Hello, I think I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Don't know how and where to get it examined?

1 Answer

Answer :

At a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Related questions

Description : What are you a little OCD about?

Last Answer : Loading the dishwasher. Everything has a place in the dishwasher for maximum usage a good cleaning. Loading it all willy-nilly is wasteful.

Description : Could an obsession with guns and gun collecting be a form of OCD or mental illness?

Last Answer : I think everyone has mild forms of OCD. Like with one any mental illness it depends on the intensity and how badly it disrupts their normal life. I think in the example you gave it’s just a guy who is substituting his weapons due to some sort of masculine insecurity.

Description : OCD and bad anxiety. How to cope with them both?

Last Answer : If it is interfering with your functioning, you should probably talk to a therapist and/or maybe a psychiatrist for meds.

Description : You do not have OCD but you are OCD about what?

Last Answer : Sometimes I lock my car and check for me keys 3 or 4 times in a row. I’m just paranoid of locking myself out.

Description : Does OCD ever leave?

Last Answer : At first you have to make yourself stop doing those things. This will be difficult. But after that, you will get used to it and OCD will leave. You have to be determined and work it. This will not happen in ... but if you try you will see results! When you are in a good mood, that helps a lot too.

Description : If dating someone with OCD what OCD trait would drive you crazy having to deal with?

Last Answer : answer:I think my dad has undiagnosed OCD. I wouldn't be able to date somebody with it if it manifested the same as it does in my dad; I love the guy but now that I'm out of the house ... entire class of people suffering from this disorder. I know most people who have it probably aren't like this.)

Description : Who else finds OCD fascinating ?

Last Answer : answer:I remember seeing an interview with Marc Summers once. He has OCD. He was talking about a rug in his house that had fringe on the edges. He said he would have to sit there and make ... some extent. Unfortunate there are some poor souls that have it to the extent that it disrupts their lives.

Description : How are children with OCD treated?

Last Answer : Mama_Cakes I do not have any direct experience with OCD. However, my son was ADHD and I think I would be fairly safe in saying that any of these types of disorders that place a child outside what ... it is almost impossible to get out from under the cloud of suspicion that is placed on the child.

Description : How do you determine whether you are OCD about something?

Last Answer : You know when the clocks go forward/back a couple of times a year? Right, good, keep up…..if you were to do this obsessively then you wouldn’t know if you were coming or going, very confusing i’d imagine. This took a little while to type because I couldn’t spell obsessively :¬)

Description : Is there something that you're mildly OCD about?

Last Answer : Fire. I double triple check my curling iron is unplugged before I leave the house.

Description : What is your own little OCD behaviour?

Last Answer : My house is cluttered and has things all over the place, but my closets, drawers and cabinets must be orderly and neat. I even fold my towels and undies a very specific way.

Description : Do I have OCD?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, a little OCD, and a little paranoid. Thinking about thesenthings a little tokeep yourself safe and healthy is ok, but your thought process (obsession) amd habits (compulsion) are a little extreme. ... you feel out of control. Also, do not watch the local news, or scary or violent movies.

Description : Why is OCD so common amongst humans and even animals?

Last Answer : answer:Do you have a link to OCD in animals? Humans tend toward more mental aberrations than animals because of the complexities of our brains.

Description : Is this borderline OCD behavior? (see details please)

Last Answer : I am not a psychologist, so take this lightly. What you describe is all from your youth, and nothing from your current lifestyle. There are many rituals that I lived by, whether created by my parents, the ... of. The question is, what do you do today that requires you to do before you take action?

Description : Is it OCD if you constantly obsess over someone's illnesses and death even if they're truly ill?

Last Answer : No, it's not OCD. It is an attempt at understanding and controlling something that is beyond understanding and control. It is a different form of denial, by focusing on the details of someones ... person is avoiding coming to terms with their grief and feelings about losing someone close to them.

Description : Is everyone OCD?

Last Answer : I think people who have been diagnosed with OCD would truly disagree. As do I.

Description : Is OCD passed on through genetics?

Last Answer : I don’t know much about ocd except that it’s not genetic and that it can be treated like an addiction and taken care of.

Description : Do I have an OCD?

