I mean if the east side of the garden is completely shaded, will it bother the plants?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don't know you Azaleo, I personally have the experience that the greater the alchemy, the worse the result, or the dumber the farmer, the larger the potatoes. Then a neighbor comes to me and says, well, who knows, he knows. *** I can do it, I just leave it to fate.

Related questions

Description : Why was it so important for the boy to go out on the veld each morning a sunrise on the veldt?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Why is the sky around the sun sometimes redish, pinkish, and orangy during sunset & sunrise?

Last Answer : Refraction from thunderstorm clouds. The best sunsets are before and after thunderstorms, probably due to moisture in the air, which also makes rainbows. Smoke colors them too. Angle of the light accounts for ... . 1 2 3. They have almost every color imaginable. Haven't you ever seen a sunset?

Description : What's you best memory from when you saw a sunrise ?

Last Answer : The best sunrise/s I've ever seen were when my family and I were camping when I was a little kid. We had this neat old tent made of black parachute material from WWII. The seams had little teeny ... up and and finally over the top of the forest canopy. It was as bright and tasty as melted butter.

Description : Which do you enjoy more....a sunrise or a sunset?

Last Answer : answer:Sunrise. because, i know at the age of 66, i have survived another day to live. Sunsets are beautiful, but to me, do not have the same meaning.

Description : Sunrise to the East, a dog, black coffee and a smoke; what does your August 26th morning look like?

Last Answer : I’ll let you know in 11 hours.

Description : You fall asleep in the arms of the one you love under the stars, you both wake to a glorious sunrise, what would be something that could burst this bubble of loveliness?

Last Answer : Been there, done that, eaten by mosquitos. Not a high-toned answer, I know, but it really blew the ambiance.

Description : When you paint the sun over the sea, How can you tell if this painting is a sunrise or sunset?

Last Answer : Good question! I think that the only way you could tell my photos are all of a sunset is simply because I wouldn't be UP at sunrise taking pictures! I'm thinking that to suggest a sunrise, maybe ... than if you wanted to suggest a sunset ..so, same colors, only slightly darker tones for a sunset ?

Description : Better places to watch the sunrise in Evansville, Indiana? any helpers?

Last Answer : I went to school in Evansville, and the only thing I can think of is that walkway down by the Ohio River. It's been about 12 years, so I don't remember street names or anything. I'm not sure ... be a good place to watch the sunrise. You could look up various park information on the city's website.

Description : Where can I see the best sunrise?

Last Answer : The Grand Canyon

Description : What's the best place to watch the sunrise in the Bay Area (preferably near San Rafael or in Marin)?

Last Answer : answer:marin headlands. Not many people know that when you reach the top from the main drag, there is a small one way road that leads down to the ocean and the rest of the park... If you ... there is a gravel parkinglot where you can sit in your car watching the sunset while overlooking the ocean...

Description : Although the time of sunrise varies between Arunachal Pradesh and New Delhi, the watches show the same time. Explain why. -Geography

Last Answer : The time of sunrise varies between Arunachal Pradesh and New Delhi by 72 minutes because it lies to the east with a difference of about 18° of longitude but the watches show the same time because ... which is the Indian Standard Time. This is done to avoid confusion in time in the entire country.

Description : a boy had just got out of the shower and gettin ready for his prom,shaved,and with cologne and there was going to be a after party and his mom, and dad said be home for the next sunrise and was home for the next sunrise but with a full grown beard how can this be? -Riddles

Last Answer : he lives in alaska and sunrise's are every six months.

Description : Which country is famous as the country of sunrise? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Which country is famous as the country of sunrise? -General Knowledge


Description : From which beach in Bangladesh sunrise and sunset can be seen ?

Last Answer : Sunrise and sunset can be seen from Kuakata beach

Description : When will you perform Sunnah if you cannot recite it before Fajr prayer ? ( Fajr) Sunnat can be read before sunrise ?

Last Answer : If a person cannot perform sunnat before Fajr prayer, then in this case, in the light of evidence, it is a strong opinion that this person will perform sunnat after Fajr sunrise. Do not pay before sunrise ... he sat in the mosque and waited. Then at sunrise he performed two rak'ats of sunnat qaya .

Description : What is the meaning of anxious sunrise ?

