When I go shopping, for example, and I have it about 400 meters from home. Do I still have to carry my documents? Specifically a citizen?

1 Answer

Answer :

In our country, a lady was walking a dog by the block of flats. The police wanted her ID. Of course she didn't have it. The policeman told her that even if she went around the corner to the dairy, she should have it with her. It happened to my husband, but away from home. He saw what he didn't even want to see. He was taken to find out, where he waited for 6 hours. He also paid a fine then, I just don't remember how much. Since then, he has carried his ID everywhere. She doesn't have a passport, the tram was not enough.

Related questions

Description : Is it mandatory to carry a reserve in the car?

Last Answer : Yes it is. It belongs to the car's equipment, as well as a warning triangle or first aid kit.

Description : What stores carry Citizen watches?

Last Answer : A number of department stores carry Citizen watches. You can find them at Macy's, JC Penny's, Jared, and many more. You can also order them on Amazon.com

Description : Would this mandatory tip scenario bother you?

Last Answer : It would very much bother me if they hadn’t mentioned it in advance. I’d probably refuse the order.

Description : Does this study indicate a need to rethink the policy of mandatory vaccination as the only way to battle Covid-19?

Last Answer : Get vaccinated ! 100% of the people at my local hospital with COVID-19 on ventilators (in ICU) and in isolation wards are unvaccinated. Vaccination for COVID-19 is not forever that is the reason ... the math ! Oh that means unvaccinated are most likely to die. Demonized only by the fright wingers.

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Last Answer : In this scenario, a person would volunteer for a time period, and then be required to serve barring the usual excuses like illness.

Description : If businesses decide to keep a mandatory mask use in place after the Government takes theirs down will you respect it?

Last Answer : Yep Better yet, I don’t need shops or companies to make it mandatory, I’ll keep on wearing it there until I personally feel like I can do it without again. I must say that I’ve liked it.

Description : Can mandatory quarantines work in the US?

Last Answer : Probably not. Too many people value what they think is important and they miss the bigger picture of we.

Description : With the 20/21 flu season nearly eradicated, what currently employed anti-corona measures would you support as mandatory during future flu seasons?

Last Answer : I would not mind if they made mask wearing mandatory for the entire flu season. Along with that, they should keep up the cleaning in all businesses like wiping down grocery carts every time they come in.

Description : Should felons convicted of sexual offenses be given mandatory permanent sterilization?

Last Answer : It’s not just hormones. It’s mental illness.

Description : Do you think vaccination should be mandatory?

Last Answer : For certain things, absolutely. In Romania and Italy there have been an outbreaks of measles, of all things, because immunisation rates have dropped there. I don't think the flu shots should be every year. ... . We don't vaccinate for chicken pox as regular thing, but I think that might change soon.

Description : Why do universities have mandatory retirement at 65?

Last Answer : Most do not. Which university or universities are you referring to?

Description : Could the government make knowing your DNA,and it's history mandatory? Do you care?

Last Answer : Yes, this would fly in the face of constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure and of privacy. As would mandatory paternity tests.

Description : Should paternity tests be mandatory when a child is born? (Details )

Last Answer : Why? What trouble would it save later on? And what about maternity tests as well? It is no longer a given that the woman who gives birth to the child is the genetic mother.

Description : Should childhood vaccines be mandatory?

Last Answer : Yes, unless the child has a known medical problem that would be contra indicative for the vaccine.

Description : Should health insurance stay mandatory?

Last Answer : Meaning that you prefer to have no insurance? Your job doesn’t offer you insurance coverage, and you have no other source? $200 wouldn’t buy you a single trip to the emergency room or a doctor visit plus prescription. What will you do if you get sick or you’re in an accident?

Description : Should voting in the US be changed from an optional right to a mandatory requirement?

Last Answer : Compulsory voting would only morally work if a “None of the Above” choice was available. Having to choose between two scoundrels is not a free choice.

Description : How effective would mandatory vasectomies at birth be at preventing teen pregnancies?

