Is there any country in the world where copyright is forever ?

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Last Answer : The United Kingdom is the first country to pass a copyright law in Parliament.

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Last Answer : No, why would it? Generations of new life getting to live. Why would it strike me as horrific?

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Last Answer : The kids that don’t want to be there and are assholes to everyone for no reason.

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Last Answer : A book.

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Last Answer : Sunset.

Description : How can I copyright my story when I haven't written it yet?

Last Answer : You have a copyright to your outline, as written. No one gets to own story ideas, though. What you do, is don't share story outlines with people you think are going to use your ideas ... them for stealing your story line (and for being crazy maniac story-outline bandits, which is ridiculous).

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Last Answer : No. The big guys with their automated ContentID systems will pay no attention to your copyright notice. They will railroad you.

Description : Is a digital recording generated from an old vinyl record or tape invisible to copyright flags?

Last Answer : Quick NO not invisible. The copyright detection software works off the tunes themselves and tries to do pattern matching on the sound. So it may be an old LP or an old reel-to-reel recording that is your source, but if they can recognize the sound pattern, they will ding you.

Description : What kind of copyright should I apply, and where to apply it?

Last Answer : You write to the publisher. How much are you using? There are exceptions to copyright for “Fair Use”.

Description : Do copyright laws protect professional photos from being altered?

Last Answer : Slapped a COPYRIGHT right across the picture!

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Last Answer : I ignored it when I received one. Tell roommate to pay for a VPN service to mask what he is doing.

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Last Answer : There would be no proof that you wrote the verse. So I suppose the copywrite would belong to the one who copywrites it first.

Description : How would I research something I registered at the United States Copyright Office in 1995?

Last Answer : You should be able to search online. Registrations for all works dating from January 1, 1978, to the present are searchable in the online catalog, available at

Description : How much does it cost to buy a book copyright?

Last Answer : I think that your question would be better addressed to an attorney. Since your country is not a signatory to the international treaty, it may be more involved than simply obtaining the copyright since your ... my child? Cost is one of the smaller pieces of an awareness of the entire process .

Description : What is the meaning of Publication/Event and Company Representative Signature/Date in Copyright Transfer Agreement?

Last Answer : Though you're not giving us a lot to go on here, I would assume that the copyright transfer agreement is for a specific publication (document, film or other recording) OR a particular performance (event), ... isn't my form or my specialty), and all legal agreements are dated as a matter of record.

Description : Can the Pope copyright his image, like other famous people do so that if anyone wants to make merchandise with his likeness on it, they have to pay for a licensing fee or pay royalties or the like?

Last Answer : answer:Let’s not forget this classic song The Pope Smokes Dope I wonder if Francis would approve….

Description : What are the regulations/ prices for copyright?

Last Answer : answer:Canadian Intellectual Property Office Information A Guide to Copyright

Description : Would I need a trademark or copyright for Turtlesandbox Photography?

Last Answer : answer:You register it with the US Patent and Trademark Office. The video will guide you through the process. Good Luck!

Description : What's the deal with all the copyright infringement on Etsy?

Last Answer : They’re breaking the law. I see it on Redbubble all the time too. Not so much on Zazzle as it’s heavily moderated. I’ve noticed the same thing.

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Last Answer : answer:Google can claim ownership of its images whenever it wants. Imbedded in the closest views is a copyright watermark. However, artists [particularly the American Pop artists] have successfully defended in ... fair use by parody . Actually in the Rauschenberg lawsuit, two artists duked it out.

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Last Answer : answer:You cannot copyright anything that you did not create. The only way to gain a copyright in something you did not create is to acquire it from the current copyright owner. Moreover, you cannot ... of date or based on a misunderstanding. It is always advisable to speak to a practicing lawyer.

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Last Answer : Heh. Well 97% of my photos are from other people (except my Fluther Profile Pic as of late) and I think they look cool but nobody's had a problem so I would discuss it with the person if ... aren't willing report them under the terms that they are invading your privacy' or some such phrasing.

Description : Copyright questions concerning classical musicians from over a hundred years ago?

Last Answer : answer:This was an interesting article. Copyright law is a mess.. but you have to concern yourself with not only the song, but lyrics (if any), performer, etc as well.

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Last Answer : answer:Copyright: yes. Trademark: no (unless the image is used throughout a brand or product line as a sort of identification [like an avatar]). But a trademark is much more difficult to acquire ... must submit legal paperwork and prove that your image isn't similar to anyone else's trademark image.

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Last Answer : I think (can’t be sure) that in the UK the government retains copyright and IP rights over the products of employees work on government business.

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Last Answer : No, so long as you put a disclaimer at the top giving credit to the creator for the created universe.

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Last Answer : All of it that you copyright

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Last Answer : answer:Strange little glitch just happened, and I lost the response that I already typed out. I don't know the answer for sure, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone comes along that ... shelves of stores. I doubt that you would run into any issues.. but again, I'm only guessing.