Last Answer : Anxious sunrise means anxious desire for a new day to come.

Description : Who is the painter of the Sunrise movie ?

Last Answer : Claude Mone, the painter of the Sunrise movie.

Description : Why does the sky look red at sunrise and sunset ?

Last Answer : The sky looks red at sunrise and sunset because the wavelength of red light is longer.

Last Answer : Hasan Hafizur Rahman, the author of Abak Suryaday poem

Last Answer : Japan is the land of the rising sun.

Last Answer : Sunrise Of Treaty Separation Sun + Rise

Description : Why do I think about my wife when I see a sunrise or sunset?

Last Answer : Quite a difficult question! In some psycho-analysis during our college days we were asked if we liked sunset or a sunrise more. While the sunrise used to reflect optimism and positivity, the ... , my dear, and continue with your beautiful, poetic thoughts and their wonderful articulation.

Description : Is it good for your health to wake up before sunrise?

Last Answer : I have mixed feelings about this. I have read that waking before sunrise could harm your health and that we should all wake up naturally but I wake naturally very early, around 5.30 am, and it is actually pitch ... lag" but I am at my best early in the day and don't start to wilt until much later.

Description : How would you know if a photograph is of a sunset or a sunrise?

Last Answer : Well this is a hard one. I am a photographer and when I photograph sunrises and sunsets I usually try to have something in the image for the viewer to know if possible. Generally the main thing ... have sent out throughout that day, which honestly is bad but it makes for the most beautiful sunsets.

Description : Why is sunrise in casper wyoming occurs 4 minutes earlier than sunrise rawlins wyoming?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Can give a appreciation of the poem sunrise on the hills?

Last Answer : Can give a appreciation of the poem sun rise on the hills ofpoet H.W longfelow

Description : How does latitude affect sunrise and sunset time?

Last Answer : latitude affects sunrise and sunset times because the Moon pushes it towards the sun causing more rays to direct at the Earth. thats how they say the world were in ... were only A COUPLE THOUSAND METERS from the sun eventually it will cook us like cooking steak in an oven

Description : Why doesn't the summer solstice have the earliest sunrise or latest sunset of the year?

Last Answer : It's supposed to be the longest day of the year, right? What gives?

Description : The sun appears red at sunrise and sunset while it appears white at noon because of _____ A. Refraction B. It is cooler at sunrise and at sunset C. Diffraction leading to red end of the spectrum reaching the earth D. Scattering of light due to dust particles and air molecules

Last Answer : ANSWER: D

Description : The 'sunrise industries' imply - (1) petrochemicals and electronics industry (2) sunflower oil industry (3) computer industry (4) chemical industry

Last Answer : (1) petrochemicals and electronics industry Explanation: Sunrise Industry is a colloquial term for a sector or business that is in its infancy, but is growing at a rapid pace. A sunrise ... of venture capital funding. A sunrise industry is often characterized by a high degree of innovation.

Description : Japan is called the Land of the rising sun' because - (1) Sun rises there as soon as it sets (2) Sun always remains in the eastern part of the sky throughout the day in Japan (3) Japan being ... (4) The rays of the sun get reflected from the waters of the sea and make the sunrise beautiful in Japan

Last Answer : (3) Japan being the Eastern most country in the world, it has the earliest sunrise Explanation: Japan is an archipelago, or a group of islands, about 100 miles east of the Asian main land in the Far East. ... the others get the rays if the sun. That's why Japan is called the land of the rising sun.

Description : Industries like electronics and biotechnology which are in the forefront of development are called? (1) Sunlight industries (2) Starstruck industries (3) Sunshine industries (4) Sunrise industries

Last Answer : (4) Sunrise industries Explanation: Sunrise industry is a colloquial term for a sector or business that is in its infancy, but is growing at a rapid pace. A sunrise industry is ... sector that is already in decline. So electronics and biotechnology can be characterized as sunrise industries.

Description : Which one of the following industries is known as 'Sunrise Industry'? (1) Iron & Steel (2) Cotton Textile (3) Information Technology (4) Tea & Coffee

Last Answer : (3) Information Technology Explanation: Sunrise industry is a colloquial term for a sector or business that is in its infancy, but is growing at a rapid pace. A sunrise industry is typically ... in the context of Information technology industry which has grown at great pace in the recent times.

