In the hound of the Baskerville what are the possible origins of Doyle's black hound as given by Frayling?

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Description : If you don't have a fenced in yard, yet you plan on many daily walks and runs at the dog park, would it be wise to get a hound?

Last Answer : I wouldn't even consider getting ANY breed of dog without a fenced yard. A LOT of extra work and Bassets need a lot of outdoor time, at least until they are very mature, in their later ... as a long legged hound breed, but they WILL follow their nose everywhere, oblivious to anything around them.

Description : What is a good name for a male Basset Hound?

Last Answer : Savannah Pecan

Description : Owning a basset hound; the good, bad and the ugly?

Last Answer : answer:I love the hound breeds and had a Plott/Walker hound ( Coonhound ) mix once. Hounds are usually sweet, easy going and tolerant of other people and pets, the downside is they can be extremely stubborn ... all I love the hound breeds but they can be a handful. If you get one post a picture!

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Last Answer : answer:I have a basset hound, her name is Lady and she is 2. Granted, she is the only dog of this particular breed that I've ever owned, but I have found it next to impossible ... extraordinarily good natured. She adores all other animals, loves people, she is calm and sweet. Excellent companion.

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Last Answer : Uh-oh…possible hip displasia. Take that doggie to the VET! TODAY!!

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Last Answer : I’ve never heard of a labradoodle. Is that even a recognized breed?

Description : What in particular makes you a coffee hound? Do you use a special brand or prepare it in some exotic way?

Last Answer : I’m a big fan of Peet’s Coffee & Tea;. Very full-bodied and flavorful. If I buy beans from this company, I can drink it black and it’s tasty; most other bean sources, I have to mix in cream and sugar. Of course, I’ll drink ANY coffee if there is a little cream and sugar around.

Description : Can i teach my basset hound to guard our home?

Last Answer : Maybe from Cats

Description : Why not did put Transylvanian Hound? This is a Hungarian dog breed.

Last Answer : You're right! We were missing Transylvanian Houd. We've added it to the main site of The Pet Wiki. You can read more about them here:

Description : What is the opposite of silence but rhymes with hound?

Last Answer : sound

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Last Answer : I don't believe Huckleberry had a sidekick as in Yogi and BooBoo for that matter when Yogi was introduced to the "oh my Darling,clementine" balladeer's show Yogi would go on to great heights ... between them is a cartoon with twomischievous mice, Pixie and Dixie and a cantankerous cat named Mr.Jinks

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Description : What are all 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' clues?

Last Answer : The Hound of the Baskervilles is a great example of how a murder can be a mystery, as the only apparent answer is an impossible one. In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles, the men in the Baskerville family are rumored to be haunted by an ancestral curse.

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Last Answer : Answer: Kingston Cotton Mills Ltd. 1896

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Last Answer : Maybe you can check the use of Medieval English: …Anglo-Saxon letters ‘yogh’ for ‘y’ or ‘g’ (ȝ) and thorn for ‘th’ (þ). and the use of Greek alphabet in apothecary: …the symbol for the unit of measure “scruple” (looks like a backwards-facing Greek “e”)... Also, ambiguous abbreviations

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