Description : Does anyone know about image copyright for Nursery Rhymes?

Last Answer : It depends totally upon the image. Do you have specific ones in mind? See if they are copyrighted and who golds the mark.

Description : If I wanted to write a book about a female wizard similar to that of Potter, would this be considered copyright infringement?

Last Answer : Arguably, The Worst Witch came way before Harry Potter, also set in a boarding school.

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Last Answer : Titles are not copyrightable, so no.

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Last Answer : I got a letter from Warner Brothers and my internet provider about Inception. And I was kind of bored through it. I knew it wasn't legal but I also didn't think they'd check this thoroughly. My ... they can catch people like me, who downloaded it for my own use cause I'm crickety and broke, grumble

Description : Having a youtube copyright video help?

Last Answer : answer:It depends on how you allow it to be used. There are lots of options. -You can watch but not use it for anything -You can watch but not use it in a product people pay for -Do what you want with it So what do you want people to be able to do with your video?

Description : How would you change copyright law?

Last Answer : answer:Maybe I was a little too cursory on my skimming but what does the link have to do with copyright law? One of us is up way past our bedtime, I’m just not sure whether it’s you or me. :)

Description : Would this be considered a copyright infringement or illegal?

Last Answer : answer:As long as you have the All relevance to persons living or dead is purely cooincidental , you're clear for #2. I'm fairly certain the name Harry Potter is not copyrighted. If it is, ... a hundred thousand people in the world who have to turn over a dollar every time they sign their name.

Description : When artists or writers make "zombie versions" of famous pop culture images or stories is it considered parody and copyright is ignored?

Last Answer : answer:Parodists have a legal right to use previously released works in the US as the basis of their own without fear of lawsuits, as it falls under Fair Use. Thank goodness. I love Weird Al’s “White & Nerdy.” I do not know the laws of other countries, however.

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Last Answer : answer:The changes to copyright law that Disney lobbied for apply to all copyrighted works, including Warner Brothers cartoon characters. Road Runner is owned by Time-Warner, which is (I believe) the ... , no one is using these characters for free. The owners of the copyrights are getting paid.

Description : Does anyone worry about copyright laws?

Last Answer : I worry that they are being misused to benefit the Disney Company, which would have lost the rights to its creatures by now if it hadn’t bribed Congress to intervene.

Description : HOw to patent or copyright an Internet Website Name?

Last Answer :

Description : Copyright question about displaying short excerpts from a documentary online?

Last Answer : Legal: Would that fall in the category of fair use? The guidelines include: The nature of the use. (Commercial vs. Non profit educational?) The nature of the material (whatever that means). Amount / size ... a performance (not for profit). That's probably not legal, but I don't find it immoral.

Description : How not to violate software copyright policy?

Last Answer : If you're modifying existing code, what you are creating is most likely a derivative work, which requires the copyright holder's permission. Basically, you have to rewrite the whole thing from scratch without ... And if you take on this job, you need to consult with a good copyright lawyer too.

Description : What is the copyright law with respect to emails you have sent?

Last Answer : When you write anything you own copyright. It is automatic. If you address it to someone, then they have a right to its content, but not its form.

Description : How do you add a copyright to the meta data of a batch of images in Adobe Bridge?

Last Answer : This is using windows, but I’m pretty sure it’ll work on a mac, too. Highlight all of the pics, right click and choose “File info.” In that dialog box you can set the copyright and add your name or any other info.

Description : What would happen if all intellectual property (copyright, patent, trademark) laws were to be abolished?

Last Answer : Studio recordings and video would vanish overnight. There are large up-front costs involved with record production, and without copyright protection, it's difficult to impossible to recoup those costs. Musicians ... cheaper to print-on-demand rather than buying. This is still a few years off yet.

Description : How do you legally protect the content of a blog - normal copyright process or something digital?

Last Answer : People have to copy your blog to their computers in order to read it. Further, if they can read it, they can copy it. Put a copyright notice on it and get on with your life.

Description : Is this copyright infringement and if so, should I do anything?

Last Answer : Get all excited and say “look at this, great minds think alike” if she has any sense at all, she will admit what she has done, and do the right thing.

Description : How is it possible that a company can copyright a phrase or slogan?

Last Answer : It can, according to the law, if is not taken, you can take it, it has to be directly related with the product or service you are offering, and obviously, pay a fee for the rights of the phrase

Description : How do I copyright my Photography?

Last Answer : answer:You automatically possess the copyright at the moment you take the photo. As long as you have the ability to prove you took the photo, you legally have the copyright. However, filing a ... find the instructions and forms for visual art works at

Description : Copyright law and slide scanning?

Last Answer : get the permission in writing from the copyright owner along with a disclosure of acceptable use for the slides especially if you intend to make available via the Internet.

Description : How do you copyright a business plan?

Last Answer : answer:I'm assuming that this is a business plan for distribution or sale? If it is a personal business plan, then there is absolutely no need to think about this (not least ... registration. The United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office discusses the technique but does not recommend its use.