Is open communication the best way to help the alcoholic and the family?

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Related questions

Description : Does anyone have anyone in their family who has alcoholic psychosis?

Last Answer : This is what I have read, in the last few days, about alcoholic psychosis. This sounds like what my friend’s MIL is going through.

Description : Does every family have at least one alcoholic?

Last Answer : No, not in my family or extended family. We have had our share of smokers (including cancer deaths), a suicide about 30 years ago (2nd cousin), and one out-and-out schizophrenic, but ... cousin on both sides. I wonder if ethnicity/heritage plays a role. All European and Eastern European Jews.

Description : What are your thoughts on allowing teenagers the odd alcoholic drink at home with the family?

Last Answer : answer:I think it's best to not make a big deal out of it, at all. By making it less of a big issue' the desire to do it will probably disappear. At least, I presume so. Getting shit-faced ... it doesn't taste very good, except wine. Not that I've tasted much, but I prefer not tasting the alcohol.

Description : How can we help a sick alcoholic who won't go to the Dr. or hospital?

Last Answer : How is he getting money? I’m a bit of a drunk myself but I still need to function so I can get beer money.

Description : How do you help an alcoholic who is unwilling to be helped?

Last Answer : Hard to do something for someone who doesn’t want help.

Description : How can I help an alcoholic to stay away from alcohol?

Last Answer : You could throw all of the alcohol from the house so that the person won't have any type of access to alcohol. Also you can have a close eye on that person.

Description : What’s a one non-alcoholic drink that’s SO GOOD you could give up alcohol?

Last Answer : Water

Description : How do different alcoholic drinks affect drinkers differently?

Last Answer : Generally, it is the potency. People will claim that tequila will make them more aggressive or crazier, but really, that has more to do with shooting it rather than sipping it over twenty to thirty ... as tequila. Wine is usually drunk more leisurely, same with beer. So you get drunk more gradually.

Description : How serious is it if an alcoholic is in the hospital with swollen legs and what is going on?

Last Answer : Possibly, they are having kidney trouble or a circulation problem. Both not good. If it's one leg it could be a blood clot. These are just possibilities obviously. My MIL gets swollen legs every time ... bad situation, especially if it's concurrent with the liver failing. I hope that's not the case.

Description : Would you say something to the children of an alcoholic?

Last Answer : We have had dealings twice now with parents who were alcoholics. Now, the children we were dealing with were teens. Friends of our kids. The thing we did was to be there for them. When they wanted ... It doesn't come off as a lecture, but it sends the subtle message that alcoholism was the cause.

Description : If a mom kept giving money to her alcoholic son, would you blame the mom or the son for the continuous binge drinking?

Last Answer : It’s not up to you to blame anybody. If you are really stressed out by your friend’s behavior, find yourself an Al-Anon meeting.

Description : If you had a friend who is a surgeon, pilot, or school bus driver, and you are pretty sure he is an alcoholic, would you tell?

Last Answer : Yeah, I suppose I would.

Description : Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t agree with that truism. I’ve known too many people who overcome serious problems with alcohol and later become moderate, social drinkers. Many people believe the A.A. slogan and will attack me vehemently for holding a different position.

Description : What are some fancy non-alcoholic drinks that are not sweet?

Last Answer : For holiday time, how about a nice red virgin Bloody Mary?

Description : Do you drink alcoholic beverages when you're home and if so, what and how often?

Last Answer : Occasionally Maybe once a month.

Description : Is it true that when an alcoholic stops drinking suddenly that he would get sick?

Last Answer : Yes, withdrawal can be deadly. It can cause uncontrolled seizures and all sorts of scary things.

Description : What was the first alcoholic drink you ever had?

Last Answer : My parents let me have a glass of sparkling wine every once in while, starting when I was around 12, I think. Hard to put a number on it.

Description : This is not a joke: I think my cat is a alcoholic. Details inside.

Last Answer : Agressive behaviour? Don’t encourage that…

Description : If you were an alcoholic beverage, what would you be?

Last Answer : Something with the word “bomb” in it.

Description : Is it common for an alcoholic in recovery to push loved ones away?

Last Answer : answer:Your boyfriend is recovering from alcoholism right? I guess he need some time to focus on his recovery. Recovery is pretty hard and he is trying to concentrate. He doesn't necessarily get bored of you, he ... , and he need time to be alone. You can still stay close to him, but not too much.

Description : Why would a 54 year old alcoholic male do this?

Last Answer : A heavy drunk.

Description : Why would an alcoholic not respond to you?

Last Answer : answer:She would not respond to you for the same reason a person who is not an alcoholic would not respond to you, she's not interested in speaking to you. It sounds as though this was a very ... to remove yourself from all of the dysfunction. P.S. Go Big Red! Find yourself a fellow Husker!

Description : How would you deal with an ex inlaw who is depressed and living with an alcoholic?

Last Answer : I think you are worrying about something that hasn't happened yet and may not even happen. You can't control where someone lives, so that choice is out. I doubt that you will really move just because ... time, maybe someone to just shop with, get her out of the house and away from the alcoholic.

Description : Are you annoyed when alcoholic drinks are included?

Last Answer : I have never been anywhere that alcohol was included in the price. It is usually extra, but it would not annoy me. If it did, I wouldn’t go there again.