Last Answer : I don’t think it’s helpful to ask people for a diagnosis over the Internet. It may not even be helpful in real life. If these things interfere with your pleasure in life, you can get help with this kind of issue, even if it doesn’t have a name.

Description : Does the cookie monster from sesame street have OCD (obsessive compulisive disorder)

Last Answer : What makes you think that? I think he just had a sweet tooth and no self control.

Description : Can anyone suggest a Monk episode when his OCD really affects him?

Last Answer : The one where he was trapped (edit:lost) in the desert.

Description : Am I OCD? Does anyone else do this?

Last Answer : Nope.. can’t say that I do that!!

Description : Ever hear of a form of OCD where the person constantly gets invasive thoughts?

Last Answer : sounds like a mix of schizophrenia, though I'm not a professional about mental disorders but I though schizophrenia was a disorder where you had invasive thoughts, or voices that were in your head. I've ... would imagine it would be treated in similar ways to a schizo patient, but I don't know.

Description : Getting to know ask-publicers (Pt.2) - will you share some of your neuroses/ocd actions with me?

Last Answer : whenever I see babies cry… I eat them…

Description : What is OCD?

Last Answer : answer:why dont you google it??? its obsessive compulsive disorder

Description : Do you secretly suffer from some form of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)?

Last Answer : Last time i counted there were 37 tiles in my bathroom and 86 books on my shelf. Not OCD though just get bored.

Description : Do you have OCD tendencies?

Last Answer : I believe my OCD tendencies are related to ADD, and I catch myself double-checking door locks, and driving around the block to double-check my garage door closing all the way. Could also be that I’m always rushed to get somewhere…

Last Answer : : Obsessive compulsive disorder ( OCD) is a genetic mental illness. The disease is caused by hereditary factors , environmental factors and normal growth of the brain. Psychological treatment is the only solution.

Description : How can OCD be managed?

Last Answer : OCD usually occurs when our mind is in idle state or simply speaking when we have nothing to do. Exercising is a good way to combat anxieties and OCD, however it's important to do them regularly.

Description : How does the doctor test for OCD?

Last Answer : A OCD test is really going to be just a series of questions about your personality and your habits. Make sure that you talk to your doctor and see what you can find out about your condition.

Description : How does an OCD treatment center help to treat OCD and the underlying anxiety?

Last Answer : An OCD treatment center helps to address to underlying issues that are causing the anxiety. They also use cognitive and behavior therapies to help you drop the unwanted behaviors associated with OCD.

Description : What is the nearest OCD treatment center to Fort Smith, Arkansas?

Last Answer : There is no dedicated OCD treatment facility in Fort Smith. However, a trained psychiatrist can treat you as an outpatient if you need help.

Description : What type of medication is prescribed for OCD?

Last Answer : Usually for people with OCD, they prescribe anti-depressants because depression is usually tied with OCD. but to be sure which treatment is right for you, you may want to talk to your doctor about it, to make sure there are no other underlying causes.

Description : Are there ways to treat OCD without using medication?

Last Answer : It's possible that therapy might be able to help you with OCD. Depending on the extent of the OCD, medication might be needed in addition to therapy.

Description : OCD is Diagnosed by Structured Clinical Interview?

Last Answer : OCD, commonly known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, cannot be diagnosed by blood samples or similar testing. Mental health professionals, such as psychologists and psychiatrists and those who work with them ... thoughts are often inked to doubts a need for order and sexual and religious images.

Description : hey, i think i have ocd should i talk about it with someone?

Last Answer : so hey, im actually sixteen years old... and i have been dealing with intrusive thoughts from a really young age. and im pretty sure its ocd, i have read other people experinces and ect. i couldnt relate more, ... have changed a lot since i was 14 because of this, i didnt want to go to school, i did

Description : A part of debt instruments that are converted into Equity shares in the future at notice of the issuer is called _________ A. Secured Debentures B. Partly Convertible Debentures (PCD) C. Fully convertible Debentures (FCD) D. Optionally Convertible Debentures (OCD) E. Unsecured Debentures

Last Answer : B. Partly Convertible Debentures (PCD) Explanation: A part of these instruments are converted into Equity shares in the future at notice of the issuer. The issuer decides the ratio for conversion. This is normally decided at the time of subscription.

