Which experiments would be considered unethical?

1 Answer

Answer :

Taking blood samples from patients for research purposes without consent.

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Description : What are some experiments or research we could do that would yield informative and useful results, but may be quite unethical?

Last Answer : Send all the world’s top athletes (track & field) to Afghanistan & see if they qualify for the next Paralympics? Ouch, that stings a little!

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Last Answer : answer:1. Thoughtless rather than thoughtful. If there is some intent behind this then, it is perhaps a selfish one. 2. ? If poor ethics are involved, it's whatever is the cause of lack seats ... in this. Unless you're asking us to do your homework @weeveeship that would be unethical and selfish.

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Last Answer : C)Refusing to give payoffs and bribes in some foreign countries may put the marketer at a competitive disadvantage.

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Last Answer : a) Trichomes-Glandular or non-glandular

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Last Answer : (1) Trichomes — Glandular or non-glandular

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Last Answer : Eating calamari. Hearing the little buggers are intelligent and seeing demonstrations of it just made me feel guilty

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Last Answer : Life extension drugs. They would be highly expensive meaning the rich would live forever whilst the poor work themselves to death.

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Last Answer : Finding a way to remove greed from the human mindset. This is unethical simply because it's going to take a lot of subjects and not all of them will survive the experiment.

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Last Answer : Forgive me for not understanding the point here, but why would that be unethical?

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Last Answer : I say it’s unethical or immoral because you enter a space where morons pump money into the machines based on the rules and you take the morons’ money by breaking the rules. I say it is a little less unethical or immoral because you are taking money from the pockets of degenerate casino operators.

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Last Answer : answer:I wouldn't have any problem with helping to cover a babysitter's paid vacation. But, the terms need to be expressly stated in advance, before the relationship begins, and certainly before anyone dishes-out ... , how you went back to work after a couple of days. My own recovery took a month.

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Last Answer : answer:Tell them (as I did yesterday when a couple was walking on the restricted area of a dam), hey, it's a big problem if you get caught, that is illegal! If they act like they are going to ... are jerks and tell you to mind your own business, I woul walk away and then call a ranger or sheriff.

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Last Answer : answer:Of course. Many people don't have children, or delay having children, for such reasons, or others, such as the extremely high human population and the seeming disasters that high population ... children. Some of it probably comes from Biblical entreaties to be fruitful and multiply too.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think there's anything unethical about quoting extra for unforeseen problems, as long as you don't stick to the top of the range if those unforeseen problems do not occur. In other ... the invoice. Did you explain again what you had originally meant, and how did they react to that?

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Last Answer : answer:Ethically, yes, unethical. It involved a lie and deception. Would I have done the same thing if I thought of it? Probably. I would justify it in my mind as I recouped some of my time (because time = money) that I spent on this guy’s issue for which he did not pay me.

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Last Answer : Bring on the bacon! Pigs are pretty smart. I don’t like to think about it because I just can’t stop eating bacon. Blinders on!

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Last Answer : It is academic misconduct and can get both students expelled from any university. At a Military College (West Point, USNA, Air Force Academy) It will get you a less than honorable discharge and deprive you of your right to vote for life.

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Last Answer : Technically, it is piracy. You did not do what you were supposed to do to get the keys to the game.

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Last Answer : The guy isn't cheating his company, he is competing with his company. If they make their employees sign non-competition agreements, then he is doing something that could get him fired. Such agreements, however, ... that this guy wouldn't be making his offer if he had enough work in the first place.

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Last Answer : I realize I can take her to small claims court, but I’d like to save that as a last resort. I’d like to everything possible first to get my EMD back before resorting to the courts.

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Last Answer : Do you have an example of a news outlet altering a picture? I know rags like the National Enquirer do this, but an actual news outlet? I’m not sure I’ve heard of that lately.

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Last Answer : I will be soooooo rich, the 22nd of October. You’re all going to dieeeeeeee. Unethical i don’t know, but i would not play such pools personally since i would have the feeling that i should be happy when persons on my list die and i would win some money. That to me is a bit sick.

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Last Answer : I consider myself a liberal, and I don’t scorn wealth. I scorn those who build and maintain their wealth at the expense of all others, who break the rules, who have dubious morals, and who seem to have little or no redeeming value outside of their literal value.

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Last Answer : answer:Let's break this down Bob isn't going to donate his junk no matter what, right? he's too damn lazy I guess So he makes fifty bucks that he otherwise wouldn't be making, you get ... /lawn mower/box full of blankets that they otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity to have? Yep, everyone wins.

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Last Answer : A human heart is an organ not a life. That’s like saying a car engine is a car.

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Last Answer : I think its bullshit. I also get highly pissed off when i see this sort of thing at the movies, beach, amusement parks, etc. Like fuck you….. water doesnt magically cost 4 dollars now

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Last Answer : I suppose this would be a choice between keeping your word of honor, or breaking the promise you made to pay for the thing you said you'd pay for. Seeing just how many lives are spanked ... your promise (contract), but allow your neighbors' property value to decrease, other people lose jobs, etc.