Description : How can I deal with my alcoholic housemate?

Last Answer : answer:I'm sorry that you are dealing with this. I've got friends and relatives who are alcoholics and two of my grandparents died from alcoholism. However, in my opinion it's not your business ... advertising for roommates on Craigslist, although I have not done that myself. Best of luck to you.

Description : What alcoholic beverage do you like getting drunk on?

Last Answer : Gin & Tonic, or a hoppy IPA.

Description : Why is there no alcoholic food?

Last Answer : answer:You've never heard of drunk gummi bears. If soaked in vodka for 24 hrs. they absorb am incredible amount of alcohol. Some high schoollers sneak them into football games, etc in plastic baggies ... foods of all kinds. Wine is added to many classic French dishes. Interesting subject. Great Q.

Description : Is fermented noni juice alcoholic?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t think so! At least not very much, unless sugar was added. The fruit seems to not contain much sugars in the juice. Don’t drink what you don’t understand, though. Moonshine requires distilling not just fermentation.

Description : What type of group or program would you suggest to an alcoholic?

Last Answer : answer:Group therapy usually happens either within inpatient or outpatient rehab clinics or as a suggestion provided by AA. You can check with your local AA center and ask for the proper channels. I think ... I said through another channel on the opposite end or in the middle of a rehab program.

Description : Does an allergy to isopropyl alcohol mean anything about my chances of being allergic to alcoholic beverages?

Last Answer : Pretty much the same name. I wouldn’t worry. I know this because I looked into getting drunk from rubbing alcohol.

Description : How to deal with an over-talkative alcoholic who has no manners?

Last Answer : I’d give him to him straight, he may not realize what he’s doing to you.

Description : How can I deal with my feelings for an alcoholic? Does he even care? How do I move on?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther! First, how do you know that he is an alcoholic? I know many people that drink, but they aren't alcoholics. Secondly, alcohol affects people in many different ways. From the ... a wake-up call. The main thing to understand is that you cannot change someone else's behavior.

Description : What's the worst alcoholic beverage that you've ever tasted?

Last Answer : No such thing… Well there was this one drink I had and they put too much salt in it. Plus, I don’t like low quality anything except whiskey.

Description : Why are alcoholic drinks gendered?

Last Answer : All I can say is, I know only a few women who will drink a decent single malt scotch straight up. But lots of them like cosmopolitans. And regarding men, vice versa. I KNOW that there are ... scotch. But still, this is the general trend, and so bartenders and distillers have caught on to it.

Description : Could the guy I'm dating be an alcoholic?

Last Answer : Could he be an alcoholic….yes!

Description : What is the shelf life of beer, also non-alcoholic beer? Have some 8+ yrs. old.

Last Answer : Safe probably, taste good NAAHH !

Description : What's a good alcoholic beverage for those with a sensitive stomach?

Last Answer : Just plain rum? I would think rum in something like a daiquiri would be much better. Or maybe she’s drinking it on an empty stomach, and noshing on some bread or crackers would help her.

Description : I think my mom is an alcoholic. What do I do now?

Last Answer : Wait, how old are you?

Description : How can you tell if you are an alcoholic?

Last Answer : answer:I believe alcoholism is being an alcoholic. There are If you drink prior to going out with friends and drinking with them just so you can appear as drunk, you might ... increased tolerance, and in some cases physically rely on alcohol, then you could be suffering from alcoholism.

Description : What's the best alcoholic beverage in terms of bang for the buck?

Last Answer : removed by self

Description : Can an alcoholic be refused a doctor?

Last Answer : Thats definitely interesting, my mom is an alcoholic (now recovered) but she has never been refused. I also live in America though so I am not sure what England is like. If this is true I have no idea what their basis is for it.

Description : What are your favourite hot alcoholic beverages?

Last Answer : I put creme de noyaux in my hot chocolate a lot. It’s a great way to wind down before bed. Course, I do it less in the summer…

Description : Does having or wanting to have one or two, maybe three cold ones after a long day (which is usually, I'd say 3-4 days a week) make me an alcoholic? Is it something I should worry about?

Last Answer : You should worry about it if it worries you. That sounds tautological, but it is actually a guiding truth. If you think you might have a problem, you probably do.

Description : How often do you drink alcoholic beverages?

Last Answer : I drink daily and only wine. I guess I would be what you call a functioning alcoholic. tehe he he

Description : Does anyone have a great non-alcoholic punch recipe?

Last Answer : Seven up and sherbet ice cream!! Yummers!

Description : I need an alcoholic punch recipe.

Last Answer : our family has a great punch recipe, and im sureadding alchohol would be just as good… let me get the recipe

Description : Why do alcoholic beverages not have nutritional information or ingredients lists printed on them?

Last Answer : They aren’t regulated by the same agency.

Description : Can you tell by a persons face if they are an alcoholic?

Last Answer : No way you can use the face as a gauge for alcoholism.

Description : Do you find that different varieties of alcoholic beverages affect your mood in different ways?

Last Answer : Wine makes me horny. Liquor makes me pensive. Absinthe makes me Vincent Van Gogh. I hate beer.

Description : Rewrite : What thirst quenching,lip smacking,delicious non alcoholic drinks would you recommend for a party of teetotalers?

Last Answer : Coke Zero. Tastes great, and there’s no guilt involved.