What was the location of America's first capital?

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Last Answer : Yes all of the AMERICAS. The United States is a state composed of states. And the conglomeration is One of the states comprising the OAS.

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Last Answer : Bats. I wouldn’t screw with them if they had bats.

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Last Answer : answer:I find the very essence of such shows repulsive. “Hey monkey, dance for us!” “Throw some poop, oh you are so talented!” They are modern day freak shows, nothing more.

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Last Answer : I don’t know why the legal system would be involved. I think it may be protected speech. I doubt that someone would harm a toddler wearing that shirt.

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Last Answer : Surely someone can help me?

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Last Answer : Religion, anti-intellectualism, racism, sexism, money in politics, excessive military spending, predatory capitalism, imperialism, over reliance on the financial and service sector, lack of actual industry and export economy. No particular ranking.

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Last Answer : answer:The USS Enterprise has joined the USS Abraham Lincoln in the Persian Gulf according the this news report. Here is the Navy’s report on this topic.

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Last Answer : I don’t know. Some people have theorized that because the U.S. is explicitly secular, it encouraged the flourishing of religion.

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Last Answer : It’s what happened there after Columbus’s voyage that is important. His discovery, at his time, marked the beginning of the pilgrim movement, and the overall potential Americas as a new colony and establishment.

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Last Answer : answer:Unfortunately, I can't access that blog in my IPad. I however tend to agree that irrationality and emotion play a big part in the country's economic problem. A lot of possible solutions whether ... how to attempt and balance the deficit for us than most run of the mill politicians out there.

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Last Answer : Cheerios. Kashi makes some killer runner-ups, but Cheerios have been my favorite for the longest.

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Last Answer : answer:I can't speak to the motives or feelings of ultra conservatives; however, I recognize that in many ways I lean that way, so If we ever pass an amendment or law that prohibits burning of the flag ... , no matter how abhorrent it is to me. It's what this country was founded upon, after all.