Why are foods labeled French when they are not?

1 Answer

Answer :

Some foods are labeled French because people were ignorant ofwhere the food really came from and France was known to be a placeof good food. French fries came from Belgium. French dressing camefrom America.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Answer : C

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Last Answer : Answer: D

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Last Answer : Answer: D

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Last Answer : Answer: D

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Last Answer : Answer: B

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Last Answer : Answer: A

Description : In the illustration, the component labeled 'G' _________. EL-0031 A. is lined with cardboard to maintain a moisture (electrolyte) barrier between cells B. is a one piece container with compartments for each individual cell C. must be UL approved for shipboard use D. can only contain one cell

Last Answer : Answer: B