I'm used to being hungry at night and I can't get back to sleep until I eat something.

1 Answer

Answer :

After a hearty dinner, I can handle it until morning. I prefer to sleep at night. ☺

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Last Answer : Oh no! Not this again!

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Last Answer : answer:He may be very interested in you but scared of losing his job for crossing the line of sexual harassment. Flirting in the workplace can be very dangerous. Smile whenever you catch his eye, say hi if you ... the best thing is hey, a couple of us are going out after work, can you join us?

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Last Answer : With enough conversational skill, the right audience, and sufficient forethought, a man can say pretty much whatever he likes.

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Last Answer : answer:All M&M's taste the same to me. Yes, I judge food by the taste. Sometimes I like/dislike foods perhaps for the health value, or lack thereof, but very rarely. Sometimes by smell, but I'll almost ... if it's a color that says this here food's been spoiled for quite a bit, but otherwise, eh.

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Last Answer : Depends on the guy, some are that confident (or have just that big of an ego) and others may not and to avoid being emotionally hurt may play games, let what comes come, or never approach at all.

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Last Answer : yeah well shopping can suck because of the sizes and how its overpriced. Go to jc penney online or look up chico’s if you’ve got that kind of money.

Description : What are some songs "everyone" likes?

Last Answer : Neil Diamond – Sweet Caroline The Beatles – Yellow Submarine The Mamas and the Papas – California Dreaming Johnny Cash – Walk the Line Frank Sinatra – LOVE Jason Mraz – Lucky Peter, Paul & Mary – Leaving on a Jet Plane I think.

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Last Answer : The best fantasy novel I’ve read lately was The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (At least I think it’d be considered fantasy)

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Last Answer : Mulva!

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Last Answer : Confess the truth. Tell her about the four days you dated, the profession of forever love you two made to each other, and your plan to have his child at 24. Maybe tomorrow you could confess this all to ... a wedding gown for you and a bridesmaid dress for her. Never to early to plan for forever ...