What are the Challenges of Sales people?

1 Answer

Answer :

Be positive in every aspect for you to achieved and be polite on who you face off and be punctual in answering them and be on time whenever you set a time of meeting

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Last Answer : answer:What I learned from my own weight loss and change in eating habits is that it was what worked for me and is not something I can tell someone else to do. Before a lifestyle change over two ... some orange juice in the morning. So we are like the sugar version of Jack Sprat and his wife.

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Last Answer : answer:Check out this link for the U.S. Global Development Lab. They sponsor design challenges in diversified areas of expertise. There is financial backing for winning designs. I just saw it on the news ... excellent one to pursue. There seems to be a collaborative spirit to it that appeals to me.

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Last Answer : Challenges: The industry is seasonal, so getting labour becomes difficult. India is still using old and inefficient methods of production, thereby, affecting its production. There are transport delays in transporting ... a need to maximise the use of bagasse to face the problem of power break up.

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Last Answer : Challenges faced by the tourism industry in India today are : 1. Unplanned, unrestricted growth of tourism in India deprives the tourists of the original charm and beauty and ... , airports, hotels and other services. Inadequacies of such infrastructural facilities adversely affect tourism.

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Last Answer : India is predominantly an agricultural country. Different forms of agriculture are practiced in the country which depends upon a variety of physical, environmental and socio-economic conditions. The ... or combat these problems and if implemented properly will help in addressing the above issues.

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Last Answer : Marco challenged Bob to get a tan, but he couldn't...Bob is an albino.

Description : what are the challenges faced by political party . -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1) The parties r lacking internal democracy, which keep s many prospective leaders deprived of their right s 2) There have been dynastic successions in manypolitical parties. This often deprives the ... differences among them. So, there is a lack of meaningful choice before the voter's.

Description : explain the three challenges of democracy? -SST 10th

Last Answer : There are three major categories of challenges that a democracy faces - 1. Foundational challenge 2. Challenge of expansion 3. Challenge of deepening of democracy. The foundational challenges faced by ... all the units of federation and inclusion of women and minority groups. Thanks!!....

Description : Mention any 2 challenges faced by political parties in India. Guve 2 suggestions that can help to reform the functioning of political parties and it's members. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 'This answer was deleted by our moderators...

Description : Explain the three major challenges faced by modern democracy -SST 10th

Last Answer : There are three major categories of challenges that a democracy faces – 1. Foundational challenge 2. Challenge of expansion 3. Challenge of deepening of democracy.

Description : What are the challenges faced by big cities ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Big cities face many problems, the main one being environmental problems. City development causes great harm to the ecology and the surrounding environment. Natural features, like hills were flattened ... best to control pollution and provide a save living space for the growing city dwellers.

Description : What are the challenges faced by the sugar industry? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Challenges: 1.The industry is seasonal, so getting labour becomes difficult. 2.India is still using old and inefficient methods of production, thereby, affecting its production. 3.There are transport delays in ... is a need to maximise the use of bagasse to face the problem of power break up.

Description : Which three challenges do you feel are being faced by political parties in India? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The three challenges faced by Political parties in India are: Lack of internal democracy. 1.All over the world, there is a tendency of political parties towards the concentration of power in one or ... who give funds to the parties tend to have influence on the policies and decisions of the party.

Description : What were the challenges faced by the new Republic of Vietnam? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The French tried to regain control by using the emperor, Bao Dai as their puppet. Due to French attack, Viet Minh's army was forced to retreat to the hills. After eight years of ... defeated in 1954, at Dien Bieu Phu. The French soldiers including their commanders and generals were arrested.

Description : Which three challenges do you feel are being faced by political parties in India? Give your opinion. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Political parties are the most crucial aspects determining the outcomes of democracy. There are four major areas where they are often subjected to popular criticism. There are four major areas where the ... to elect a different leader as the same leaders keep shifting from one party to another.

