What does it mean to dream of a pig?

1 Answer

Answer :

I describe a dream about a bar pig and what it means. If we see a pig in our dream, it indicates a disease or some kind of lie. To dream of a piglet, means that we are facing a difficult period. If we don’t see a pig, we only hear its growl in our dream, it indicates cheating. To feed your own pig in your dream is a sign of great luck. Selling a pig in your dream means you are light-hearted or in love. If a pig bites you in your dream, it indicates some kind of bodily injury. If we eat a pig in our dream, it is a sign of an easy life. Some say dreaming of a pig is luck in the business.

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Last Answer : Makkal.

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Last Answer : I would laugh, considering the source.

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Last Answer : lol

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Last Answer : If the cage is directly on the ground try putting the cage on a sheet of plastic so that there is a barrier between the cage and the grass. Not sure if that is a good idea but its all i can think of.

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Last Answer : If you fed the porker a sausage he’d think of it as fellatio.

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Last Answer : I’d pork it, only after I became desperate mind, maybe 2 or 3 days in.

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Last Answer : Most animals are guided by smell. My guess is that something didn’t smell “right” to your guinea pig. Can you remove the stuffing from the old toy and wash the skin in a mild detergent with no scent? It might retain enough of the old smell that your pet will want to go back to its old habits.

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Last Answer : answer:sounds extremely stupid and pressuring students to pressure slackers can result in aggressiveness to increase in students. And call you by your numbers? When did education become a concentration ... hell with what they call equality, lowering the standard to work for everyone is destructive.

Description : What are your views about having a pig as a pet?

Last Answer : answer:If your place can accommodate a pig (assuming any kind of pig) it's totally great. But let me say this - although getting another dog would feel like you're replacing your dog who just passed (and I ... death. I always think that's a fine way to honor the memory of a pet who has just passed

Description : What is your favorite food to pig out on?

Last Answer : Raw veggies and dip, crackers and hummus, chips…. hmm. Apparently anything crunchy that can be dunked into something creamy. I think I just had a revelation.

Description : Which is worse? Hitting a moose or hitting a pig?

Last Answer : I don’t think a pig is going to come through the windshield. It might wipe out the car, but I think the driver would survive pretty well. And eat even better, afterward.

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Last Answer : Every. Day.

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Last Answer : It would make me a little squeamish to do it my self, but if I had to eat, yes I would do it. EDIT: didn’t think about it, but I’ve hunted and eaten what I caught. So I guess I can. Just that slaughtering a cow seems to be a different story.

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Last Answer : I pig out on chips. All kinds of chips. And I only workout because it’s mandatory so I guess no to the second part. xD

Description : Which one should i get a guinea Pig or a rabbit?

Last Answer : I can't stand Guinea Pigs, from what I remember there not that bad on maintence. Rabbits I have owned 12 from dwarfs very cute to big floppy eared ones we named him Floppsie. Not to bad but there ... plus you can get the part that produces the musk removed like spaying or neutering a dog or cat.

Description : Our guinea pig does not drink much - is it normal?

Last Answer : Hi: I just googled “Guinea Pig water intake” and several helpful links came up. Maybe that’s a good place to start. You have all the pertinent information like age, size of pig,etc… Good luck!

Description : Pigs are expert at finding Truffles,Truffles are worth a small fortune in resaurants around the world,so why don't we all own a Pig?

Last Answer : because I would cook mine mmmmm bacon

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Last Answer : Fill his mouth with soda and tell him a funny joke!!

Description : Would you take a guinea pig to the vet?

Last Answer : Does he have a common pattern on him? Seems like it might be cheaper to switch him out in the middle of the night. Man that is tough. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. You want to do the right ... go on and take him to the vet so your children will feel better. That's probably what I would do.

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Last Answer : I used to have one that we allowed to roam freely. (he was a fab little fellow that peed only in his cage;). To get food, he would HIDE in the kitchen for looooooooong periods of time under ... was a sweetie. Now, our Glinda .squeals with delight when ever she hears the veg bags moving around.

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Last Answer : You could get a used glass aquarium and put a wire mesh on top. That way he could not kick the bedding out.

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Last Answer : Bacon.

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Last Answer : answer:How ‘bout sash? [equal][equal]> sashay Or cash? [equal][equal]> caché. Will try to think of a non-ash word now.

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Last Answer : answer:I think a bright rosy red lipstick, it would definetly bring out the lips to look fuller, with a black sleeveless dress and a set of pretty lil white pearls, if going out for the evening. For day wear maybe a nice lil polka dotted dress. Yes, both would look quite lovely on a pig.

Description : My guinea pig is overwhelming my dad.

Last Answer : How is your guinea pig being naughty? With patience and treats that your guinea pig really loves, you can train him. Try getting him interested in something else when he's doing something unacceptable.

Description : Actress Zsa Gabor played the pigs owner? What it a real pig?

Last Answer : Arnold Ziffel was owned by Fred and Doris Ziffel who treated him like a son. He was an American Yorkshire breed pig. Frank Inn trained Arnold. He trained all the animals seen on rural TV comedies. Arnold ... Inn in the 1960s. In most of the Green Acres episodes, Arnold was played by a female piglet.

Description : I give my guinea pig veggies, but she won't eat them. The only thing that she eats is the guinea pig food that I get from the pet store. Should I be concerned? Is there a way to get her to eat her veggies?

Last Answer : In the wild, guinea pigs feed on fruits and veggies. It's important to feed a guinea pig as close as possible to its natural diet. Fresh fruits and veggies are an important source of Vitamin C as ... Perhaps cut down on the other food and try offering small bits of a variety of fruits and veggies.

Description : I feed my guinea pig food especially created for guinea pigs. Does he need anything else in his diet?

Last Answer : Guinea pigs, like humans, don't manufacture their own vitamin C. Your guinea pig needs fresh foods high in vitamin C to remain healthy. Some fresh foods to include are red and green peppers, ... can also give him a liquid vitamin C children's supplement. Liquid is easier to administer than tablets.

Description : content:

Last Answer : You have to check local laws to see if your area is zoned for keeping agricultural animals as pets. The name teacup is misleading because when full-grown, they can weigh 40 lbs. and up. You can't ... but need lots of time and attention so be sure you're willing to take on the commitment necessary.

Description : content:

Last Answer : It depends on the laws in your city. In some places they are considered livestock, not pets and are not acceptable. Check with city authorities or if you have a homeowners' association and possibly local shelters about owning a pig in your area.

Description : Anything on guinea pig care would be appreciated! Cages, food, toys, breeders, beds, hay, water bottles, dishes, etc. FYI- I will probably make a C&C cage. :)

Last Answer : We have a pretty comprehensive article on Guinea Pigs in The Pet Wiki. It should cover what you're looking for: http://thepetwiki.com/Guinea_Pigs Good luck!

Description : What are some good guinea pig names? Anything will help!

Last Answer : We had a guinea pig and named him Fluff. Eventually we got him a friend and called her Puff. I loved the names Fluff and Puff. You can also be ironic and give your pig a name like Butch, or Clyde. ... sweet animals. No matter what you name him or her, you'll have a lot fun with your new friend.

Description : I have wanted a guinea pig for a long time. I've done almost a year of reasearch, but my dad won't let me get one. How can I convince him to let me have one? All reccomendations would be helpful. :)

Last Answer : We have a great article on convincing your parents to let you get a pet. Here it is: http://thepetwiki.com/Convincing_Parents_to_Get_a_Pet Good luck! I hope that you can show them that you're responsible and they let you get your guinea pig!

Description : We've had our guinea pig for over 3 years. All of a sudden he started chewing on the bars of the cage. What's going on?

Last Answer : He could be bored. Let him out of his cage more, give him toys. Hope it helps!

Description : I've had my guinea pig for four months. He has never warmed up to me. Why is he so scared? What can I do to make him like me?

Last Answer : Treats, but it might just be his personality... :(

Description : I'm having trouble deciding which i should get. What are the pros and cons of each?

Last Answer : For both guinea pig and rat, the initial expense can be high for cage and accessories. They are both interesting to watch and both are gnawers. Both need exercise and handlling out of the cage. They should ... pigs are larger and eat more. They both make good pets - the choice has to be yours.

Description : My Guinea pig feels very warm and is behaving differently, slower and less attentive. What can I do if he has a fever and the vet is closed?

Last Answer : If your guinea pig has a fever he will probably become dehydrated. Try offering him some grated apple or small pieces of orange. DO NOT medicate your guinea pig on your own. If your vet ... small animals and can be very sensitive to any medications which should only be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Description : How big does a pet pig grow to be?

Last Answer : Pot-bellied pigs grow to be about the size of a medium or large dog. There is disagreement among breeders about weight and the wide range can be 20-300 lbs. Pot-bellied pigs are believed to be overweight if ... ground. You should be able to see the entire eyes of the pig if it is the proper weight.

Description : What are some good tips for keeping your pig happy?

Last Answer : Pigs make great pets. They are highly intelligent, learn quickly, are playful. They can be demanding and require a lot of time and mental stimulation. They can live up to 18 years and more, so having one is ... must be given. Train you pig to do tricks - they love to learn and it keeps them busy.

Description : content:

Last Answer : If you have a large enough cage, your guinea pig will get some exercise especially if there are toys available to keep him/her busy. But they do need to use their muscles to keep fit and trim. If ... feeding too much. Cut back about 10% of feed - that and the exercise should pare down the pounds.

Description : Yard full of pig ear weeds Help what do I do?

Last Answer : dig out plant with gloves on get rid of the leaves............this is toxic to animals.

Description : Hidden in the poem below, a female's name you'll seek; just read and listen to the rhyme, but please, don't take a week! MYSTERY POEM: A pig that is not dirty, I might just one day see; but pigs and soap suds do not mix, in bathtub history! What is the female name you hear? -Riddles

Last Answer : DAISY.

Description : Do you get when you cross a pig with a dinosaur? -Riddles

Last Answer : Jurassic pork!

Description : What do you give a sick pig? -Riddles

Last Answer : An 'oinkment

Description : What did the falling space rock say when it landed in a pig farm? -Riddles

Last Answer : Move over bacon, here comes something Meteor!

Description : What do you call a pig that does karate? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Porkchop.

Description : A pig lives in a pig farm, a cow lives in a cow farm, a sheep lives in a sheep farm, a chiken lives in a chiken farm. Where do horses live? -Riddles

Last Answer : On a ranch.

Description : You walk into a room with a rabbit holding a carrot, a pig eating slop, and a chimp holding a banana. Which animal in the room is the smartest? -Riddles

Last Answer : You, hopefully.

Description : Why was the pig a bad teammate? -Riddles

Last Answer : He was a ball hog.