and this, from one who has suffered many nightmares in his life, many recurring- ... and not to do anything but give yourself a bit of time. Restful sleep will return.

Description : How do I stop having these nightmares?

Last Answer : I would wonder if you had PTSD post traumatic stress disorder.

Description : Can you tell me in which episodes of Ramsay's Kitchen nightmares (both UK and US) he liked the food overall?

Last Answer : I think you need to proofread your Q again :) As it is now, I can’t fathom what you’re asking.

Description : Help with recurring nightmares.

Last Answer : Try to figure out what the spider represents. Do you have a big problem that is hanging over you? A project you are working on and that causes you stress? When I was completing my PhD I regularly had ... dreams. Now I dream about even weirder shit and I have no idea what the heck those dreams mean.

Description : Why am I having so many nightmares lately?

Last Answer : answer:Perhaps check on any anxiety you may be feeling during your waking hours. School, family, work, S/O, health, money? Those are most of the cosmic issues. Do you mean while you are sleeping? Are you sleeping during the day?

Description : Can a medication cause nightmares?

Last Answer : Yes, many meds can. I took Prozac for several weeks but stopped because of nightly serial nightmares.

Description : Do you suffer from really bad nightmares?

Last Answer : Yes, but usually only once a month or so.

Description : Why do I keep having nightmares about this ?

Last Answer : Maybe you keep having the dreams because you're scared something will happen to her, and you think, I don't want to dream about this when you're going to bed. Then you end up worrying about it ... or during bedtime, it just pops up in your dreams, I don't know how to help besides lucid dreaming.

Description : In your dreams, nightmares rather, your plane is highjacked. Quick: who are you on the plane?

Last Answer : I’m the guy still complaining that I have no leg room.

Description : Are nightmares something to be avoided?

Last Answer : I used to have alot of nightmare about sharks and bears.I was always fighting bears I got tired of that and before I went to sleep,told myself that I would beat the hell out of it once and for all. Sure enough ... . :) I don't think I have had one since. I think fear is good for me.I take action.

Description : Is it possible to manipulate your dreams or nightmares?

Last Answer : answer:In general, I don't dream. Every now and then I will have a brief vision when I am on the edge of sleep, but it never lasts long enough to develop coherence or a plot. However I can ... the dream, the more likely it is to penetrate your mind to the depth required to manifest itself in dreams.

Description : Do you ever have nightmares that you just can't wake up from?

Last Answer : I don’t have nightmares, and this doesn’t seem normal.

Description : How do you prevent nightmares?

Last Answer : Are you taking any medication? How long has this been going on? Is there a recurring theme in these nightmares? What time are you eating dinner, and what time are you going to bed?

Description : Would you manifest your dreams in real life if you also had to do so for your nightmares?

Last Answer : No. As tempting as flying without the help of an airplane is…. I’m not sleeping with John Goodman and I am not fighting grizzly bears.Ever ;)

Description : Why am I having so many Nightmares and why do I always remember them ?

Last Answer : I started some of the same issues you are talking about after I was brought back from an NDE. There has been a lot more take place in my life and sometimes it is very real and terrifies me. I'm not ... control of it and accept it. I can now control a lot of things and even keep some from happening.

Description : What are some of the earliest dreams or nightmares you can remember?

Last Answer : One of my earliest was pretty horrifying. I was in a dark room, there was just a checker board and two chairs in the middle, lit by one overhead light. Very film noir. I was playing against Bert from ... me, paused, then his head swelled to enormous size. He leaned over and bit my head off. AHHH!

Description : When you have nightmares, what are they about?

Last Answer : answer:When I was younger, I used to have nightmares about being possessed. All the time, and those were generally the only kind I had, aside from the occasional killer chasing me down in the dark where I ran ... casket) lying on a tall hill, with a single giant tree, while it's dark and it pours.

Description : I don't have nightmares. How common is that? What does it mean?

Last Answer : answer:Do you typically remember your dreams at all? If you remember your dreams and never have nightmares – well I guess that would mean you are pretty relaxed in general. Just a guess, though. Lucky you! :)

Description : Why does granola give me nightmares if I eat it at bedtime?

Last Answer : Perhaps they’re too difficult for your digestive tract to process at night. Do you have the same problem with hot oatmeal?

Description : What to do about a two and 1/2 year old who apparently has nightmares?

Last Answer : It sounds like you are dealing with a precocious child. I'd want to know what goes on during the day (is he in a daycare setting where someone may be frightening him?) Are there family ... separation or divorce? Once this sort of possibility is eliminated, then I would say he just needs comforting.

