How do you say Happy Anniversary in Fookien?

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Description : Anniversary traditions?

Last Answer : I noticed a lady at work that had the number 30 painted on her ring finger nail. I asked her about it. She said it was her 30th anniversary with her husband and every year she has the year painted on her nail.

Description : Did you watch the commemorative event in Paris of the 100 year anniversary of the end of WWI?

Last Answer : Why would Trump wear an earpiece? That would imply he wanted to hear what someone else was saying. He has no interest in that. Macron's words about nationalism were entirely appropriate ... likely designed to reflect communal grief of all countries, not for representation of a particular country.

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Last Answer : Depends on what they're marking. Opening of the school? First graduating class? If the first school year was 1922-1923, then the class of 23 would mark the 100th anniversary of the first graduating ... both classes could celebrate. Why not? They could also celebrate the 94th (or 95th) right now.

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Last Answer : And none of them having anything to do with the actual focus of his investigation. Yeah, I think there is substance there.

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Last Answer : Let us commemorate it with a song

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Last Answer : Krystal hamburgers on my crystal anniversary.

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Last Answer : answer:Mine is also boring: Is there a place where questions are grouped by subject? Asked by anniereborn (8235points) August 9th, 2013 I mean like the standard forum format. There might be topics and ... to just browse easily at a glance. Are my only choices the most recent feed or search?

Description : What are your thoughts with 9/11 Anniversary approaching?

Last Answer : I think it will end up like the Alamo and Pearl Harbor in memory and never forgetten. Yes the terrorists are still planning what can do the most psychological damage.

Description : Would you mention the anniversary of their spouse's death to a friend?

Last Answer : I would just let it go. I may have mentioned something like that if we had been together ( face-to-face) and if the topic of conversation were appropriate as well as the mood.

Description : How did you acknowledge the first anniversary of the death of a close loved one?

Last Answer : answer:My dad is the closest relative that has passed away. On the first anniversary I noticed it was coming up about a week ahead of time and just sort of counted down until the date of his death. On ... him and hoped all was well. I imagine it will be similar this year, just a little less painful.

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Last Answer : answer:Six years ago today, Milo arrived in his sedan chair, carried by his then-slaves, with huge amounts of luggage and accoutrements. I was a very reluctant first-time cat owner, as most of you will ... hogging 13 lb. fluff ball with the sharp nails. (MIlo here; Boy, is she not aging well.)

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Last Answer : answer:What did you tell your brother? Did you already have plans with your boyfriend? These details are critical in helping you decide, in my opinion. Saturday is only one day away, so if you made a ... to either your boyfriend or your brother, it's kind of last minute to bow out at this time.

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Last Answer : Examples?

Description : Who gives the big anniversary gifts? Husband or wife?

Last Answer : At 25 hubby and I are throwing a party for each other.

Description : Who's celebrating Milo's and my fifth anniversary, besides us, of course?

Last Answer : Have a happy day you two. I wish I knew a catnip hangover cure but I hope the revelry will be worth the repercussions.

Description : Help! First anniversary kinda important could do with some help.

Last Answer : Get her an inexpensive purple handbag, with a bottle of inexpensive perfume and an iTunes (or Amazon) gift card inside it.

Description : How to celebrate our first wedding anniversary?

Last Answer : answer:Happy anniversary. What have you learned during the first year? What would thrill her? It's really your question. Cooking her a beautiful meal. Taking her to a special place. Writing her a letter ... wear today. An IOU for a back rub. etc. Set some special precedents for your lives together.

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Last Answer : Take some board games for the kids to play.

Description : My wife and I are trying to figure out where to go for our anniversary. Suggestions?

Last Answer : answer:Time frame, budget, tastes, energy levels, fitness, means of transportation and some general guide lines would help me come up with ideas. I loved the mountains, the flora and fauna and the ... in general of the western US and chose to avoid the big cities and urban sprawls, for example.

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Last Answer : luckily the closest thing to that was when our above ground swimming pool blew a seam and water went everywhere. Still waiting for a tornado.

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Last Answer : I always think that gifts that reflect the person’s interests are the best – whether you and they are straight, gay or bi-. What does she like to do?

Description : Who's celebrating Milo's and my fourth anniversary, besides us, of course?

Last Answer : Happy anniversary to my favorite couple! I’m lifting a Miller Lite in honor of your celebration!

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Last Answer : answer:Time spent together is the best gift my husband & I give to one another. Since you’re celebrating your love, why not plan to do something you both love to do.

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Last Answer : Also see this thread.

Description : Why was I the chosen one? 46th anniversary. See inside.

Last Answer : Chemistry and compatibility.

Description : Did anyone watch the live screening of the 25th anniversary performance of Phantom on Sunday?

Last Answer : answer:I went to see it at one of the cinema screenings and thoroughly enjoyed it. I have recently seen Ramin Karimloo who played the Phantom in Love Never Dies (also playing the Phantom) in the ... care what anyone says, when Lloyd Webber comes up with a winning formula he is a musical genius.

Description : I need suggestions for a great restaurant in Santa Cruz, CA for a romantic,10th anniversary celebration?

Last Answer : This is probably way too fancy, and it’s about a half hour away, but Manresa has been very highly recommended to me by all the bay area food dorks I know.