Last Answer : Great idea! My company can supply the inline valve to turn it on and off. It would be self powered and RFID enabled, and could only turned on after supplying proof of support documentation to ... impoverished regions that rely upon foreign aide to survive. It is time to let nature take its course.

Description : Should there be mandatory counseling for a kid who kills and mutilates animals?

Last Answer : answer:I doubt anything will happen, but I would contact Child Protective Services. Personally, I would also ask to meet with the parents of the kid so he at least knows someone is ... local animal welfare agency. If no such organization exists, report the incident to the police department.

Description : Do you think there should be mandatory minimum sentences for people who torture and/or kill animals?

Last Answer : There are sentences, at least in some places. Unfortunately, people have been caught up in a situation with it when not intending any special harm.. I read of a man who had to serve a mandatory jail ... time, and a percentage of their wages for two or three years to go to the local animal shelters.

Description : What do you think about mandatory seat belt and helmet laws?

Last Answer : I think it’s smart to wear them, and stupid not to. However, I think the law should only cover minor children, not adults who choose to be stupid.

Description : Do you have a mandatory social media shut off period?

Last Answer : No… I don’t feel comfortable in public. I only go outside for food or doctors appointments or to check my mail. Nice video though.

Description : Mandatory health insurance, car insurance... Why not mandatory life, home, renter insurance too?

Last Answer : In many cases home insurance is mandatory or they will not let you buy the home.

Description : Instead of going to university could the goverment make another three years of high school mandatory for students ?

Last Answer : answer:I am starting to think the government believes it can do anything it wants to. Which is too bad. But having said that, if they put me in charge, I would make a mandatory year 13 ... education that adding more years would be an even more egregious waste of taxpayer money than it already is.

Description : Can anyone recommend a dentist in the Asheville, NC area who will see patients WITHOUT mandatory x rays?

Last Answer : answer:What’s your reason for refusing? Ever had an abess, an infected root nerve, a cavity beneath the gum line or between two teeth that had no space between them that went untreated becasue the dentist couldn’t see it? Hell on earth. Advanced breast and colon cancers are also no day at the beach.

Description : Will we have mandatory driving scores like credit scores? (Details Inside)

Last Answer : answer:That may fly in Canada, but the Fourth Amendment issues involved make it unlikely in the US, at least not without a years-long legal battle. If they want that information ... all cars built since 1996. It got canned because it contained similar information tracking/transmission abilities.

Description : Should we get rid of mandatory tipping in the US?

Last Answer : You hate it, just don’t do it. Why ban it (as if you could!) and deprive those of us who enjoy leaving a little extra when we feel well served?

Description : Do you think Drivers Ed should be brought back as a mandatory class in High School?

Last Answer : I do think it should be mandatory. It still is at the high schools in our area of Illinois.

Description : How would it affect the world if it became mandatory to be a 24 hour a day society?

Last Answer : answer:It’s almost that way right now. There are grocery stores and gas stations open all night. Restaurants, TV, is all 24/7. So, I don’t think it would change that much.

Description : I want to ask California to make journalism a mandatory class, how do I go about doing that?

Last Answer : answer:Journalism is pretty specialized work in writing and publication, and doesn't really cover what you're wanting to instill in students. It also requires an end product to be made, and ... mandatory would be trouble, our educational budget has been slashed more than a jack the ripper victim.

Description : What do you think about mandatory drug testing for students?

Last Answer : I think in part this would be ok if the parents and student signed a consent form before joining the organization letting them know that they would be subject to the testing. If there are ... be a deterrant. After all they are extracurricular activities right, nobody HAS to participate in them.

Description : Is it legal to hire a RN at one wage but pay minimum wage for state mandatory orientation?

Last Answer : I would call the nursing board in Michigan to get answers to the particulars of your situation. It may also help to find the body that reviews/inspects home health agencies as they may also ... situation. Both appear to be controlled by the Michigan Department of Community Health. Check this link.

Description : What are the mandatory minimum wages, work weeks, and vacation periods throughout the E.U.?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know the answer to all these questions. However, I know that French wine producers are at a serious competitive disadvantage because of their high minimum pay and generous fringe benefits ... the harvest. See, for example, George Taber's book, Judgment of Paris, especially chapter 24.

