do you use them with your baby?

1 Answer

Answer :

None, she has very good skin. Once it was flushed due to a virus, we used butt cream.

Related questions

Description : Cornexin's new instant salty porridge came out this week. In principle, it has a taste of Milan, Carbonara and Gyrosos. Have you tried anyone? What are your opinions? 

Last Answer : Haven't tried yet, but it might be interesting. I'll taste it: D

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Is that peas mixed?

Last Answer : No need to mix. All you have to do is boil it and make a spread as needed, preferably for bacon.

Description : It is terribly rare

Last Answer : Stewed onion, to "light brown". : o Why did you put so much water in there ???

Description : How many syllables in porridge?

Last Answer : Two. Por - ridge.

Description : Does anyone actually use the microwave popcorn setting?

Last Answer : Yes, it works great on my machine.

Description : Why do popcorn "recipes" always suggest using oil?

Last Answer : I just googled “popcorn recipe without oil” and all kinds of sites came up.

Description : What is your favorite part of popcorn?

Last Answer : I am not a fan of popcorn. I hate those shell skins sticking to the inside of my mouths.

Description : Is my movie theater popcorn still good after 48 hours?

Last Answer : It’s probably OK but possibly a bit soft although sticking it in the microwave cab help with that.

Description : Do you get annoyed when people crunch on popcorn (with their mouth open) in the movie theater?

Last Answer : answer:Anyone making any noise in the movie theater (beyond, maybe, blending in ‘laugh track style’) drives me to distraction. I seldom visit the movie theater for that reason.

Description : Spare a few tips on making a popcorn garland?

Last Answer : answer:We used to do this when I was a kid - usually we'd add a cranberry for every five or ten kernels of popcorn. But we didn't have pets in the house. My cats would pull down all sorts of things ... room with the tree, so they're not tempted to pull it down when you're not there to watch them?

Description : Will Choclo make popcorn?

Last Answer : This might help with the popcorn questions. I am unfamiliar with Choclo so I cannot say whether or not it will pop.

Description : If you had to choose between a sweet snack(cookies, pastry, cake) or a salty snack(chips, nuts, popcorn). Which would you choose?

Last Answer : Depends on my mood. Both are good. Would vote more towards salty though. I love salty things.

Description : What's a good popcorn maker?

Last Answer : I like the Whirley Pop. It’s a stovetop one, but the crank mechanism really keeps it from burning. Although if you leave it on there after the corn stops popping, I’m sure it would still burn!

Description : What is your favorite popcorn topping?

Last Answer : Garlic powder or minced garlic if I have some fresh in the house.

Description : What's your reaction to the $7.2 million "Popcorn Lung" jury award?

Last Answer : answer:Well, one can hardly blame the customer for not knowing excessive popcorn consumption can kill you. 2 bags doesn’t seem like a whole lot. My grandfather ate a bag of popcorn every night for as long as I’ve been alive. Everyone else – a plague on both your houses!

Description : Do teeth really do a "popcorn thing" if they get too hot?

Last Answer : I just watched it and was wondering the same thing.

Description : Have you ever started a fire by making microwave popcorn?

Last Answer : I never have, but I love how you put the bag outside and then soaked it in water. I am a freak about fire too. When I blow out a match I run it under water before I throw it out. I rarely light candles. I never leave anything flammable on the stove or stored in an oven.

Description : What's a better "bad" snack? Potato chips, popcorn or corn (cheese) puffs?

Last Answer : Tell you what. Provide me with a sample bowl of each, and I’ll get back to you.

Description : What is a popcorn kernel composed of?

Last Answer : answer:C’mon @pshizzle, you should know better (being around Fluther for 900 + Lurve points) that that is a no-go-area. Fluther isn’t the place to ask for followers for your Tumblr page. Edit: Ah, great, you changed the question.

Description : What would you think about this situation (for fun). Details (and a box of Pink Elephant Popcorn inside)

Last Answer : Could it be possible he’s entertaining company that has an interest in those particular movies?

Description : What unusual toppings do you put on your popcorn?

Last Answer : That’ll be vomit, me no like popcorn :¬(

Description : Can I make regular popcorn in the microwave?

Last Answer : There is essentially no difference in the corn itself. However, the “grease” that is included in the bag is optimized to help the corn pop under microwave conditions. You can get microwave popcorn bowls that have a base where the corn fits and a plastic lid that inverts to become a bowl.

Description : What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Do you add stuff to it?

Last Answer : Just like to pop it up in a pot with some veggie oil, dump into a bowl, and douse with SALT!!!! Orville Redenbocker ONLY!

