What is the maximum electrons that can occupy the first energy level?

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Last Answer : 2

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Last Answer : There’s no oxygen or water and it’s quite cold. Not to mention the fact there’s no gravity, so once we start moving, we won’t stop.

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Last Answer : Ans: (a)

Description : How many valence electrons are in each energy level?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What have a full energy level of valence electrons?

Last Answer : The noble gases (group 18/VIIIA/0) are naturally occurring elements that have a full valence shell with eight valence electrons (an octet), except for helium which has two valence electrons (a duet). This makes these elements very stable and very nonreactive.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : (3) valence electrons Explanation: The outermost orbital shell of an atom is called its valence shell, and the electrons in the valence shell are valence electrons.

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Last Answer : A.substrate-level phosphorylation

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Last Answer : electron transport of electrons from NADH

Description : Did you attend Occupy Wall Street?

Last Answer : No but here is Report from Zuccotti Park in Vanity Fair.

Description : What do you think would happen if groups of Transgender men and butch lesbians all got together and descended upon NC to occupy women's restrooms to protest the new "bathroom law"?

Last Answer : With a belated nod to @Espiritus_Corvus for the inspiration. He mentioned demonstrating as a solution in a recent post :)

Description : What are the lessons to be derived from "occupy Wall Street"?

Last Answer : answer:Constructive. But not well organized. I see the OWS group as a parallel grass-roots group to what the Tea Party was doing at the time. However, the Tea Party folks had gotten their shit ... You have to articulate the message in a way people can understand. And that takes planning and thought.

Description : How do you occupy yourself on slow days at the office?

Last Answer : I go for an extended lunch and cook some pan fried chicken legs with back attached. No one noticed me gone.

Description : (U.S.) Is it illegal to post Occupy flyers on bank buildings/property?

Last Answer : answer:It is vandalizing private property. You probably won’t go to jail, but the bank can sue you to replace any damaged equipment or to pay for any cleaning they have to do as a result of putting up the signs. If the judge is in a really bad mood, you could be responsible for lost income too.

Description : How could the National Education Association be involved with the Occupy Movements?

Last Answer : The only way anyone prestige is involved is if there they can actually offer a solution to protesting the banks. I admire the rebellion of the Occupy Movements. But to be frank, it's misplaced beef in ... however, because instead of protesting, one can just take his or her opinion to the polls! :)

Description : What would you do differently within the Occupy movement ?

Last Answer : I'm not for it, but I do think that a) spitting and cursing at cops is a big no no, especially when the cops haven't done anything but stand there, b) bringing a gun to a OWS protest ... protester and then blowing you brains out is also pretty stupid and a great way to get the camp cleared out.

Description : Do the Australians know how to occupy with a flair or what?

Last Answer : Seems a little silly – but whatever gets you media coverage, I guess.

Description : What should Occupy WS (99%) do to get concrete actions from the 1%?

Last Answer : It's pressure on Congress that will make the difference. Some of it is a balance to the Tea Party. Some of it is about getting them to take the issue of jobs more seriously. Some of it is libertarian. ... ever actually make it out of the stew pot, but still, there's plenty for everyone in the pot.

Description : How much money are all these occupy movements costing municipalities?

Last Answer : answer:Millions and millions of dollars. Winston Salem: So, how much will all this cost? The city will have two expenses: Bringing city-owned fencing to the property at a cost of $120 to $180 and ... movement at $300,000. Oakland, the site of the most violence, claimed costs of $700,000. Source

Description : Should I go to this Occupy Boston event?

Last Answer : answer:I like how they list public urination alongside rape and TB. Because, you know, rape and TB, I was all well, life always has some risks . But then public urination? What will these monsters do ... does match up with what I've heard from other sources, like NPR, The Guardian, and NY Times.

Description : What exactly is the Occupy Wallstreet movement?

Last Answer : #ows is fighting back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process, and the role of Wall Street in creating an economic collapse that has caused ... an unfair global economy that is foreclosing on our future. http://occupywallst.org/about/

Description : Where does the Occupy Wall Street money go?

Last Answer : A 501 (c ) (3) organization with $500,000 is hardly a big money corporation with an army of corporate tax attorneys and accountants at their disposal trying to avoid paying or minimize corporate income ... and non-profits, that's just the way it work. Occupy Wall Street isn't a business.

Description : In the spirit of a sympathy strike, what would you like to "Occupy" today?

Last Answer : In the spirit of striking against the perpetual, unending laundry pile, I would like to occupy my bed for two more hours. ;)

Description : What does the occupy Wall Street movement want?

Last Answer : You’re going to have to ask everyone there. People all want different things.

Description : How close to home is the Occupy Wall Street Movement to you?

Last Answer : or a story about someone you know that’s been a victim of crap like this.

Description : Does Fluther care about the Occupy Movement?

Last Answer : It’s hard to call something a “movement” when they haven’t decided what they actually want. All they seem to agree upon is that life sucks and they’re unhappy about it.

Description : Where do your sentiments lie in regards to the Occupy Wall Street protests?

Last Answer : I sympathize with the clerks, janitors and underpaid support staff that catches the brunt of the protests for the bosses that can telework and avoid the whole mess.

Description : What are some good ways to occupy myself?

Last Answer : I think you should get a pen and paper and draw a self-portrait.

Description : Do you have someone in your life, for whom, you would give up everything you have, just to occupy one minute of their day?

Last Answer : answer:If they are in your life already – why would you have to give anything up for a minute of their time? As for someone who is not in my life – at no time ever, teen or current age would I do something so silly.

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Last Answer : A lie.

Description : Many always do say that I am life. I occupy most part of the earth surface, yet I'm found in you. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Water.

Description : How does textile industry occupy a unique position in Indian economy ? Explain giving any five points. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. The textile industry occupies a unique position in the Indian economy because of its significant contributions from the very beginning. 2. It contributes enormously towards industrial ... industries, such as chemicals and dyes, mill stores and packaging materials and engineering works.

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Last Answer : (i) The textile industry contributes significantly to industrial production. i.e.14%. (ii) 35 million persons are directly engaged in this industry. Thus, it is the second largest industry after ... complete in the value chain, i.e. from raw material to the highest value added products.

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Last Answer : 24 ways is the answer

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Last Answer : Such incredibly compact objects cause infinite curvature in the fabric of spacetime. Everything that falls into a black hole is sucked toward the singularity. At some distance away from the singularity ... star. Black holes grow by accreting surrounding matter and by merging with other black holes.

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : answer:

Last Answer : In 1610 , Mughal subedar Islam Khan removed Isa Khan, the leader of the zamindars known as Baro Bhuiyan from the capital of East Bengal and took possession of Dhaka.