What is the Distance between Macon and andersonville prison?

1 Answer

Answer :

about 60 miles

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Last Answer : Try the Red Cross. They sometimes have free classes. Also check with the employment dept.

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Last Answer : I hope not. Vanta has gone from being an indoor-outdoor cat to an indoor cat. I know she misses her trees and squirrels, but there is nothing for it at this point.

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Last Answer : I don’t think he should be a free man, but I don’t see how he can be kept in prison if his conviction was overturned.

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Last Answer : The only thing worse would be a picture of Nixon’s backside tattooed on his face.

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Last Answer : I'm not sure he would've gotten out of prison eventually since he was 89 years old when he died. I find it kinda odd they would transfer him to a prison in WV. I read a couple of ... lived the life of luxury near a beach in California for 15 years after murdering several people for no reason.

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Last Answer : This is not prison. It is more like the sleep-away camp you didn't want to attend in 8th grade. My fish pond. Every morning the bag filters need to be changed, and washed out. The water level ... take care of business. Like summer camp it does give me pleasure when I look at it from a distance.

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Last Answer : The crime of—what? Winning an election because of the electoral college? What would the crime be?

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Last Answer : Depends on the prison conditions. If I had books and regular exercise and meals (at least) with other prisoners, I think I could do the time. A prison job would be a huge plus. Strict solitary confinement, I might try to end it myself ASAP.

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Last Answer : What do you consider “serious time”? I think there is a strong possibility he is in prison for one year. Especially since he is defiant and expresses privilege.

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Last Answer : No, he’s white.

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Last Answer : I would do my time, get released, and go on a killing spree.

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Last Answer : My personal opinion is that all victimless crimes should not be considered crimes, including all drug charges.

Description : Would you be okay with prison inmates going to college via a small robot, with an ipad for a face/camera? (Details )

Last Answer : Maybe it would be an even better idea to have “actual college” inside prisons in the first place. That way some of the students who need to be exposed to how the “other half” really does live sometimes would get the necessary exposure.

Description : Should Affluenza-Mommy be locked up in prison?

Last Answer : answer:YES YES YES Both she and Junior should do some serious jail time. FOUR people died (and countless injuries) because he was drinking and drugging and decided to get behind the wheel of a several ton ... don't know how the original judge who let him off easy can look at himself in the mirror.

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Last Answer : Community service? Pro bono work for professionals?

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Last Answer : Stealthily kill a guard, dress in his uniform, hide his body, then casually walk out. Enter the sewers, and leave the city underground.

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Last Answer : I haven’t; are you offering? ;-o

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Last Answer : answer:If it were Star Trek, the commute would take seconds. But if you want to get a clue, look at what oil rig workers get. Or Merchant Marines. Not US Navy though, as military people ... with them on deployment, and separated is separated; three thousand miles is the same as three million miles.

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Last Answer : Is that more true of him than of any other prisoner who is not famous?

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Last Answer : It wouldn’t work. If the convict is truly of sound mind then they would never opt to die.

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Last Answer : Sometimes solitary is more for the inmate’s safety than for the breaking of the rules.

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Last Answer : I’m amazed people think otherwise.

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Last Answer : I wonder what the punishment is for the clerk of courts that made the error?

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Last Answer : I agree with you but many people seem to feel it becomes a crime only after birth. Otherwise it’s her body.

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Last Answer : They should have let the South go in the 1860’s. I’m giving up on the human race and I’m going to start cheering for these guys…. http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2014/03/24/293754812/ebola-breaks-out-in-west-africa-for-the-first-time

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Last Answer : I think most good modern zoos try to make the animals comfortable; prisons, not so much.

Description : How does one pay their bills when in prison?

Last Answer : If your friends or family don’t take care of this, you end up losing it. It is common for people to leave jail, having lost everything. Even stuff your friends took to help you ended up being sold by your friends.

Description : Apparently Ariel Castro, the guy who kidnapped and held those three women in Cleveland for ten years, hung himself in his prison cell last night. Is this justice? Is this a good outcome?