Description : Under ______ debentures, if the issuer fails on payment of either the principal or interest amount, his assets can be sold to repay the liability to the investors A. Secured Debentures B. ... ) C. Fully convertible Debentures (FCD) D. Optionally Convertible Debentures (OCD) E. Unsecured Debentures

Last Answer : A. Secured Debentures Explanation: These instruments are secured by a charge on the fixed assets of the issuer company. So if the issuer fails on payment of either the principal or interest amount, his assets can be sold to repay the liability to the investors.

Description : In which of the following conversion the investors enjoy the same status as ordinary shareholders of the company? A. Secured Debentures B. Partly Convertible Debentures (PCD) C. Fully convertible Debentures (FCD) D. Optionally Convertible Debentures (OCD) E. Unsecured Debentures

Last Answer : C. Fully convertible Debentures (FCD) Explanation: These are fully convertible into Equity shares at the issuer‘s notice. The ratio of conversion is decided by the issuer. Upon conversion the investors enjoy the same status as ordinary shareholders of the company.

Description : In which of the following instruments the investor has the option to either convert these debentures into shares at price decided by the issuer/agreed upon at the time of issue. A. Non Convertible ... Fully convertible Debentures (FCD) D. Optionally Convertible Debentures (OCD) E. None of the Above

Last Answer : D. Optionally Convertible Debentures (OCD) Explanation: The investor has the option to either convert these debentures into shares at price decided by the issuer/agreed upon at the time of issue.

Description : Which of the following instruments retain the debt character and can not be converted in to equity shares? A. Non Convertible Debentures (NCD) B. Partly Convertible Debentures (PCD) C. Fully convertible Debentures (FCD) D. Optionally Convertible Debentures (OCD) E. None of the Above

Last Answer : A. Non Convertible Debentures (NCD) Explanation: Non Convertible Debentures instruments retain the debt character and can not be converted in to equity shares.

Description : The seven segment arrangement for numerical display on consoles, test meters and other applications can be either ________________. A. UJT or BJT B. BCD or OCD C. JFET or IGFET D. LED or LCD

Last Answer : Answer: D

Description : OCD Symptoms

Last Answer : The symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) vary from patient to patient. They highly depend on what type of obsessive thoughts that enter the patient's mind. Obviously, there are countless ... , and shortness of breath. Panic disorder and social disorder can also be associated to OCD.

Description : OCD in Children

Last Answer : It is normal for children to worry a lot and feel afraid about a number of things. Some kids worry that something bad will happen to their parents. Some worry about getting lost in school ... his worries and anxiety, get rid of his obsessive thoughts, resist compulsion and eventually conquer OCD.

Description : OCD Foundation

Last Answer : Surprisingly, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a relatively common psychiatric anxiety disorder. For the longest time, it was regarded as a rare condition until a study revealed that one in ... field of mental health care. It also promotes public awareness and education about the disorder.

Description : OCD Diagnosis

Last Answer : Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric anxiety disorder that is not easily diagnosed for a number of reasons. First, it is hard to find the line that separates an obsessive thought ... A psychiatric evaluation will also be given to you to rule out other possible psychiatric disorders.

Description : What are OCD Books

Last Answer : Many people consider obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) a rare psychiatric condition. However, recent studies show otherwise. One in 30 adults suffers from this anxiety disorder. Moreover, one in 100 children ... to do is place an order, pay online and wait for your copy to be delivered.

Description : The Guide to OCD

Last Answer : OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, is term often casually used to describe someone who's neurotic or very organized. But what does it mean when someone has OCD? Read on to know more about this ... mean the end of a normal life. With the proper treatment and support, anyone can overcome OCD.

Description : Adult OCD

Last Answer : Robert is a 44-year old father of three. Before sleeping he makes sure doors are locked. He locks the main door in the surest way possible. He is sure he locked it right and ... from this disorder. Many of them claim that they started to experience its symptoms during childhood and adolescence.

Description : How To Treat OCD

Last Answer : How To Treat OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a condition wherein a person has recurrent thoughts and ritualistic behaviors that he feels the need to perform to ease his anxiety. The ... disorder may be a devastating condition, but it can be managed by following appropriate treatments.