I inject myself in the abdomen and I have bruises after the injection. What is the cause?

1 Answer

Answer :

Experiences and knowledge of other patients: discussion

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Last Answer : try some composted horsemanure close to the plants, it will wash in with the rain, also support under the buds with hay or straw to keep them off the ground..............don't wet the plant water under it.

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Last Answer : Don’t worry, you phrased your question just right. your procedure is okay. a supplement help might come from a mouthwash to use after your procedure. protect your teeth. the Lord only gives you one set and they are forever yours.

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Last Answer : your best bet is to Google the plant you have and see what other gardeners say about it. Personally, I am not familiar with that particular plant.

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Last Answer : The instant noodle cups specifically say not to microwave them. People do anyways.

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Last Answer : No matter what your views are, you must be a decent human being,care, help and do good

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Last Answer : Not voting for your lord and savior Donald Trump