Description : Do you refrigerate popcorn?

Last Answer : I keep mine in the freezer. But I buy the bags. It makes a good ice pack if you need one, and I find I get fewer old maids.

Description : Is there a secret to get more popcorn kernels to pop?

Last Answer : The only trick is to apply exactly the correct amount of heat for the correct length of time, and each batch is variable, so there is no fixed answer.

Description : What makes the popcorn at the cinema more delicious than the popcorn being prepared at home alone?

Last Answer : I think this pops down to one answer… did not have to fix it yourself.

Description : Is it bad if my urine smells like buttered popcorn?

Last Answer : Do you mean that you urinate in the shower? Have you eaten something unusual? Do you have popcorn-flavoured soap or shampoo?

Description : Does your cellphone pop popcorn?

Last Answer : We tried this at work and it didn’t work. I call a hoax.

Description : Is it possible to make healthy popcorn and, if so, how?

Last Answer : Popcorn by itself is fairly healthy. It’s when you add butter, salt, or butter-flavored goo on it that it becomes unhealthy. At least, that’s what I’ve always been told.

Description : How do you keep your popcorn ceilings free of dust?

Last Answer : Scraping is not as bad as you think. Just cover everything in plastic and go to it. It’s so worth it in the long run.

Description : Did popcorn taste better when Mom made it?

Last Answer : my mum couldn’t make popcorn. in fact, she couldn’t realy cook. and neither could my dad. all the home made food was horrible.

Description : Are there other types of seeds that "pop" into a new form besides Popcorn?

Last Answer : amaranth seeds. much tinier than popcorn; yummy; I ate popped amaranth when I was in Peru.

Description : What's the best kind of microwave popcorn?

Last Answer : Ah I can't remember the name.. But the best stuff i've had was this organic black kernel popcorn. The stuff popped super white and it had almost a sweet taste to it. I'll see if i can come up with the name.

Description : A recipe for old fashioned popcorn balls?

Last Answer : answer:Ingredients * 2 cups white sugar * 1½ cups water * ½ cup light corn syrup * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract * 5 quarts popped popcorn * 1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar * ½ teaspoon salt Directions 1 ... and shape into balls. Mixture will be hot so be careful. Place balls on waxed paper to cool.

Description : how do you store popped popcorn so it doesn't get stale?

Last Answer : answer:The best way to keep food as that is to put it in a container as airtight as possible. Exposure to the air will make it stale. Any storage should be DRY and do not freeze it as ... a vacuum. -Tightest hard plastic storage containers with lids. -Ziplock bags -Your stomach -Your dog's stomach

Description : Why do I fail at making popcorn?

Last Answer : Are you microwaving or cooking on the stovetop? (I assume you’re not using an air popper).

Description : What do you call popcorn?

Last Answer : answer:Popcorn with salt, butter, etc. Sweet is called Kettle Corn.

Description : How to remove a popcorn ceiling

Last Answer : answer:It's going to be a big job-the removal isn't so tough, but the underlayment (adhesives) will require extra work to remove, and the cracks that were probably being hidden by the ... are chemicals (cough), tools and solutions that are specially made for this kind of texture removal process.

Description : How does popcorn work...?

Last Answer :

Description : What are these cellphones doing to the popcorn?

Last Answer : the radiation causes heat and the popcorn pops. i also know someone who did a science fair project similar to this, but instead of corn they used an egg. it turned hardboiled in less than ... its amazing how much radiation is emitted through cellphones and there should be a ban on certain models.

Description : Popcorn Fabric?

Last Answer : Do you have a picture of the type of fabric you are looking for? The only time I have heard the term ‘popcorn fabric’ used is in regards to describing a chenille fabric pattern and that would not be material that stretches. It is usually used in bedspreads.

Description : content:

Last Answer : Yes, birds really enjoy popcorn either popped or unpopped as a treat. But use only hot air-popped popcorn. Don't add oil, butter or salt and don't use popcorn that includes these ingredients.

Description : I had two popcorn trees removed from my back yard. Now how can I get rid of the remaining roots

Last Answer : drill 3/4 hole ( at center of trunk ) to 4 " deep. than fill up with used engine oil. That's it will rotten entirely root . good luck.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What is the fungus on an Azalea bush that looks like molded popcorn?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why don't zombies eat popcorn with their fingers? -Riddles

Last Answer : Because they prefer to eat their fingers separately.

Description : Who invented popcorn?

Last Answer : American Indians

Description : how much should I eat popcorn?

Last Answer : great

Description : Where can I buy popcorn gift baskets?

Last Answer : stove-top kettle or pot in a home kitchen