What phrases describe time?

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Last Answer : answer:https://www.google.com/advanced_search I Googled it

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Last Answer : I got 6 out of ten. Meh.

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Last Answer : answer:Epic: adjective 1. of, relating to, or characteristic of an epic or epics. “England’s national epic poem Beowulf” synonyms: heroic, long, grand, monumental, Homeric, Miltonian “a traditional epic poem” It does not mean, “somewhat interesting”, or “mildly cool”, or even “utterly bitchin’.”

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Last Answer : answer:It makes sense in the work place, especially when working with clients or business partners. I have to deal with that kind of stuff working in restaurants. ( choice of words and phrases rather than ... the same lines) But otherwise, ain't nobody gonna tell me how to fuckin speak. except Gail

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Last Answer : answer:The most common phrase: Recharging. Self-explanatory.

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Last Answer : answer:“Smile and the world smiles with you.” Yes, maybe, or perhaps it will beeyotch-slap you, or think you’re a little slow.

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Last Answer : answer:Someone can hate on you without hating you. They're different. If you're hating on someone you might think of that as more like picking on someone or giving them a bad time . Hating ... genuinely dislike them, hopefully with cause. I've never heard yell on , so can't help you there

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Last Answer : (NSFW) Well met, and “how are you doing?” When they really don’t care about how you are doing… I used to answer that question literally with something like “I have diarrhea. ” , or “I am bored. ”

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Last Answer : Please and thank you.

Description : What are some phrases that you despise the most?

Last Answer : Fashionable in recent years (starting in 1980s?): “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I still agree with the opposite assertion: “If at first you don’t succeed, try again.” Techie version: “If at first you don’t succeed, that’s one data point…”

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Last Answer : answer:“There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” – Mark Twain “You cannot feed the hungry on statistics” – Heinrich Heine “A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.” – Josef Stalin “It’s clearly a budget. It’s got a lot of numbers in it.” – George W. Bush

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Last Answer : Half past four and quarter past four, as opposed to 4.30 and a quarter after four…

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Last Answer : On Youtube and just about every other website, the “First!!!!!!!” comment. Seriously, who gives a crap if you were the first to comment?

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Last Answer : My grandfather called the cordless phone a “walkabout phone”.

Description : What are phrases with "end" in them?

Last Answer : answer:The be all and end all. Land’s End (that does have a ring, doesn’t it?) Graham Greene already wrote a novel entitled The End of the Affair. “All’s Well that Ends Well.”

Description : What new phrases have you heard recently?

Last Answer : answer: Bingo Wings is certainly one I've recently learned. I recently heard Scrilla used to describe a cigarette and a lighter.. even though urban dictionary disagrees. As in: Hey man, let me get a ... of STD. Which one, I have yet to figure out. Sometimes I think people just make stuff up.

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Last Answer : Shit and fuck I think. If memory serves. Pretty sure they have maintained those as their primary curse words.

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Last Answer : I have heard that more often than not from men whenever a stunning women walked ps them st ;-/ ... LOL and same goes for women when a Hot guy would pass. Guess they are looing at the packaging .

Description : If you've ever worked in an office environment, were there any catch phrases your co workers used that were annoying to you?

Last Answer : answer:“It is what it is.” It usually meant I was working the weekend, and I had to tell 200 people they had to as well.

Description : Suggestions for phrases to go on the inside of a suit?

Last Answer : Carpe diem

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Last Answer : “Don’t get your panties in a bunch”, and “Get the sand out of your vagina.”

Description : Isn't it funny how some phrases just seem right in a particular language?

Last Answer : answer:Not in writing, but I really like to say Eso si que es . Mostly because anyone who doesn't know what I'm saying looks at me funny and says Socks? Also, I have no idea how to spell it ... Mox me nix sous . My grandmother said it all the time, and said it means Makes me no difference .

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Last Answer : As long as you don’t refer to facebook as ”the facebook” you should be fine.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm looking for a young, very attractive female. One person sent a message saying, Why haven't you posted a photo? You must be fat. Nice. e-Harmony had the option of using using ... probably misread it and thought it was Suspicious. He was the only one I ended up meeting in person.

Description : What words, or combinations of words, do people use in an effort to sound more intelligent and educated, when, in fact, their usage of those words or phrases are wrong?

Last Answer : answer:I have an ex-boyfriend who always used to overuse “whom;” he’d say it in situations where “who” is proper. It was so irritatingly pretentious sounding, haha. “Irregardless” is, imo, just a horrific attempt to try to make a “big” word bigger.

Description : English slang, Englishisms, phrases and idioms have been discussed here over and over since day one - nonetheless, come across any new (local, global) slang euphemism lately?

Last Answer : I’m so behind the times – I’ve just discovered ‘My bad’. Then I heard it on an old episode of Friends from about 10 years ago.

Description : The phrases that pop up when you search on Google: Are those the most searched phrases?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. I don’t know. Google does not talk about how their search algorithm works.