What is full size blanket?

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Related questions

Description : Is the queen sized blanket the same dimensions as the full sized blanket?

Last Answer : A queen sized and full sized blankets have the same dimensions.

Description : What is the name of a headline which very large composed of one or more lines and usually extending across a page or almost the full width of a page? a) Banner Headline b) Drop Headline c) Label Headline d) Blanket Headline

Last Answer : a) Banner Headline

Description : What material is this 30 year old blanket made from?

Last Answer : It looks like mohair to me.

Description : How can we improve the emergency blanket?

Last Answer : You want to create an emergency snuggie?

Description : How do you overcome the panic of losing something you consider a 'security blanket'?

Last Answer : I don't know if this helps, but if I lose something that comforts me, I consider the actual practicality of it, and if it even had any. Comfort might be brought on by an object, but ultimately ... 's gone, but material possession should never be the primary key to one's peace and sense of comfort.

Description : I have wool blanket that is dry clean only - but it's shedding like crazy! What are my options?

Last Answer : Dry clean it. Washing it will shrink i really badly.

Description : Can I use a hand-made quilt as a blanket?

Last Answer : That is what quilts are for. :D But if you have kids or pets or a penchant for having Italianesque dinners in bed, I’d recommend taking steps to keep it clean. Scotchguard might be a good idea.

Description : Have you ever left the premises wearing nothing but (a) a bedsheet, (b) a blanket, or (c) a towel?

Last Answer : A towel in front of my house in broad daylight. I took pictures of the man who entered my house and walked in on me while I was taking a shower.

Description : Why does my foam blanket not smell clean after I wash it?

Last Answer : answer:You cannot put foam in the dryer. You need to air dry it or user a hair dryer. Foam is not a product that is recommended to be put in a dryer. They absorb a huge amount of liquid and would not only take forever, but break down the foam. Wring it out and air dry it.

Description : Were you ever attached to a stuffed animal or blanket when you were little?

Last Answer : No. I had so many sisters that anything I loved was trashed pretty fast.

Description : Where should I look if I want to buy a blanket?

Last Answer : Walmart has the most awesome microfiber fleece things. I got a king size for under 20, I wrap up in it naked and thats all I need. I’m coldhearted so that’s sayin a lot

Description : Is a dog's intelligence really measured by how fast it can get out from under a blanket?

Last Answer : answer:ummm..that is a good one! Here is a test that was interesting! Take a large towel or blanket and gently throw it over your dog's head. If he frees himself from the towel in less than 15 seconds, ... !). If he scores 3 points or less, well . let's just remember that he is your best friend!

Description : How do I get shedded feather specks off an acrylic blanket?

Last Answer : Have you tried adding fabric softener or some of those anti-static sheets in the dryer. Acrylic holds onto stuff like crazy due to static attraction, especially more so in wintertime. Both the water softening agent added to the rinse water and the dryer sheets cut down dramatically on static cling.

Description : How to get my dog from eating her blanket?

Last Answer : A wap on the nose and a “bag dog” normally works.

Description : My cat peed on my brand new duvet & blanket, what do I do?

Last Answer : spray it with vinegar and water to get rid of the smell, use meat tenderizer to get rid of the amino acids (work it into a paste with a little water, should do the trick and then wash it….

Description : How do you clean a down blanket?

Last Answer : Try an enzyme product, similar to the old standby, Nature’s Miracle.

Description : I need an AWESOME, decorative, fun blanket for my bed, where can I find such an object?

Last Answer : Try The Company Store, and believe it or not, JC Penney has lots of choices, too.

Description : What kind of pillow & blanket, if any, should my toddler be sleeping with?

Last Answer : Generally speaking, from my research, I understand there should be nothing in the crib with an infant..so with both of my children I didn't put anything in the crib when my oldest turned 3, I ... a curled up blanket ball that he manages to make by rolling around a lot right before falling asleep

Description : Can someone help me solve a knitting question about making a baby blanket?

Last Answer : Just knit 12” squares in pleasing colors. A person at a knitting store can teach you how to weave them together (with wool and a large needle with a big eye) as will the online knitting sites.

Description : When sleeping, do you need to have a blanket (sheet) covering you, (or most of you) even when it's ridiculously hot?

Last Answer : Me, too. A sheet is a must. But then I get to cool, & pull the quilt up. THEN I’m too hot. It’s a constant back & forth with me to sleep. Between my husband & I, the bed looks like a real squirrel’s nest when we get up.

Description : Why is a knitted blanket called an afghan.

Last Answer : That’s something I’ve wondered about myself. For that matter, why is that stool-like chair accessory called an ottoman?

Description : Is religion just a comfort blanket for lost souls?

Last Answer : I see religion as a big gang. Being spiritual and being religious are two different things to me.