Description : Dynastic succession is one of the most serious challenges before the political parties.' Analyse the statement -SST 10th

Last Answer : Dynastic succession is a serious challenge for political parties: 1. Since most of the procedures of the parties are not transparent, the leaders can favour those close to them. 2. Most of ... a challenge to democracy because people with less experience or popular support can also come to power.

Description : How are the challenges to democracy linked to the possibility of political reforms ? Explain. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Challenges to democracy is linked to political reforms: 1. Challenge of expansion would include political reforms that would ensure basic principles of democracy at every level. For example, Right ... of democratic principles of equality and justice. For example, Nepal's struggle for democracy.

Description : Explain any five major challenges being faced by the Indian democracy. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Major challenges faced by Indian democracy: 1. Local governments: Even though the local level government has gained more power after decentralisation, it has to be strengthened further ... the democratic system and ensuring that the policies are implemented properly through the various mechanisms.

Description : Describe in brief the three challenges faced by democracy. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. Foundational Challenge - This challenge is faced in making the transition to democracy and then instituting democratic government. This process involves bringing down the existing ... expectations from democracy, this challenge takes different meanings and expectations in different countries.

Description : Analyse three major challenges before countries which do not have a democratic form of governments. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Three major challenges of non-democratic countries: 1. Foundational challenge: They have to shift to a democratic and sovereign government that would stop any internal power to control the government. ... has to be strengthened. The influence of the powerful and the wealthy should be brought down.

Description : Legal constitutional changes by themselves cannot overcome challenges to democracy'. Justify the statement with an example. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Legal constitutional changes can't overcome challenges to democracy by themselves: 1. Reforms in the law or constitution can be a deterrent to malpractices in politics and power but that is ... and justice. The politicians and the people themselves also have to take efforts in reforming politics.

Description : Name the three challenges faced by a democracy. Explain the challenge of deepening of democracy' by stating three points. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The three challenges faced by a democracy: 1. Foundational challenge 2. Challenge of expansion 3. Challenge of deepening of democracy The Challenge of deepening of democracy: I. Strengthen institutions of ... the control in the hands of powerful and rich people so that everyone gets a say.

Description : Legal constitutional changes by themselves cannot overcome challenges to democracy.' -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. Any legal change must be carefully looked at, in order to analyze the results it will have on politics as sometimes the results might prove to be undesirable. For example- many states have banned ... not only think about what is a good solution but also about who will implement it and how.

Description : Political parties need to face and overcome a number of challenges in order to remain effective instruments of democracy. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. Political parties are the most crucial aspects determining the outcomes of democracy. Therefore, they are often subjected to popular criticism. There are four major areas where the parties face ... to elect a different leader as the same leaders keep shifting from one party to another.

Description : What are the various challenges faced by political parties ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Challenges faced by the political parties are as follows: a) There is a tendency in political parties towards concentration of power in one or a few leaders at the top. Ordinary members do ... differences between the political parties, many parties do not offer a meaningful choice to the voters.

Description : Identify the challenges to democracy in the following descriptions. Also suggest policy institutional mechanism to deepen democracy in the given situations; -SST 10th

Last Answer : This answer was deleted by our moderators...

Description : What do you understand by the term ‘foundational challenges’ ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Many countries even now are not democratic. They have to make a transition from other forms of governments to democracy and then instituting democratic governments. Such countries face the foundational challenge.

Description : What are the forms of challenges faced by different countries in respect to democracy? -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Countries which are not yet democratic face a foundational challenge-making a transition to democracy and establishing democratic governments. (ii) Many countries face the challenge of ... have to improve and strengthen all institutions of democracy and curb all anti-democratic activities.

Description : Examine the three challenges of democracy. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Foundational challenge : It refers to making the transition to democracy and then instituting democratic government. (ii) Challenge of Expansion : This involves applying the basic ... iii)Deepening of Democracy : This involves strengthening of the institutions and practices of democracy.

Description : Analyse three challenges before the countries which do not have a democratic form of government. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Bringing down the existing non-democratic regime. (ii) Keeping military away from controlling government. (iii)Establishing a sovereign and functional state At least one-fourth of ... the foundational challenge of making the transition to democracy and then instituting a democratic government.