Description : My nephew has some very bad nightmares, he wakes up scared, shaking, and he says that he wants the sun to come up, but in the morning he doesn't remember what he was dreaming... What can this be?

Last Answer : These are known as night terrors. This is very commn in kids and toddlers, and needs no treatment. Kids eventually grow out of them. According to the NIH, these are the symptoms: Night ... some pediatricians suggest waking the child before the terrors occur so as to disrupt the sleep-wake cycle.

Description : If you killed someone in defense of yourself or your family, would you feel guilty, have nightmares?

Last Answer : Nope. Take no prisoners!

Description : Why do I get nightmares when I fall asleep while lying on my left side?

Last Answer : the left side is the sinister side!

Description : Kitchen appliances: time and energy savers or environmental nightmares?

Last Answer : It has been proven that using a dishwasher is more environmentally friendly than hand washing.(i would think that applies to a full load). Compost all kitchen waste(peelings and scrapings)

Description : What are your recurrent nightmares about?

Last Answer : I used to have that dream! It was the end of the semester and I would find out I was failing a class (usually math) because I had simply forgotten I'd signed up for it and hadn't gone all semester. I ... (Well, I did once, but there was a good reason and I talked to the prof about it before hand.)

Description : How can I stop having really intense nightmares?

Last Answer : Stop thinking about the dreams , don’t eat cheese before bed . Take the dream and make it real life, see if that helps .

Description : Do people tend to have nightmares when they eat right before bed?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know about food as a whole, but there are types of food that do have an effect on your dreams. Cheese and garlic I believe give the most likeliness to have a dream. Onions might or ... but who eats raw onions?); i haven't tried onions, i just had someone tell me the other weekend.

Description : What to do if you have nightmares ? If you have nightmares, only if you wash down from the navel, will you achieve holiness ? Or take a full bath ?

Last Answer : No , it won't ; Instead, take a full bath. Ummul Muminin Hazrat Umm Salama agreed. Said , Umm Sulaim Razi, wife of Abu Talha Razi. He came to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and ... have nightmares. 2. If you have nightmares, it is obligatory for both boys and girls to take a bath.

Description : There is no taste in food. What to do now ? I am 21 years old and weigh 49 kg. Health is very bad. It looks so bad. I do not want to eat at all. A few days ago, there were frequent nightmares ... The body is getting thinner day by day. What will be the solution ?? I want to know. Thanks in advance.

Last Answer : You are 21 years old and weigh 49 kg. And this is because of masturbation and nightmares due to which your body is not improving and the body is so weak that the ability to digest food is ... . Eat nutritious food. Eat fruits. If you have a habit of masturbation, skip it. Avoid pornography.

Description : How effective will Unani treatment be for nightmares , weakness of body , loss of appetite , nausea , irritable mood ?

Last Answer : Yes, if you take Hamdard medicine, then you have to take it regularly for 2/3 months, then you will get rid of the problem. In fact, Unani medicine works slowly. However, there are no ... . Due to which you are facing this problem. So skip masturbation first. Take treatment and stay healthy.

Description : advice on Calboral-D ? A friend of mine had a weak body and not much flesh on his cheeks. He ate Calboral-D . My body is not weak but a little depressed. I don't do bad things. But sometimes there are ... food. Can it be eaten , if it can be eaten, how much should I eat at any time of the day?

Last Answer : First of all, I would say that no medicine should be taken without the advice of a doctor. Yes you can take this Calboral-D but with the advice of a doctor. You will eat nutritious food every day. And take ... doctor. And you weigh a little less which is 8/5 kg. So you keep the demand for food high.

Description : If you have nightmares but not ejaculation , then do you have to take a bath ?

Last Answer : Ejaculation is a condition for bathing to be obligatory , and basically ejaculation air is called nightmare. So bathing will not be obligatory on you in this situation. Because it has been narrated in ... , bathing will be obligatory , and if there is no ejaculation, bathing will not be obligatory.

Description : What is the way to get rid of nightmares ?

Last Answer : Try to get rid of all fears from the mind. So keep trying to get rid of the thing that you are afraid of. If you can't overcome it yourself, try to overcome this fear with the help of ... way. Because when the position of the head , neck and arms and legs are reversed, many people have nightmares.

Description : How can we avoid having nightmares?

Last Answer : Nightmares are more of reflection of things you've been thinking about during the day. Hence, its advisable to have positive thoughts because that's what will be translated in your dreams. It's right ... are very frightening and at times they come to pass. I believe in the power of prayers.

Description : Why do I have nightmares every night?

Last Answer : We don’t know you so can’t answer your question. I suggest youtalk to a counselor or someone you trust.