Description : Which of the following is not caused by atmospheric refraction of light? (1) Sun appearing red at sunset (2) Twinkling of stars at night (3) Sun appearing higher in the sky than it actually is (4) Sun becoming visible two or three minutes before actual sunrise

Last Answer : (3) Sun appearing higher in the sky than it actually is Explanation: The twinkling of stars and variation in size of the Sun are due to atmospheric refraction of light. Besides, refraction is also ... higher or lower in the sky due to the changing position of the Earth relative to the Sun.

Description : The redness in atmosphere at Sunrise and Sunset is due to – (1) Refraction of light (2) Reflection of light (3) Dispersion of light (4) Scattering of light

Last Answer : (4) Scattering of light Explanation: The red colour in the sky at sunset (and sunrise) is due to an effect called Rayleigh scattering. At sunrise or sunset, since the Sun is low on the horizon, ... through more of the atmosphere - and therefore bounce off more molecules -than at other times of day.

Description : Early sunrise and late sunset is due to?

Last Answer : Refraction of light

Description : The sun is visible a little before the actual sunrise because of which reaction?

Last Answer : Atmospheric refraction

Description : The Sun appears red at sunset and sunrise. Why?

Last Answer : Ans: The sun appears red at the time of sunset and sunrise due to the scattering of light by small particles of dust or smoke near the surface of the earth. The light travels relatively without hindrance that is why the sun appears red at the time of sunset and sunrise.

Description : Why does the Sun appears orange-red at the time of Sunrise and Sunset.

Last Answer : The earth's dust, gas and air particles scatter the sun's light in different directions. Violet light has a peculiar property due to which it gets scattered the most. Red light gets scattered the least. At ... earth. Since red is scattered the least, it is this colour that we see as it reaches us.

Description : Japan is called ‘Land of the rising sun’ because: A. Sun rises there as soon as it sets B. Sun always remains in the eastern past of the sky throughout the day in Japan C. Japan being the Eastern most country in the world, it has the earliest sunrise (Answer)

Last Answer : C. Japan being the Eastern most country in the world, it has the earliest sunrise (Answer)

Description : At what time of day is the relative humidity normally at a minimum -------- ? A. When the air temperature is highest (Answer) B. Just before sunrise C. About midnight D. When the air temperature is lowest

Last Answer : A. When the air temperature is highest (Answer)

Description : The sun appears red at sunrise and sunset while it appears white at noon, because A. Of refraction B. It is cooler at sunrise and at sunset C. Of diffraction leading to red end of the spectrum reaching the earth. D. Of Scattering of light due to dust particles and air molecules?

Last Answer : C. Of diffraction leading to red end of the spectrum reaching the earth.

Description : Pink fleshed variety of Papaya A) Sunrise solo B) Taiwan C) Surya D) Coorg Honey Dew

Last Answer : A) Sunrise solo

Description : (a) pitiable condition of local residents (b) miserable condition of people residing in the colony (c) pathetic condition of residents of Sunrise Apartments. (d) frequent accidents occurring at night

Last Answer : (c) pathetic condition of residents of Sunrise Apartments.

Description : (a) Mobilisation of city dwellers (b) Darkness around Sunrise Apartments (c) Road safety in the colony (d) Concern about night accidents

Last Answer : (b) Darkness around Sunrise Apartments

Description : What is the coldest time of the day?  a. 1hr before sunrise  b. 1/2 hr before sunrise  c. At exact moment of sunrise  d. 1/2 hour after sunrise

Last Answer : d. 1/2 hour after sunrise

Description : What is the coldest time of the day? a. 1hr before sunrise b. 1/2 hr before sunrise c. At exact moment of sunrise d. 1/2 hour after sunrise

Last Answer : d. 1/2 hour after sunrise

Description : Poetically, the Aboriginal population in New Zealand is called __________ (A) the Knights of the Round Table. (B) Merry Men. (C) the People of the Long White Cloud. (D) the Vikings of the Sunrise.

Last Answer : (D) the Vikings of the Sunrise. 

Description : Sun appears red in colour at sunrise and sunset due to (1) the fact that sun emits only red colour at that time (2) red light having longer wave length scatters away (3) that sun comes out of the mountains (4) that all other colours scatter away except red

Last Answer :  that all other colours scatter away except red