How trusting are you of foods labeled "organic" or "free range?"?

1 Answer

Answer :

I shop at a food coop that sells only locally produced products. They are often from cottage industries run by acquaintances. I trust everything in the store.

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Last Answer : E)bring buyers and sellers together.

Description : What does "organic" mean when it comes to foods?

Last Answer : answer:It means it meets USDA or state standards on being grown with organic materials and with no manufactured fertilizers, pesticides, or soil amendments. From the USDA: Organic is ... conserve biodiversity. Synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering may not be used

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Last Answer : For some things I do…mainly because organic foods don’t contain pesticides, heavy metals, or dangerous industrial chemicals.

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Last Answer : The US has importation standards that must be met. The exporting country has its own regulations and its own regulatory structure. For instance, some countries have higher standards for exports than for internal use. That is meant to keep their products attractive to foreign buyers.

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Last Answer : Depends on the food. Obviously lard has been replaced with a different fat, but sometimes the difference is simply how it has been slaughtered, or that a rabbi said the appropriate things.

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Last Answer : answer:I buy Whole Foods spices. Some of them, like whole nutmeg or vanilla beans seem noticeably better. Others, like oregano-well, it's hard to tell for me, because it has been so long since I checked ... for you, or you can't really taste the difference, then I wouldn't spend for the good stuff.

Description : Which foods you should always buy organic?

Last Answer : The fruits and vegetables below have the highest pesticide risk. They are some main ones to buy organic solely but it is not limited to these only: Strawberries, Pears, Apples, Nectarines, ... , Kale, Spinach, Tomatoes, Sweet Bell peppers, Cherry Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Potatoes, and among others

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Are there any national grocery store chains that sell only organic foods?

Last Answer : There are many national grocery store chains that sell only organic foods. The best I have experienced is Whole Foods.

Description : Can you lose more weight by eating organic foods?

Last Answer : Organic foods do not contain any extra ingredients or vitamins that can help you lose weight. Organic food is healthier as the closer food is in its original form the healthier it is for ... eating highly processed foods. Otherwise, you should chose healthier eating habits all around to lose weight.

Description : Would you recommend eating organic foods to get healthier?

Last Answer : The best thing to do is find locally grown organic foods for a healthier diet as they are fresher and cheaper to buy.I would highly recommend organics to be a major part of your diet

Description : Where can I find reasonably priced organic foods?

Last Answer : As organic foods have become more popular, they have become more widely available. You can find them in a special "Organic" section of your local grocery store as well as at specialty food stores.

Description : Where can I purchase organic foods online?

Last Answer : Organic foods can be purchased online from the website or These stores have the largest inventory available online and will ship items anywhere in the United States.

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Last Answer : Organic food is defined as food produced without any genetically modified organisms, also known as GMOs, pesticides or chemical food additives. Health food lovers often speak highly of benefits provided by ... and the most common items are now found in most places where grocery items are sold.

Description : Must Buy Organic And Low Pesticide Foods

Last Answer : So which produce are Must Buy Organic? Common growing practices make the crops shown on the left above and listed below the most likely to contain pesticide residues: Try to buy ... .Cabbage 10.Eggplant 11.Cantaloupe (Domestic) 12.Watermelon 13.Grapefruit 14.Sweet Potatoes 15.Honeydew Melon

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Last Answer : Nuts A great source of good fats and they’re filling. Plus, there’s a wide variety to choose from.

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Last Answer : @stanleybmanly For his loyal lap dogs he could rape a child, try to over throw the US government, lie over 30thousand times, give huge tax cuts to the wealthy, and fail so bad at dealing with Covid19 that resulted with over 410,000 dead Americans and they would claim fake news and love him more.

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Last Answer : It would be far better if our culture could educate itself into safety solutions rather than legislating them.

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Last Answer : Ivanka’s clothing sales tanked and there was a lot of inventory, re-labeling is cheap and quick.

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Last Answer : I hope not.

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Last Answer : Ya really hate gays, dontcha?

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Last Answer : Could be any variety of drugs, or it could just be a cosmetic that someone is fool enough to buy from another country online. Have you opened one? Is the packages’s weight proportional to what you would expect from something that size?

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Last Answer : It’s getting to point of ridiculous. I bought something last week that had a little tiny booklet attached to it with several tiny pages of labeling.

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Last Answer : Just notoriety.

Description : Where can I find a (downloadable) program which contains a model of the brain with all its part's labeled?

Last Answer : I’ve found this one useful. I know there’s another one but I can’t find it. I’ll post it if I do :)

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Last Answer : I agree, niki. I think that’s just crazy. A horn or a bell? Would that help? Because I know from many sad experiences that asking strangers politely to do anything reasonable in America is just asking for trouble. Because! this is the Land of the Free! And the Stupid.

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Last Answer : The former, not the latter!

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Last Answer : I have often wondered about the term homophobia. it does not seem like a fear of any kind to me. more like hate. i guess if tight spaces where alive and claustrophobic people mostly hated them ... of distaste for them. personally, the moajority of the time i think its just a learned behaviour.

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Last Answer : I’d take that as a compliment

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Last Answer : Personally, I hate those types of t-shirts. I usually associate them with small tweenagers with their little cell phones that are far too full of themselves for somebody that gets bad grades and just sits ... them. I suppose that would have sufficed. Whoa. I really have no idea where that came from.

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Last Answer : I like being part of grammar SWAT. I am OK (“oll korrect?”) with hyphenating words, especially since I use them in my everyday life (e.g. white-fronted brown lemur).

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Last Answer : I'm more quiet and introvert now

Description : Have a succulent which came labeled as Lady's Slipper, Candelilla and Pedilanthus Macrocarpus

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how do I positively ID a recently bought cactus labeled as Peruvian old lady-espostoa melanostele.

Last Answer : If you cannot identify your cactus by looking at the pictures on various websites, I suggest that you call or visit a local nursery and see if they have any ideas as to what type of cactus ... may have good information. You could also check out books from your library on various cactus varieties.