First organisms to evolve on the earth were :

1 Answer

Answer :

First organisms to evolve on the earth were : A. saprotrophs B. autotrophs C. heterotroph D. Plants

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Last Answer : The plural of Pokémon is Pokémon. I know that in the games, the Pokémon will remember its moves.

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Last Answer : A renewed ability to produce vitamin C and photo-synthetic skin.

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Last Answer : answer:Convenience. You don’t have to clean before or after, you don’t have to do much (if anything) for set up, and many times you don’t even have to bring food or cake. I always prefer a party at home, though.

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Last Answer : Pumpernickel!?! Sounds like an alternative circus act. You know, the little fella who can shit coins!

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Last Answer : proprietary eponym

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Last Answer : answer:LOL Maybe Dolphins or Elephants….emotionally intelligent, hardy, socially evolved. ???

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Last Answer : The appendix turns out to be useful and adaptive, so we are not likely to lose it. Say goodbye to the pinky toe, though. And if history is a guide we will continue to encephalize, so we will have larger heads and females will have to have a broader pelvis.

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Last Answer : Nothing just evolves' and changes in a second. What you're saying, if I'm not mistaken is natural selection. All animals do it, and that's how we've evolved into from homo erectus or whatever ... become in the future, you and your children and your children's children will be long dead by then.

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Last Answer : i don't know the answer, but i have a related question: what are foxes related to?

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Last Answer : I don’t believe theres a straight answer to this question, but there have been many noted similarities between birds and dinosaurs so it is likely that modern day birds may have evolved from small tree-dwelling dinosaurs.

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Last Answer : None of us were around, then. Except maybe AstroChuck ;)

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Last Answer : Gandhiji knew that Indians were not strong enough to get freedom by any physical force. Only non-violence was the weapon to defeat the British imperialism.

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Last Answer : Rill erosion can eventually evolve into gully erosion.

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Last Answer : No they can not