Who was Betsy Ross mother and father?

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Last Answer : I don’t think so. I find the hullabaloo ridiculous.

Description : Of course, Betsy Ross’ legacy is intertwined with the ubiquitous red, white and blue flag, but some historians believe Continental Congress member Francis Hopkinson may have been the true creator. He claimed credit for it and even sent a bill to Congress for the design.

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Last Answer : Her biography doesn’t give that information.

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Description : What characteristics make Betsy Ross a hero?

Last Answer : According to legend, Betsy Ross made the first American flag. Despite a lack of credible evidence to support this, she remains an icon of American history.

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Last Answer : YES

Description : Is the Betsy Ross flag racist?

Last Answer : YES

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Last Answer : Ross Lynch's father is Mark Lynch (born January 5, 1962). Markand his wife Stormie are parents of the 4 Lynch brothers (Riker,Rocky, Ross, and Ryland) and their sister Rydel.

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Last Answer : answer: The first published reference, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is in a short-story collection by Rose Terry Cooke, Huckleberries Gathered From New England Hills (1892): 'Heavens to Betsey!' ... about something my mom and others from the South say: That was a pure N Tee hole!

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Last Answer : Answer: Pike.

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Last Answer : Betsy Ross did not go to high school. She was apprenticed as achild to an upholsterer. She married at age 17.

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Description : What are Betsy rosses siblings names?

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Description : What was Betsy Ross's high school called?

Last Answer : Betsy Ross did not go to high school. She was apprenticed as achild to an upholsterer. She married at age 17.

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Last Answer : Yes, Betsy DeVos has 4 kids.

Description : Does Betsy DeVos have children?

Last Answer : Yes, Betsy DeVos has 4 kids.

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Description : What are ways a mother and father can help their teenage daughter with a successful sleepover?

Last Answer : Trust her to act responsibly, and show her you trust her to act with responsibility. Tell her she will never have another sleep over, nor ever attend one, if she doesn’t. Then leave her to the event. (Of course, be there for her as support, if she needs you.)

Description : If your father, or in some cases, mother hit you or abused you emotionally or sexually, how have you resolved/accepted/put it behind you?

Last Answer : I have never entirely gotten over it. It is a life-long curse.

Description : The name of a child, when mother and father disagree... Who, by law gets the final say?

Last Answer : The mother.

Description : In what ways are your personality, behavior and traits like your mother, father or other people that raised you?

Last Answer : I inherited my dads designing eye, he was an Architect, and his analytical and calm personality. My mother was highly emotional and rather irrational but she also was quite creative, a trait of mine and my ... so I guess I got the best of both but thankfully not my mothers histrionic side. Gah! haha

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Last Answer : answer:The death of my father was harder on me. I was much younger then, and pregnant with my first child, his first grandson, whom he never lived to see. My mother got to see that same ... easier. Both were difficult losses to bear. And both came after too long a period of disease and decline.

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Last Answer : Call social services in your area. You have to be her advocate.

Description : Do you find yourself turning into your mother/father?

Last Answer : Actually, as I’ve gotten older I’ve often wished that I was more like my parents in many, but certainly not all, ways. It turns out, it seems, that they were pretty good, wise, sensible people after all.

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Last Answer : I have my father’s temper and my mom’s creativity. Back up! XD

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Last Answer : First of all what would that PROVE? Second the birth certificate is a legal document, but not infallible document ( scientific ). Name choice does not meaning paternity.

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Last Answer : Nope to me they are equally bad

Description : In what ways do you find you are turning into your mother or father?

Last Answer : I'm not one of those people that start talking/acting like a person/group after being immersed; I try to be my own person (which I am obviously inspired by some one/people). My family is kind of like ... uncle married a woman from georgia who is black, and he has picked up on the way that they talk.

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Last Answer : answer:They is a lot of clear information on this website about getting a relative to sponsor your spouse for immigration to Canada. Beware of immigration consultants who charge large fees to do what ... your time to explore the website and prepare your documents carefully. Good luck to you both.

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Last Answer : answer:Chicken soup with kneidlach (matzoh balls) and roast beef with pan-roasted potatoes

Description : Do you catch yourself turning into your mother or father?

Last Answer : answer:I have, at times, channeled both parents. Sometimes I can see the good in that, but usually it is the bad I see and am horrified about. Usually seeing it and recognizing it is enough to stop me in my tracks.

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Last Answer : It’s not so much what you impose on her but rather how you present alternatives that are better and healthier for her and the baby. If given less choice in opting for junk stuff and presented with acceptable nutritious options, then the father ensures somewhat the health of the mother and child.

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Last Answer : At the end of this article there are several links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-parent I don’t have any personal experience.

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Last Answer : Legally, I believe zero.

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Last Answer : thanatos: I am very sorry and might tentatively suggest you go to see him to perhaps mend bridges, finish up unfinished business and if nothing else, say good-bye. You can read up on grief, ... own emotions. Typically, the death of a parent is a violent shock, no matter what the circumstances.

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Last Answer : God has a sense of humour?

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Last Answer : I know, in some states (like SC, for example) if you have the child at least 14 days out of a month, you don't have to pay child support. Are you asking if I'd want my son to petition for partial ... to court, to settle the child support, so the girl couldn't come back and claim my son didn't pay

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Last Answer : idk, she kept calling me daddy for some reason. weird.

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Last Answer : sometimes it can effect people in unusual ways, such as losing trust in others, look at Erriksons stages of psychsocial developement and read the section on trust vs mistrust

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Description : The pet shop starts with some dogs, then someone comes and takes 1 of the dogs, then another person and their child take 4 dogs. After that a mother, father and their 18 kids adopt 12 dogs. Then the pet ... takes 1, now the pet shop has 2 dogs. How many dogs did they have at the beginning? -Riddles

Last Answer : 17 dogs because 17-1=16-4=12-12=0+3=3-1=2.