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Last Answer : I told Tony Soprano to keep his dirty job.

Description : Is it unethical to sell a gift?

Last Answer : Ok, I'm fessing up. My brother who lives in a differnt state buys me the most ridiculous things for Christmas. They are so ridiculous, I doubt he can take them back, he probably gets them ... has a giant yard sale each year and someone always buys these presents. There is no accounting for taste.

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Last Answer : Outside of a Poli Sci class, probably not the wisest move strategically. Lots of parents get their knickers in a twist over lesser things.

Description : Is it unethical for Microsoft to "sell" gamer points which are needed to download additional game content that was previously free?

Last Answer : It’s not like they’re selling cigarettes to kids.

Description : If my friends just started a new website, and I want to help them out, is it unethical to click on the weblinked ads if I'm minimally interested in what they're selling?

Last Answer : I don't see why not.

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Last Answer : If you get paid vacation as part of your job, you are absolutely entitled to take it. Just talk to your boss about it so s/he isn’t surprised.

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Last Answer : Become a television pastor preaching the prosperity gospel.

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Last Answer : I wrote an essay for a contest that had been meant for my brother. We split the money between us and my dad also used it to pay for some things, but, in terms of the actual contest, I’m not a 7th grade boy, so…

Description : What was the most unethical thing you've ever done in the name of money?

Last Answer : I wrote an essay for a contest that had been meant for my brother. We split the money between us and my dad also used it to pay for some things, but, in terms of the actual contest, I’m not a 7th grade boy, so…

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Last Answer : You might be thinking of a whistleblower.

Description : Is this true or false Although President Roosevelt didn't actively plot against Columbia in the Canal venture many observers felt his willingness to Panama's rebellion was unethical?

Last Answer : Mostly true. But first, let's consider the reality of the time. Pres. Theodore Roosevelt was eager to see the Canal built, because it would be good for U.S. businesses (it would make shipping ... unethical is a good question: chances are, most Americans had no idea how the canal finally got built.

Description : When management refuses to disclose in the financial statements noncompliance to laws and regulations which are identified by the independent auditor, the CPA may be charged with unethical conduct for ... and regulations during the prior audits. d. Reporting these activities to the audit committee.

Last Answer : Issuing a disclaimer of opinion

Description : Professional accountants may encounter problems in identifying unethical behavior or in resolving an ethical conflict. When facedwith significant ethical issues, professional accountants should do the following ... body or regulatory body to obtain an understanding of possible courses of action

Last Answer : If the problem is not resolved with the immediate superior and the professional accountant determines to go to the next higher managerial level, the immediate superior need not be notified of the decision.

Description : Why is it unethical to share copyrighted files withyour friends ? (A) It is notunethical, because it is legal. (B) It is unethical because thefiles arebeing given for free. (C) ... D) It is notunethical becausethe filesarebeing given for free. (E) It is notunethical-anyonecan access acomputer

Last Answer : Sharingcopyrighted files without permission breaks copyright laws

Description : Why is it unethical to share copyrighted files with your friends: a) It is not unethical because it is legal b) It is unethical because the files are being given for free c) Sharing copyrighted files ... because the files are being given for free e) It is not unethical - anyone can access a computer

Last Answer : c) Sharing copyrighted files without permission breaks copyright laws

Description : If the company you worked for was doing something unethical or illegal, what would you do?

Last Answer : Report it to the leaders within the company. True leaders understand business ethics are important to the company's longevity

Description : A whistle blower is an employee who A. exposes organizational wrongdoing. B. complains a lot to company management. C. engages in unethical behavior. D. refers disputes with other employees.

Last Answer : A. exposes organizational wrongdoing.

Description : Unethical behavior is often triggered by A. pressure from higher management to achieve goals. B. an organizational atmosphere that condones such behavior. C. both a & b D. a system of checks and balances

Last Answer : C. both a & b

Description : Which one of the following would be consistent with Johnson Chemicals' understanding of the "bad apple" concept of improving the ethical conduct of salespeople? A)Publishing ethical ... B)Firing unethical salespeople C)Retraining unethical salespeople D)Using customers to review ethical guidelines

Last Answer : B)Firing unethical salespeople

Description : If Tyreco failed to inform consumers that there were design problems with the firm's tyres, it would have been engaged in unethical behaviour relating to which one of the following marketing issue areas? A)Promotion B)Distribution C)Organisational relationships D)Product E)Pricing

Last Answer : D)Product

Description : As Wham Burger reviews a proposed commercial indicating that the firm's major competitor uses "less than top-quality beef," Wham Burger's director of marketing brings up the issue of the ethics of ... [s] what is unethical. A)consumer groups B)trade organisations C)the Courts D)Parliament E)society

Last Answer : E)society

Description : ------- is (are) MOST likely to improve ethical behaviour in a marketing organisation. A)Allowing employees to follow their own ethical standards B)Encouraging employees to identify ... to decide what is right C)Eliminating unethical individuals and improving the organisation's ethical standards

Last Answer : Eliminating unethical individuals and improving the organisation's ethical standards