Description : Can I wash a chenille blanket in the washing machine?

Last Answer : wash, don't dry (?)

Description : I have taught my self to knit and am working on a baby blanket. The pattern says p2tog without slipping sts off needle, then k2tog over same sts. What does that mean?

Last Answer : Is there a button hole or little space in the picture of blanket? After you p2tog., you have one stitch on needle. It is not very clear and I have been knitting for years. Is there a knitting shop near you?. Maybe w. the instructions in front of her, the expect could explain. Makes no sense to me.

Description : Is there a way to remove static electricity from a blanket?

Last Answer : Run the long side of a wire hanger over the blanket. It works!

Description : When you're lounging at home do you lounge under a blanket?

Last Answer : Naked

Description : personally, how do you feel comforted by your blanket at night when scared?

Last Answer : Because the monsters are not allowed under the blanket.

Description : personally, how do you feel comforted by your blanket at night when scared?

Last Answer : Because the monsters are not allowed under the blanket.

Description : personally, how do you feel comforted by your blanket at night when scared?

Last Answer : Because the monsters are not allowed under the blanket.

Description : personally, how do you feel comforted by your blanket at night when scared?

Last Answer : Because the monsters are not allowed under the blanket.

Description : personally, how do you feel comforted by your blanket at night when scared?

Last Answer : Because the monsters are not allowed under the blanket.

Description : personally, how do you feel comforted by your blanket at night when scared?

Last Answer : Because the monsters are not allowed under the blanket.

Description : mushrooms and a white looking blanket where old tree roots are

Last Answer : Sounds like fungus.........try vinegar right on it see if that will kill it off..............if that does not work you need to use funguscide. Keep children & pets away........until that is ... When it dies off.....dig out the whole thing and trash it in a plastic bag. Please do not mulch this.

Description : A blanket of crystals that covers all. Nothing can escape its fall. It will put you to sleep in a harsh way, and you will never again see the day It's on the earth always and forever, part ... never. Floats and falls like little butterflies. Catch them and they will surely die. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Snow.

Description : What did the blanket say to the mattress? -Riddles

Last Answer : I've got you covered.

Description : What do you call a spy who sleeps with a blanket over his head? -Riddles

Last Answer : An undercover agent.

Description : What happened to the man who plugged his electric blanket into a toaster? -Riddles

Last Answer : He kept popping out of bed.

Description : The breeze was as warm as a blanket is that a simile or a metaphor?

Last Answer : Metaphor

Description : What does Blanket mean ?

Last Answer : Blanket means blanket.

Description : Why does dust fall from the blanket when it is hit with a cane while hanging a thick blanket ?

Last Answer : If you hit with a cane while hanging a thick blanket, the injury will not fall evenly on all parts of the blanket. As a result, the dust of the blanket falls off due to the inertia of the position and the blanket moves away due to the inertia of motion.

Description : Who is the author of Lota Blanket ?

Last Answer : Lota Kambol's author - Sanjeev Chatterjee.

Description : Many say it is not worth buying a bandage because it was not used or was barely used after returning home from the hospital. Maybe it'll take a blanket to take the little one home? :) 

Last Answer : We took it home in a baby barrel, as I saw, and so on.

Description : Witnesses know what I'm asking. It is an old type of blanket of domestic production, which had the trade name 'LARISA'. It was a very handy, light yet warm blanket, pleasant to the ... softness! Does anyone have this experience of their own? Thanks to everyone for specific (and verified) advice!

Last Answer : Low temperature is important. You can use the washing powder as usual.

Description : I have had a blanket and a pillow for 20 years. I'm thinking I'd buy new ones. How often do you change? A blanket and a pillow?

Last Answer : Probably like you. Even though they wash everything. Even feather stucco from IKEA, they recommend washing and drying three tennis shoes in the dryer. I have this blanket washed in water in a dry cleaner's. (blush) I've also thought about pillows, even though I'm about 10 years old.

Description : Today, next to the campfire, someone sang 10 blanket, 20 blanket .... And then something to taste from the drowned lák, what kind of song was that? I really liked it. Vera

Last Answer : Salesman, Michal Tučný

Description : Do you cover your body with blanket when sleeping?

Last Answer : I cover my self with a blanket when the weather is very cool.i think this should be weather specific because I doubt anyone will do this in a hot weather or when the heat is on. Blankets are great ... be of help but other than that I rarely want to cover a blanket because our weather here is humid.

Description : What is a simile for blanket?

Last Answer : the blanket is as big as a elephant

Description : What is The breeze was a warm blanket metaphor?

Last Answer : Simile

Description : Is the sentence frozen drops of water fell from the skycovering everything in a blanket of white fiction or nonfiction?

Last Answer : It could be either.If the writer is imagining the event then it is fiction.If the writer is describing something he/she has seen then it isnonfiction