Description : Is there even any evidence of this "credible threat" for the anniversary of 9/11?

Last Answer : Honestly, it's hard not to be in denial about this kind of stuff. I'm from California, and watched a plane go into the second tower live. That's some major stuff right there. Any small ... rise as a nation and not be afraid. If anything happens, I feel we will probably just nuke Afghanistan.

Description : The 10th anniversary of 9/11 is coming up. What do you remember most about that day? What were you doing?

Last Answer : I was up in a United Arilines long distance flight 1258 from Chicago to Orlando when the pilot informed us due to terrorist activities we were ordered to land at the nearest airport. Needless to say when we landed on the ... I realized **HS** I was in a plane and get me the hell out of here NOW!!!

Description : What, if anything, are you planning to do to mark the 10th anniversary of 9-11?

Last Answer : I will probably say a prayer and be especially alert that day.

Description : What is a good, practical 50th anniversary gift for friends (not family)?

Last Answer : answer:I love to give nice picture frames as gifts at events like these. I don’t put a picture in it. You could get a nice gold one for them to put a picture of themselves at their golden anniversary time. Picture frames are practical, and few people buy nice ones for their own pictures.

Description : Is it unusual to celebrate your parents anniversary together?

Last Answer : It’s a family celebration, so I don’t find it strange at all.

Description : The anniversary of my Mom's death is tomorrow (it'll be 4 years). Why was Christmas time (last Christmas) more difficult than now?

Last Answer : It can be a very melancholy time when your loved ones are not there.My mom's and dad's death get to me around that time too because it is usually the time of year one would get together with ... .It is one reason why I don't like to celebrate holidays very much anymore .and generally think they blow

Description : What should I get my husband for our second anniversary?

Last Answer : A cotton hammock would be cool and fun! ;)

Description : Any suggestions for my 18th anniversary?

Last Answer : answer:Ideas: *an ipod with 18 meaningful songs-Can be engraved for the event *Kindle with 18 meaningful books on it. (This can be personalized) As for the Chai symbol itself, there are some nice menorahs ... gifty guy options with the symbol (no nice watch--but in NYC maybe you'd have better luck)

Description : Today is the 50th anniversary of The Beatles' first performance at the Cavern Club in Liverpool, did you know this and how come Google missed it?

Last Answer : Really! I’ve seen old video…surely we can find one! SCAVENGER HUNT!

Description : What's a good place to send my parents who are in NYC area for their 40th anniversary?

Last Answer : answer:Hey, they have been together for 40 years! they deserve much more than a bed and breakfast. send them for a week to Jamaica. they will love you for it and will remember it the rest of their ... the water is warm and breathtaking. After all, 40 years together today .....deserves a gold medal.

Description : Do I put an apostrophe in parents in this sentence? His parents went to a Chinese restaurant to celebrate their anniversary.

Last Answer : answer:No. The word “parents” signifies both parents. The word “parent’s” would signify something owned by one of those parents.

Description : I want to make dinner for my parents on their anniversary, what should I make?

Last Answer : First, i think this is very admirable of you to want to make them a special dinner. you must have a lot of love in your family and thats great. my wife suggested a spaghetti dinner with all the ... will feel the same. after all, its not the gift that counts, its the thought behind it. right?

Description : Second anniversary gift ideas for my wife?

Last Answer : answer:“Enjoys cooking” Get her a lasagna tray. Worked for my ex wife.

Description : What should I get my 52 year old mom for her birthday/ anniversary in two days?

Last Answer : answer:Our mom has plenty of stuff as well, so one year for her birthday, I sent an e-mail to family members asking them to send me X' number of memories of her via e-mail back to me in ... those stories with her while she is alive than after she is gone. The cost? Minimal. The value? Priceless.

Description : Anniversary dinner ideas?

Last Answer : answer:Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken Breasts Creamed Spinach Meatloaf

Description : Non marrieds, do you celebrate your first date as an anniversary of sorts?

Last Answer : no I don’t even know when it was

Description : How do you deal with the anniversary of a loved ones death?

Last Answer : Think about happy memories of the person and if it makes you feel better, visit the grave. If it was a family member, talk to other family members that day too. What time are you asking about?

Description : Any ideas for an anniversary present for my husband?

Last Answer : answer:lasagna pan. Works for me. :-)

Description : Today is the PlayStation 2's 10 year anniversary, what has been your experience with this gaming console?

Last Answer : Edit:Irrelevant. 2nd edit:and factually incorrect.

Description : Today is the 20th anniversary of the release of Nelson Mandela, what are your thoughts on the man & his story?

Last Answer : Yes. That we need more like him in this world. Courageous peace-makers and visionaries. Also that we need to make more of such people our leaders.

Description : What should I give my girlfriend for our 1 year anniversary?

Last Answer : romantic dinner

Description : Did you know that today is the 80th anniversary of Black Tuesday, the day that started the Great Depression?

Last Answer : I went to the bank and took out all my money in pennies and started swimming in it Scrooge McDuck style

Description : What is the best tropical all-inclusive vacation for 15th anniversary?

Last Answer : Depending on the time of the year, Bermuda is a heavenly place to visit. Pink sands, amazingly clear water. It has been a long time since I was there, but I will never forget it and would love to return.