Description : Should there be a pencil test for men and mandatory back waxing before they are allowed to take their shirts off in public?

Last Answer : The one's beautiful chest isn't the other's, obviously, so who would be to judge whether my chest is show-worthy, yes or no. The last years i became a bit more conservative in this matter, ... own garden of course. But, feel free everybody, to take your shirt off wherever and whenever you want.

Description : Should recycling be mandatory?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : How would American society respond to the introduction of a nationwide mandatory rest period at midday?

Last Answer : answer:I want a nap too. But I don’t want it to be government mandated.

Description : How do you feel about mandatory sentencing laws?

Last Answer : I don’t like mandatory sentencing, because it shackles the hands of the judge who is hearing the case, who see all the circumstances.

Description : Is it mandatory to get your head shaved in the US Army?

Last Answer : Yes, it is mandatory to shave your head. If you don’t they will cut it for you as soon as you report to boot camp.

Description : What do you think of CA's mandatory gay education in public elementary schools?

Last Answer : I agree with what the school decides and what the parents allow and think. I am against mandatory gay education, and also against mandatory education. Am in CA here.

Description : Why do corporations have mandatory retirement ages?

Last Answer : It think it depends on the job. There was a time when a majority of work was physical. The mind is willing but the flesh becomes weak. Today, technology is making it that people can work just fine at their desk and at home. Things are more mental then physical.

Description : Shouldn't it be mandatory that Congress and the Senate fully participate in any Health Care System they deliver to the American public without exception?

Last Answer : I’d rather turn this around and say, shouldn’t the entire American public be entitled to the same level of coverage and care that is provided to Congress? After all it is a Government Program. If they don’t dread it for themselves, why do they dread it for us?

Description : Do you think the mental health of candidates should be a mandatory qualification for a President?

Last Answer : Wow! And in the American Conservative, too! Well, I think the problems this article discussed are clearly there in his behavior, for those who have the eyes to look. In watching the debates, I realized he ... 't agree. In any case, I think we should have full infomation on which to make a choice.

Description : Should recycling be mandatory?

Last Answer : yes failure to recycle should be punishable by death and reuse the shell casings and put the offender’s remains in a compost pile. lol

Description : Should spaying and neutering pets be mandatory for pet owners?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Should high level programming be a mandatory class next to learning writing and reading in primary school and onwards? Your arguments please.

Last Answer : No, because it is not a skill that everyone needs to have. The people who use it will learn it, but it isn’t equivalent to reading and writing.

Description : Does mandatory sensitivity training in the workplace have it's merits?

Last Answer : it’s to avoid the law suits. Either you’re a decent human being or you’re not. Being forced to sit in a classroom all day against your will ain’t gonna change that.

Description : Do you think school uniforms should be mandatory in schools, both private and public?

Last Answer : My wife (a teacher) and I don't see eye to eye on this. She likes school uniforms as she claims it helps with school discipline. Although I believe that that is important, I feel that by ... acceptable and what isn't. I am thankful that the school my third grader attends does not have uniforms.

Description : Certain countries require that every dog and cat be microchipped upon purchase/adoption...how can I find out if this law exists in my country?

Last Answer : The United States does not require pets to be micro-chipped by law, but it is strongly advised! There are 4 types of Micro-chips available, each with a unique frequency. Most shelters and clinics ... are safeguards. If your pet is lost, the information in the microchip can reunite the two of you.

Description : Why is car insurance mandatory?

Last Answer : Driving a vehicle raises the risk of an accident. An accident may damage one's own vehicle or may damage a third party. This may cause financial or legal penalties to the owner of ... should opt for insurance. There are 2 types of vehicle insurance.Third-Party Insurance: -Comprehensive Insurance

Description : How important are funeral services in the US and is it mandatory to do or not What do you think?

Last Answer : uncommon

Description : Why It is mandatory to include a banner marking at the top of the page to alert the user that CUI is present?

Last Answer : TRUE