Last Answer : answer:I think an exit like Jeffrey Dahmer’s would have been more appropriate, but that’s just me. Good riddance, asshole.

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Last Answer : In the eyes of the law the guilty must be punished on every count, this sick fuck faced a ton of them. I almost expected the judge to mimic the Count from Sesame Street as he read out each indictment.

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Last Answer : Just like all of those kiddos who were influenced by Bert and Ernie living together and decided to be gay because it’s normal, I suspect we’ll see in increase in crime because a show will be representing prison as normal~.

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Last Answer : Not some guy called Bubba that’s for damn sure.

Description : Do you think that a person who lies to convict a person of a crime they did not commit should spend time in prison themselves?

Last Answer : Abso-freaking-lutely. They should get the same amount of time as well. That person’s life was ruined because of them.

Description : Was the Stanford Prison Experiment ethical?

Last Answer : Ethics was entirely beside the point of the experiment. I would say that even though it was aborted early, much can be said about human behaviour with what we have. An interesting aside ... proviso the the the Stanford prison experiment, or at least an additional variable which bears consideration.

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Last Answer : Yes. That would be nice, as long as they each received one I.P. address per convict then I’m fine with it.

Description : Have you ever seen a celebrity in prison you've admired?

Last Answer : Oscar Wilde & Stephen Fry.

Description : If you were in prison solitary confinement would you fear this?

Last Answer : Oh Jeez – sounds awful either way. I would have a terrible time with torture.

Description : Israel's President was just escorted to prison where he will spend the next seven years for rape, and all kinds of other offenses; can you believe it?

Last Answer : answer:Good for Israel. Now if the US justice department would have the same attitude about the Fast and Furious gun runners I would be pleased. Not just the peons, but the upper management that was supposed to know what was going on.

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Last Answer : answer: Anders Behring Breivik could be jailed in one of the world's most progressive prisons, where inmates enjoys cells equipped with flat screen televisions, minifridges and designer-style furniture Seems a little much ... 't do anything about it. As long as he dies in there, that'd be awesome.

Description : Should Millicent Few go to Federal prison?

Last Answer : Probably not, but she deserves to spend time in a federal prison. A crime is a crime. If she does go to prison, it will probably be the same one that Martha Stewart went to, Alderson Prison for Women in my home state. It is more like a dormatory on a few acres with no fences.

Description : Are nonces or rapists more hated in prison?

Last Answer : answer:More hated by whom? More hated compared to who? I think other prisoners, thieves or burglars for example, do hate them, as a lot of non prisoners do too. Or, in other words, a big majority of all people, and i think this is an understatement, are not fond of them.

Description : My son is in Prison...How can I help him?

Last Answer : answer:It kind of depends upon what he did, why he comitted the crime in the first place, and if he feels remorse for what he did, and if truly wants to make amends and to become a better person. Can ... for 4 years (the 2nd time around). PM me if you want to hear a little bit about that situation.

Description : You ever been to jail, prison or commited to a psych hospital. Why did you have to go? What was your experience like? Did it help you or did you got worse and went back?

Last Answer : Buster buster: that’s what the details part is for…

Description : True love is breaking your s/o out of prison?

Last Answer : Not really, no. I can’t say for certain, as I have never really experienced “true love”, but I’m pretty sure I’d never break or attempt to break anyone out of prison for any reason.

Description : Should we throw all bankers and hedge funders and venture capitalists into prison?

Last Answer : I can’t believe this is even being asked. Throw someone in prison for breaking the law, not doing their job.

Description : Do you know someone in prison?

Last Answer : My mother is a nurse at a federal medical prison. Also, my cousin was in prison for a while. I just didn’t talk to him.

Description : What is your opinion on whether women should be able to keep their babies with them in prison after they've given birth?

Last Answer : I agree with all that you say. If a woman is addicted or severely mentally unstable, the child should be in better hands – otherwise, the child should stay with the woman.

Description : Would you mind being a prison psychologist?

Last Answer : I think it’ll be a mix of both fear and excitement. It will be a challenging vocation obviously. However, it will be a rewarding one too.