What exotic fruits do you know of that has a lot Vitamin C in them?

1 Answer

Answer :

Well, exotic is a subjective adjective and so what I think is exotic might not be to you. Therefore, I'm just going to be listing some fruits that are high in Vitamin C. Papayas are rich in Vitamin C, along with antioxidants which can aid digestion. Bananas are also rich in Vitamin C, along with other vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins A, B, and potassium. They also include an amino acid that can improve your overall mood. Pineapples are dripping with Vitamin C and other enzymes that will help with your digestion - specifically, in digesting protein. Finally, jackfruits are rich in Vitamins A and C, along with potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

Related questions

Description : What's the best multivitamin to buy for someone who smokes cigarettes and doesn't eat a lot of fruits or vegetables?

Last Answer : There is a really good product called Voots. They are chewable fruits and vegetables in a tablet. My kids and I love them. They taste great also.

Description : If I eat above the recommended amount of fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, grains, and protein everyday, is it still worth taking a multi-vitamin?

Last Answer : It is pointless I believe. The only thing is to get your vitamin D either from the sun (20/dayI think) or vitamin D suppliments.

Description : Are vitamin supplements enough to compensate for fruits and vegetables?

Last Answer : One of the huge benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, aside from getting their nutritional content, is that they can be a huge source of fiber, which is…a good thing. You might want to consider taking fiber supplements if you’re not incorporating fruits/vegetables/greens into your diet.

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Last Answer : Answer : A

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Last Answer : (4) Sun Explanation: Sources of vitamin D include biosynthesis through the actions of ultraviolet light in the skin and through the diet as ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) or cholecalciferol (vitamin D3).

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Last Answer : C. Seeds (Answer)

Description : Vitamin C is found in-----? A. Sea Food B. Seeds C. Fruits and Vegetables (Answer) D. None of these

Last Answer : C. Fruits and Vegetables (Answer)

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Last Answer : A. green leafy vegetables (Answer)

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Last Answer : b. C

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Last Answer : Mix in some diy trepanning for oxygenation.

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Last Answer : The conflict of interests would seem to preclude it. Even capitalism loves a core mission . In-zoo hotels however, are going to be a big thing. Serving up a tiger/lion/giraffe is a bit ... and threat of extinction. A lot of places serve up antelope or ostrich, because they aren't threatened.

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Last Answer : answer:It’s that what capital gains tax is about? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_gains_tax

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Last Answer : answer:Best ever is the Opryland Hotel….........five stars. There is no hotel on the planet to equal the Opryland Hotel. Bring plenty of film for your camera. the gardens are breathtaking.

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Last Answer : Words like this are all about perspective. They are relative terms.

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Last Answer : No, my stomach is not capible of digesting many different kinds of food so I must be careful as to what I consume. However, in saying that, if I could I sooo would! Trying new things is always fun :D Unless it’s cat or dog, keep that AWAY from me!! :(

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Last Answer : I spent 16 days in China 25 years ago. While there I ate Rat, Bird Nest Soup (which is made from bird shit), slug, water fungus, and monkey hide. While in Alameda, at a chinese food restaurant, I ate dog (it was supposed to be chicken).

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Last Answer : I haven’t been overseas since I was a baby, but I would be interested in visiting Siberia. Don’t know why, but I do. Mabey it has something to do with the culture? But not totally sure.

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Last Answer : I’m not sure. I guess I would have to study up on riliigiioion.

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Last Answer : I’m a big fan of Peet’s Coffee & Tea;. Very full-bodied and flavorful. If I buy beans from this company, I can drink it black and it’s tasty; most other bean sources, I have to mix in cream and sugar. Of course, I’ll drink ANY coffee if there is a little cream and sugar around.

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Last Answer : answer:1) Sausage and chicken with mustard sauce 2) Monkfish with cumin and lime 3) Pork and fig 4) Mahi mahi 5) Swordfish, bacon and cherry tomato 6) Fruit Kebobs: use the stone fruits - ... for flavored barbecue skewers (wood smoked, thai chile) that can add to whatever meat you're cooking.

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Last Answer : nascar is the safest, with a wider car, “safer barriers” on the outside retaining wall, head and neck saftey device (HANS), more headroom inside the car, cushions on the side of the car, a wing to help in a spinout, and it is 13 mph slower in the turns than with the old car.

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Last Answer : west german trouser snake, i didn’t give it a name, but the ladies tend to do so

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Last Answer : Why not?

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Last Answer : Not sure if there's one exotic pet that tops the list. But some popular ones are hedgehogs, sugar gliders, muntjac deer (the size of a large housecat), fennec foxes, geckos, bush babies and some ... with local authorities to see if it's legal to own these and other exotic animals in your area.

Description : content:

Last Answer : Exotic pets are not tame. If you really want an exotic pet you must thoroughly research your choice and then decide if you are prepared time-wise and financially to give the proper care - food, ... someone's home. Sadly most of them don't live very long because of improper care or abandonment.

Description : What are some non-conventional pets (that are legal) and popular?

Last Answer : Exotic pets are usually not tame.If you really want an exotic pet you must thoroughly research your choice and decide if you are prepared to assume the cost and care . Among popular exotics today ... natural habitats. Sadly, most of them don't live very long because of improper care or abandonment.

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Last Answer : The key is that the person at the back of the line who can see everyone else's hats can use the words 'black' or 'white' to communicate some coded information. So what meaning can be assigned ... . And every time this happens, the next person in line will switch the parity they expect to see.

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : False (This statement is not correct)

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Last Answer : The word exotic means foreign.

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Last Answer : Which of the following are exotic breeds ? `"(i) Brawn"" "" (ii) Jersey"` `"(iii) Brown Swiss"" ""(iv) ... iii) C. (i) and (iv) D. (ii) and (iv)

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Last Answer : Wildlife conservation aims at : 1. Maintainng the ecological process. 2. To enrich the wildlife diversity with exotic species ... (a), (b) D. (b), (c)

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Last Answer : Which of the following exotic species has become men- ace to many water bodies in ... crassipes C. Parthenium hysterophorus D. Eupatorium odoratum

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer