What's happening to Rewritee?

1 Answer

Answer :

Perhaps the site is updating. I just post an article here and the earning is not that fast. Even if I shared the link to my traffic sites. It seems the feasibility of working on this site is not satisfactory for me. I prefer working on Virily despite the random changes of rules.

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Last Answer : Short and precise answer will be your passion. No matter you are a novice, expert writer or a journalist you do always thrive to follow the instinct of writing for your own. In silence if you ask your ... the sword. Rewritee is that platform for you. Believe it , use it and keep your dreams alive.

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Last Answer : Never.

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Last Answer : LOL

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Last Answer : I think anything that would show them that they have to pay 100% attention to driving is a good thing,and make them aware that a wreck can happen in a blink of an eye and before ever life changing .

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Last Answer : answer:It is safe to assume the LSD you bought was real. :-) Here is the fun part. You can start putting yourself in the other peoples shoes. Life is a bit better once you develop some empathy. We are all in this together and we have a duty to help others when we can. I am not religious

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Last Answer : Imadethisupwithnoforethought I’ve been wondering the same thing.