How to cash a saving both with both parents have passed away

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Description : Your parents have both passed away. One day you find a letter from your mother, adressed to you, with instructions : "Not to be opened until after my death." Will you read it? When?

Last Answer : Of course I will. I will read it the minute I find it.

Description : where can you cash in a saving bond. i live in conyers ga?

Last Answer : You can cash in a savings bond at any bank of your choice, such as the Bank of America or Wachovia in Conyers. If this is a US treasury bond, you can also sell it online at the US Treasury site

Description : The amount of maturity inclusive of interest if becomes Rs 20000/- or above shall be paid by a) Cash only b) By crossed cheque c) By Credit into saving accounts d) Either B or C

Last Answer : d) Either B or C

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Last Answer : d) All the above

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Last Answer : d) All the above

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Last Answer : e) All the above

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Last Answer : c) Through PO Saving bank or any of the bank

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Last Answer : ; (d) All the three

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Last Answer : I feel like it’s two very different situations with their own legal scenarios. If there’s a specific abortion law in your state or elsewhere that concerns you, I’m happy to research it.

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Last Answer : Related story. Before my grandmother died unexpectedly, she'd been working on a hooked rug as a baby shower present for no one in particular (just for the next child to come along). Flash forward many ... first child with a lovely note about how it was from her AND my grandmother. I cried buckets.

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Last Answer : Not really. I tend not to get emotional about artist’s death. If I wanted to see it before, I would.

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Last Answer : That’s a loss I feel sharply. I’m not much for picking favorites (of anything), but The Left Hand of Darkness is certainly among those I remember and liked best. I also loved the Earthsea Trilogy and Lathe of Heaven and The Dispossessed and, well, many more.

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Last Answer : Hope to see those who left come back after seeing this.

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Last Answer : I don’t think that ‘better’ is a way to describe the choice. Both are unpleasant situations.

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Last Answer : It can mean whatever you feel will comfort you.

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Last Answer : answer:Sure. I remember them. Is my mom looking down on me from heaven? Wouldn't that be nice. Hi, Mom! That would be nice right up until I find myself in bed with a woman. Then it would be ... about where we'd all be if they'd lived. These are pleasant moments for me. But that's about it.

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Last Answer : I felt that I had to inform my husband right away; it’s that sort of news.

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Last Answer : answer:@Motandfrank Sorry for your loss, and welcome to ask-public Here’s a chart from the Social Security website. It depends on your age, her age, and some other factors. The best way to find this out is to talk to someone from Social Security.

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Last Answer : A great director and producers, he leaves a heck of a legacy. RIP Mike.

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Last Answer : I still regret not buying an absolutely gorgeous Chinese painted desk. I would love to have it, but it just isn’t practical in our household. I pictured it in a place and circumstance in which I didn’t live at the time. Still don’t. I never fell in love with a piece of furniture before. Nor since.

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Last Answer : Everybody dreams every night. It’s not unusual.

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Last Answer : It would concern me that a person would find death amusing in the first place. Obviously there is something wrong with this person.

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Last Answer : answer:A mutt (shelter dog). I always get mutts. :)

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Last Answer : answer:My condolences. That is always an event to crack your heart. What kind of dog? What was his name, coloration, habits, endearing traits, etc? I like the idea of a small flowering bush. They endure whereas flowers often have a finite life. “Rosemary for Remembrance.”

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Last Answer : My brother passed away in 2001 and I’d say it took well over 7 years. My father died in September of last year and I am not at the point yet where I can say ‘yes, he died’ and understand it.

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Last Answer : This is something I have always wondered myself. I’m going to hang around and see what other people have to say.

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Last Answer : who is john sanford?

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Last Answer : I have enough good fun memories of my grandpa to fill a book. He was so fun and funny, a lot of time unintentionally funny. He was from Arkansas, so he talked kind of different and a lot of people had ... day gone by that I haven't thought of him. I wonder if I'll ever stop missing him so much.

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Last Answer : Elizabeth Kubler-Ross proposed the 5 stages of grief (in sequential order, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) but there is criticism of her work that says that it's too rigid ... or none of these, in this sequential order or completely differently. There's really no predicting.

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Last Answer : Yes.

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Last Answer : Definitely Freddy Mercury

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Last Answer : Definitely Freddy Mercury

Description : If you were granted the power to go back and see the last performance of an artist that has passed away, who would you go see?

Last Answer : Definitely Freddy Mercury

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Last Answer : Definitely Freddy Mercury

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Last Answer : Definitely Freddy Mercury

Description : If you were granted the power to go back and see the last performance of an artist that has passed away, who would you go see?

Last Answer : Definitely Freddy Mercury

Description : If you were granted the power to go back and see the last performance of an artist that has passed away, who would you go see?

Last Answer : Definitely Freddy Mercury

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Last Answer : Whose wife has passed away: Bipatmik.

Description : When my grandmother passed away I got her old cast iron skillets. Is there anywhere I can go to purchase skillet covers for them?

Last Answer : The Lodge company, which has made cast iron skillets and more for over 100 years, sells skillet covers and lids on their website. You can find them at ... Another good resource is the cast iron cookware website at

Description : My brother just passed away in Albuquerque, New Mexico, he did not have any real property (real estate) he did own his vehicle and tools. His total amount of assests is around $30,000 and that might be high. Do I have to go through probate. ?

Last Answer : Yes because you need to transfer the property to be able to sell it.

Description : I inherited an IRA from my mother who passed away last year. Do I have to pay taxes on the IRA Does it go directly on my Income Thanks.?

Last Answer : Yes, you will have to pay taxes. You can take the money lump sum and pay the taxes this year, or you can roll it over into an inherited IRA and pay the taxes as the money is distributed. You will be taxed at your normal marginal tax rate.

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Last Answer : Contact the local VA office they can take care of the problem and answer all your questions The local veterans administration office

Description : my husband passed away on 6 11 08 and the AMO Union says I cannot get his pension for 20 years at the age he would of been 65 years old can you tell me why this is?

Last Answer : Your husband's pension is a benefit that was provided by the AMO Union. This benefit stipulated that his pension would be available to him at the age of retirement, which would in this case be 65 ... bearer of his estate you get all accumulation from that when it would normally be provided to him.

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Last Answer : He Is A Golden Doodle That We Put Down Because Of Lymphoma.(Cancer)

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Last Answer : Mine pretty much gave me a blank book & asked me to fill in the pages for them