What is the author's theme for nothing but the truth?

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : answer:Six million Jewish people and ~20 million others thought their innocence would protect them from the Nazis. Didn’t work for them.

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Last Answer : A diary.

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Last Answer : Albert Camus. Jean Paul Sartre.

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Last Answer : Conan Doyle, Raymond Chandler, Truman Capone.

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Last Answer : answer:I’ll have to go with H.P. Lovecraft. Cool Air, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, The Cats of Ulthar, the Doom that Came to Sarnath, The Rats in the Walls, the entire Elder Gods mythos…

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Last Answer : Well, of course the gold standard for that time period – particularly the dust bowl – John Steinback’s “The Grapes of Wrath. ”. A great read. A lesser known novel of proletarian immigrant life is “Jews without Money” by Michael gold. Also, “Call it Sleep” by Henry Roth – a bildingsroman.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure what the evidence for price fixing would look like in this case. I think it's unlikely that Apple is working with Amazon or other ebook publishers to figure out their ... how long people buy DVDs by including features and content you couldn't include in a theater experience)

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Description : Have the great authors of today transitioned from poetry to song?

Last Answer : I’m sure there are some great poets out there still, but I wholeheartedly agree. I seek and find literary pleasure in song, from Bob Dylan to Jerry Garcia to Colin Meloy and Jim James.

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Last Answer : answer:Why not set something up with the RSS feed that Blogspot generates? That way people can track the updates in a variety of ways - through their email program, Google reader etc. There are a ... notified of updates, but you could use FeedMyInbox, and I think FeedBurner has a feature like this.

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Last Answer : In my African American Women Novelists class, we studied Octavia Butler’s “Kindred.” It’s about a woman time-traveling. It’s also awesome, and she’s seminal in both the sci-fi, minority, and women work canons.

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Last Answer : answer:I have never thought of that. Wow… of the books within arm’s reach, only one is written by a female author. But, I tend to collect books by the same author. Within the books I’m considering, there’s only 9 authors.

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Last Answer : Robin D. Owens?

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Last Answer : http://www.literature-map.com/john+fante.html

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Last Answer : This is cool. Enter the name and it suggests other related authors. Love it. http://www.literature-map.com/

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Last Answer : The books by Kim Harrison are pretty good: http://www.amazon.com/Kim-Harrison/e/B001B6GE66/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1

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Last Answer : answer:Not sure, but lately Franz Kafka’s stories have been ridiculously intriguing to me. I don’t know why. I recently read The Metamorphosis and I am keen to get reading his other works too. Just has made me think of things in new ways of late. Very interesting.

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Last Answer : Harry Turtledove's Guns of the South is quite good, if you overlook the lame time-machine premise. I lost interest in most of his other works though. I'm more into the speculative extrapolation ... , or pure sci-fi. Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle have done many excellent works in those fields.

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Last Answer : Start with The God of the Machine by Isabella Paterson

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Last Answer : Comic book writers can plan for onomatopoeias to be illustrated: WHACK! POW!. Besides that, they're just little nonsense words, hardly interesting at all. MEOW is totally meaningless without context. Todd Rundgren ... back in the 70s on The Hermit of Mink Hollow album - that was a novel use.

Description : Have experience with university presses and/or academic authors? I need to figure out how to approach them.

Last Answer : Talk to us grad students! We get a huge amount of useful emails through our university Listserv. I think I have seen at least a half dozen emails asking for people to do editorial work for articles to ... . But look for something at the Writing Center - they tend to hire new people every few years.

Description : (Pictures especially requested) How did science-fiction (and other futurology) authors imagine 2010?

Last Answer : I don’t have any pictures, but several books that did relatively well in predicting some of the future would include George Orwell’s Animal Farm and 1984. Brave New World as well. There are aspects in each very much seen in today’s society.

Description : How can I add co-authors to a Blogspot/Blogger?

Last Answer : I do it! I co-author on Blogger. Create the blog. Then from your dashboard, edit the settings. In Settings go to permissions . It is all the way on the right. Click add authors . You ... your gmail account. Then in the same browser window, go to blogger.com. It takes you into the dashboard.

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Last Answer : I believe FeedBurner places a near-invisible image in the posts to track reader counts. Google doesn’t poll it more than once, and it shouldn’t have to.

Description : Alright, 2 Qs: a list of all books by BrianWeiss ; What are some other similar riliable authors of this same topic?

Last Answer : Sounds like homework! Use Google and do your own legwork.

Description : Do you agree with me that all publishers and authors should consider using Creative Commons instead of Copy Rights?

Last Answer : Yes, they should consider it. Should they be required? Nah.

Description : What percent do bestselling authors commonly make on a novel?

Last Answer : I still don’t think it’s 1% and you will not convince me otherwise.

Description : What are some good new authors?

Last Answer : chuck palahniuk well he’s not new though.

Description : Does anyone know of any major authors who write about the importance of seeing yourself represented in history?

Last Answer : Michel Rolph Trouillot, Anibal Quijano, and Frantz Fannon write generally about that theme in relation to Afro-Carribeans and how the history was written only by the French back in the day.Silencing the Past ... . If there's a name for this phenomenon, you might even find whole books about it.)

Description : Convention for narrative citations of multiple authors in APA style?

Last Answer : Well I had a look at a couple of online guides and got two different answers. One suggested using - first author et al., (year) from the start, (listing all authors in the references). Another ... check with your college (tutor or library) for further advice and see if there is a preferred method.

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Last Answer : All six works in two weeks or two weeks per work?

Description : If you were teaching a college course called "Major American Authors", which six authors would you choose?

Last Answer : I will say that even though i LOVE reading I wouldn’t be able to formulate a list. I read mostly contemporary works. I do have one vote though: Sherman Alexie (he is a predominant Native American author and we can’t leave out Native people when we talk about the Americas).

Description : What is the name of the book that answers allegations by Holocaust deniers, and what is the author's name?

Last Answer : You might want to check out this Wikipedia article, it’s probably on there :)

Description : Do authors & musicians receive royalties and/or additional sales numbers when used items are sold?

Last Answer : I don’t know for sure but I’d say no. My logic: Used items were new once, therefore the artist received the royalty when it was first bought. Stores that sell used stuff usually buy straight from previous consumers, then turn around and sell it for straight profit.

Description : Based on my favorite authors, who should I read next?

Last Answer : I don’t know any of those but I totally recommend Chuck Palahniuk. He’s the best I’ve ever read.

Description : A mysterious virus brings characters any infected author has written to life. Besides H.P. Lovecraft, who are some authors to keep the virus away from at all costs?

Last Answer : Clive barker, or anyone in the grocery store in stephen kings the mist.

Description : How did authors from so called ‘low caste’ gain recognition in the world of literature? -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Potheri Kunjambu, a lower caste writer, wrote Saraswativijayam', a novel portraying an untouchable boy who converts to Christianity. This novel stressed on importance of education in ... Basheer, a Malayalam novelist, also wrote about underprivileged classes and Muslim household in general.

Description : How did authors from so called ‘low castes’ gain recognition in the world of literature? -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Potheri Kunjambu, a lower caste writer, wrote Saraswati Vijayam' a novel portraying an untouchable boy who converts to Christianity. This novel stressed on importance of ... Vaikkom Basheer a Malayalam novelist also wrote about underprivileged classes and Muslim households in general.